
機上盒 - 市場佔有率分析、產業趨勢與統計、成長預測(2024 - 2029)

Set-Top Box - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內





機上盒 - 市場

政府在 COVID-19 大流行期間實施封鎖以阻止病毒傳播,這影響了許多電信服務供應商的供應鏈。


  • 對更高影像解析度的需求推動了對提供高清和超高清內容的機上盒的需求,這與高清電視銷量的成長並行。此外,對安卓機上盒的強勁需求主要推動了市場的成長,以提高與訂戶的互動並為每位會員的家庭娛樂服務創造價值。此外,隨著機上盒提高了有線電視的質量,由於各種增值服務(例如高清頻道、頻道包訂閱和互動影片)的優勢,機上盒在有線電視網路中得到了廣泛採用。
  • STB 市場也受到政府規定強制安裝機上盒、STB 製造商部署基於作業系統的設備以及發展中國家從類比關閉到數位關閉的轉變的推動。例如,印度政府修訂了《有線電視網路(監管)法》以強制要求機上盒。由於數位傳輸,機上盒提供了更好的觀看體驗,並有助於防止印度非法頻道的廣播。
  • 技術創新促使了各種配備各種功能的機上盒的開發,使得各個機上盒提供者之間的競爭變得激烈。數位錄影是最重要的功能,可以讓觀眾觀看和錄製他們喜愛的節目。此外,由於大多數國家/地區都在開發 5G,市場參與者正在整合新功能,使機上盒與 5G 網路相容。
  • 2021 年 9 月,為了解決 COVID-19 對供應鏈造成的干擾,Airtel DTH 部門宣布打算在 2021 年底前停止進口高清機上盒並生產本地生產的機上盒。在一項類似的策略舉措中,Airtel 的主要競爭對手 Tata Sky 與 Technicolor 合作,在印度國內生產機上盒套餐。
  • 根據《2021 年歐洲數位電視產業調查》,約35% 的受訪者認為機上盒是電視業者主張中極為有用的元素,但並非不可取代,另有36% 的受訪者認為機上盒只是其中之一。電視營運商今天必須向客戶提供的選項並不比任何其他選項更有價值。此外,10% 的受訪者表示,機上盒是電視業者主張的核心,並將繼續存在。
  • OTT與機上盒的融合是推動市場成長的另一個突出因素。 OTT 的日益普及促進了混合機上盒的發展,可提供對直播電視的 OTT 內容存取。在 OTT 平台上花費的時間增加也帶來了提供混合解決方案的新機會。此次疫情對OTT服務的普及也起到了非常重要的推動作用。 2021 年 8 月,家庭網路解決方案知名廠商康普宣布與 Evoca 合作,為其用戶提供由 Android TV 和整合式雙多模調諧器支援的機上盒解決方案。機上盒旨在將無線傳輸與網路傳輸 (OTT) 內容結合在一起。它符合 ATSC 3.0,有助於確保更高的視訊和音訊品質、提高壓縮效率和個人化。
  • COVID-19 大流行導致政府實施封鎖以遏制病毒傳播。各國實施的封鎖影響了各個電信服務供應商的供應鏈。此外,封鎖和在家工作的情況增加了看電視的時間。根據美國勞工統計局2021年美國人時間利用調查,美國人平均每天除了睡覺外,大部分時間都花在看電視上3.1小時,略多於工作時間。這可能會推動市場呈指數級成長。



  • 全高清解析度寬度為 1920 像素,高度為 1080 像素。高畫質機上盒可顯示高畫質和標清頻道。相比之下,標準畫質機上盒通常只能觀看標清頻道。此外,高清傳輸具有 16:9 的寬高比,而不是具有 4:3 寬高比並在當代大型電視顯示器上留下兩個黑邊的標清。
  • 根據全高清規格,水平解析度為1920像素,比最大水平視野的1/2窄,與超高清解析度相比,影像略有壓縮。這個水平解析度換算成水平視野(FOV)時相當於「32度」。
  • 由於過去五年 1080 像素顯示器充斥市場,高清已成為新常態。由於對可靠內容以及將高清機上盒連接到顯示器和電視的靈活性的需求不斷成長,它們是觀看體驗的有用補充。此外,由於其他附加平台的出現,傳統機上盒可以接觸更多受眾。例如,沃達豐電視於 2021 年 10 月在其機上盒中引入了 Facebook Watch,以加速其高清內容在歐洲的推出。
  • 大多數機上盒繼續提供高清內容作為中端市場產品,而高階機上盒則轉向 4K 和 8K 節目。相比之下,低階機上盒主要提供標清。由於藍光技術的發展,高清媒體得以擴展並成為業界的中流砥柱。高清串流媒體通常可以在機上盒訂閱中與標清一起使用,但成本較高。高清機上盒也促進了市場從以前使用的 VGA 電纜轉向 HDMI 電纜,後者允許透過單一電纜傳輸音訊和視訊。高清機上盒和類比電視之間的主要區別在於它們可以接收的頻道數量。
  • 據TRAI稱,塔塔集團旗下公司Tata Sky在2021年上半年在印度DTH市場的佔有率最高,約為33%。在測量的時間內,該營運商領先Airtel,其次是Dish TV和太陽直接。除Dish TV市場佔有率下降外,其餘DTH營運商當年進一步鞏固了對市場的控制力。


  • 北美在採用最新技術方面始終保持領先地位。技術進步、對更高品質視訊的日益重視以及強大的技術介面是推動該地區機上盒市場的主要因素。該地區的機上盒(STB)市場已達到嚴重飽和階段。然而,區域供應商不斷採取措施添加創新功能,以跟上市場的整體成長以及客戶不斷變化的需求。
  • 由於付費電視服務的衰落,MobiTV 等公司已開始提供免機上盒的 IPTV 服務。由於付費電視用戶的市場飽和和激烈的競爭,北美(一個較為成熟的行業)的供應商不斷嘗試為其機上盒添加功能,例如閘道器功能、安全性和高清功能。 2021 年 8 月,Evoca 選擇全球家庭網路解決方案供應商康普為其用戶提供配備 Android TV 以及雙多模 ATSC 3.0 和 ATSC 1.0 調諧器的最新機上盒解決方案。
  • OTT 滲透率的不斷提高帶動了該地區智慧電視滲透率的提高。因此,市場上的各個參與者都在推出新產品來滿足不斷成長的需求。例如,2021 年 9 月,亞馬遜宣布銷售其客製化的 4K 智慧電視系列。這些電視將與先鋒和東芝合作製造,並內建 Alexa 和 Fire TV 軟體。這些電視最初以 43 吋和 50 吋的小尺寸推出,計劃在 2022 年中期推出 55 吋、66 吋和 75 吋的產品。這些電視預計僅在北美地區銷售。因此,隨著智慧電視銷售的上升,該地區對機上盒的需求也預計將同步增加。
  • 此外,2021年8月,TCL宣布推出新款5系列和6系列電視。這些電視在美國預售,隨後在加拿大上市。具有免持語音控制功能的 TCL 系列 5 和 6 電視利用 Google Assistant 搜尋超過 700,000 部電影和電視劇集、回答問題以及管理智慧家庭設備等任務。
  • 2022 年 1 月,Roku, Inc. 宣布與夏普合作,向美國客戶推出夏普 Roku 電視機型。根據合作夥伴關係,夏普 Roku 電視型號將整合 Roku OS,為客戶提供可自訂的主螢幕、與三大語音生態系統的兼容性以及對多個頻道的訪問,包括 200 多個直播電影片道。
  • 第二次年度「電視的未來」消費者研究結果顯示,由於有線電視訂閱量下降,約 27% 的美國有線電視訂戶希望在 2021 年底前取消訂閱。 The Trade Desk 於 2020 年 12 月 4 日至 8 日期間進行了調查,樣本量為 2,105 名美國受訪者。因此,這將提高該地區機上盒的整體需求。



  • 2021 年 9 月 - Technicolor 為 TIM 實施了下一代 Android 電視機上盒 (STB),讓義大利家庭能夠存取廣播公司和 OTT (OTT) 供應商(例如 Netflix、Amazon、Infinity、迪士尼+和DAZN。這些機上盒基於 Technicolor Connected Home 的 JADE 平台構建,該平台配備 Wi-Fi 6、Android 10 以及可隨時添加的週邊設備,包括遠場語音和 PVR。作為此部署的一部分,Technicolor Connected Home 打算發布更新的軟體版本,以使目前的 TIM 客戶能夠存取附加服務。
  • 2021 年 8 月 - Evoca 選擇康普為用戶提供最新一代 Android TV 機上盒,內建雙多模 ATSC 3.0 和 ATSC 1.0 調諧器。這種技術組合正在向全體公眾開放。此外,它使服務提供者能夠利用其廣播網路並為其美國客戶提供先進的電視觀看體驗。
  • 2021 年 8 月 - Tata Sky 推出了與 Technicolor Connected Home 和 Flextronics 合作創建的「印度製造機上盒」。 Technicolor Connected Home 與 Flextronics 合作,於 2021 年 6 月在欽奈開始批量生產為 Tata Sky 開發的高科技盒子。
  • 2021 年 7 月 - Technicolor Connected Home 將 Google 的遠場語音技術整合到其最新一代 STB(機上盒)中,使用戶能夠更換頻道、搜尋內容,並透過 Google Assistant 更加免持。 Google Assistant 和 Technicolor 互聯家庭機上盒的整合為消費者有效管理家庭安全自動化、智慧揚聲器和其他物聯網應用鋪平了道路。


  • Excel 格式的市場估算 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持


第 1 章:簡介

  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 研究範圍

第 2 章:研究方法

第 3 章:執行摘要

第 4 章:市場洞察

  • 市場概況
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 消費者的議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 競爭激烈程度
    • 替代品的威脅
  • 產業利害關係人分析
  • 評估 COVID-19 對市場的影響
  • 技術簡介

第 5 章:市場動態

  • 市場促進因素
    • 高水準的技術創新
    • 新興市場擴大採用機上盒
    • 基於作業系統的設備的部署
  • 市場限制
    • 不斷發展的線上 OTT 服務/平台

第 6 章:技術概覽

  • 機上盒的演變、關鍵合作以及持續的技術發展

第 7 章:市場區隔

  • 依技術
    • 衛星/DTH
    • 網路電視
    • 電纜
    • 其他類型(DTT 和 OTT)
  • 依解析度
    • 標清
    • 高畫質
    • 超高清及更高
  • 依地理
    • 北美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
      • 印度
    • 世界其他地區

第 8 章:供應商市佔率分析

  • 供應商市佔率 機上盒市場

第 9 章:競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • ARRIS International PLC (CommScope Inc.)
    • Technicolor SA
    • Intek Digital Inc.
    • HUMAX Electronics Co. Ltd
    • ZTE Corporation
    • Skyworth Digital Ltd
    • Sagemcom SAS
    • Gospell Digital Technology Co. Limited
    • Kaon Media Co. Limited
    • Shenzhen Coship Electronics Co. Ltd
    • Evolution Digital LLC
    • Shenzhen SDMC Technology Co. Ltd

第 10 章:投資分析

第 11 章:市場的未來

Product Code: 66499

The Set-Top Box Market size is estimated at USD 267.52 million in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 336.75 million by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 4.71% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Set-Top Box - Market

The government imposed lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic to stop the virus's transmission, which had impacted the supply chains of numerous telecom service providers.

Key Highlights

  • The need for set-top boxes that deliver HD and UHD content is driven by the need for higher picture resolution, which is parallel to the rising sales of high-definition TVs. In addition, the strong demand for an android set-top box for improving engagement with subscribers and creating value for every member's home entertainment service is primarily driving the market's growth. Moreover, as set-top box enhances the quality of cable networks, it is well adopted in cable networks due to the benefits of various value-added services, like HD channels, channel pack subscriptions, and interactive videos.
  • The STB market is also being driven by government rules mandating the installation of set-top boxes, the deployment of OS-based devices by STB makers, and the move from analogue switch-off to digital switch-off in developing nations. For instance, the Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act was amended by the Indian government to mandate STBs. Due to digital transmissions, set-top boxes offer a better viewing experience and aid in preventing the broadcast of illegal channels in India.
  • Technological innovations led to the development of a wide range of STBs equipped with various features, making competition fierce among the various set-top-box providers. Digital video recording is the most crucial feature that allows viewers to watch and record their favourite shows. Additionally, market participants are incorporating new features to make the STB compatible with 5G networks since 5G is being developed throughout most countries.
  • In September 2021, to address the disruption to the supply chain caused by COVID-19, the Airtel DTH unit announced intentions to stop importing high-definition set-top boxes by the end of 2021 and manufacture locally produced set-top boxes. In a comparable strategic move, Tata Sky, the key rival of Airtel, teamed up with Technicolor to create set-top packages domestically in India.
  • According to Digital TV Europe Industry Survey 2021, about 35% of the respondents suggested that the set-top box is an extremely useful element in the TV operator's proposition but is not irreplaceable, while a further 36% take the view that it is only one option the TV operator must reach customers today and is no more valuable than any other. In addition, 10% of the respondents suggested that the box is central to the TV operator's proposition and is here to stay.
  • The integration of OTT and set-top box is another prominent factor driving the market's growth. The growing popularity of OTT has led to the development of hybrid set-top boxes that offer OTT content access to live TV. The increased time spent on OTT platforms has also led to new opportunities to provide a hybrid solution. The pandemic has also played a very significant role in propelling the adoption of OTT services. In August 2021, CommScope, a prominent player in-home network solutions, announced that it has partnered with Evoca to provide its subscribers with set-top solutions powered by Android TV and integrated dual multimode tuners. The set-top box is designed to bring together over-the-air with over-the-top (OTT) content. It meets the ATSC 3.0, which helps in ensuring higher video and audio quality, improved compression efficiency, and personalization.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic led to lockdowns enforced by the government to curb the spread of the virus. The lockdown imposed across countries has affected the supply chains of various telecom service providers. In addition, lockdowns and work-from-home scenarios increased the time spent watching television. As per the 2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics' American Time Use Survey, apart from sleeping, Americans spend an average of 3.1 hours per day most of their time watching television, which is slightly more time than they spend working. This would likely propel the market growth exponentially.

Set Top Box Market Trends

HD Resolution Held the Largest Market Share

  • There are 1920 pixels in width & 1080 pixels in height in full HD resolution. A High Definition set-top box can display both high-definition and standard definition channels. In contrast, a Standard Definition set-top box can often only view standard definition channels. Moreover, instead of SD, which has a 4:3 aspect ratio and leaves the two black margins on contemporary large TV displays, HD transmissions have a 16:9 wide aspect ratio.
  • According to the Full HD specifications, the horizontal resolution is 1920 pixels, which is narrower than 1/2 of the maximum horizontal field of view and results in a slightly compressed image compared to UHD resolutions. This horizontal resolution is equivalent to "32 degrees" when converted into the horizontal field of view (FOV).
  • Since 1080-pixel monitors have inundated the market over the past five years, HD has emerged as the new norm. Due to the rising need for reliable content and the flexibility of connecting HD STBs to monitors and TVs, they are a useful addition to watching experiences. Moreover, due to the advent of other additional platforms, a bigger audience can be reached by conventional STBs. For instance, Vodafone TV introduced Facebook Watch to its STB to accelerate its HD content rollout in Europe in October 2021.
  • The majority of STBs continue to offer HD content as their median market product offering, with the higher-end STBs shifting toward 4K and 8K programming. In contrast, the lower-end STBs mainly offer SD. HD media expanded and became a mainstay in the industry due to the development of Blu-ray technology. HD streaming is often available with SD in STB subscriptions but at a higher cost. The market's move from previously utilized VGA cables to HDMI cables, which allowed for the transfer of both audio and video over a single cable, was also facilitated by HD STBs. The main distinction between HD set-top boxes and analogue TVs is the number of channels they can receive.
  • According to TRAI, Tata Sky, a company of the Tata Group, recorded the highest share of about 33% of the Indian DTH market during the first half of 2021. During the measured time, the operator was ahead of Airtel, followed by Dish TV and Sun Direct. The remaining DTH operators further solidified their control of the market that year, except for Dish TV, which suffered a fall in its market shares.

North America is Expected to Hold a Significant Share of the Market

  • North America has consistently maintained the lead in adopting the latest technologies. The technological advancements, the growing emphasis on better quality videos, and powerful technological interfaces are the major factors driving the set-top box market in the region. The region's market for set-top boxes (STBs) has reached a significant saturation stage. However, the regional providers are constantly taking initiatives to add innovative features to keep up with the overall growth of the market as well as the changing requirements of the customer.
  • Players like MobiTV have started offering set-top box-free IPTV services due to the decline of the pay-TV offerings. Vendors in North America (a somewhat mature industry) are continually attempting to add features to their STBs, such as gateway capabilities, security, and HD functionality, due to the market saturation of pay-TV users and fierce competition. In August 2021, Evoca chose CommScope, a global provider of home network solutions, to provide its subscribers with the newest set-top solutions outfitted with Android TV and dual multimode ATSC 3.0 and ATSC 1.0 tuners.
  • The increasing penetration of OTT has led to the increased penetration of smart televisions across the region. Therefore, various players in the market are launching new products to cater to the growing demand. For instance, in September 2021, Amazon announced the sale of its customized line-up of 4K smart televisions. These TVs will be made in collaboration with Pioneer and Toshiba and feature built-in Alexa and Fire TV software. These TVs were initially launched in small 43-inch and 50-inch sizes and are planned to be launched in 55-, 66-, and 75-inch offerings by mid-2022. These TVs are slated to be sold exclusively in the North American region. Hence, with the rise in the sales of smart televisions, the demand for Set-Top boxes is also expected to increase in the region simultaneously.
  • Furthermore, in August 2021, TCL announced the launch of new five and 6-series TVs. These TVs were made available for pre-sale in the United States, followed by a launch in Canada. TCL Series 5 and 6 televisions with hands-free voice control leverage Google Assistant to search over 700,000 movies and TV episodes, answer questions, and manage smart home devices, among other tasks.
  • In January 2022, Roku, Inc. announced partnering with Sharp to bring Sharp Roku TV models to US customers. According to the partnership, Sharp Roku TV models will come integrated with Roku OS, providing the customers with a customizable home screen, compatibility with the three major voice ecosystems, and access to many channels, including over 200 live TV channels.
  • Around 27% of US cable TV subscribers want to cancel their subscriptions by the end of 2021 due to the decline in cable TV subscriptions, according to the results of the second annual "Future of TV" consumer study. The Trade Desk surveyed between December 4 and 8, 2020, using a sample size of 2,105 persons in the US. Thus, this will enhance the overall demand for Set-Top boxes in the region.

Set Top Box Industry Overview

The Set-Top Box industry has witnessed many changes over the past several years and has become more diverse than ever. The players continuously innovate and seek market expansion through strategic mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships.

  • September 2021 - Technicolor implemented next-generation Android TV set-top boxes (STBs) for TIM to provide Italian homes with access to premium services offered by broadcasters and over-the-top (OTT) providers, such as Netflix, Amazon, Infinity, Disney+, and DAZN. The STBs are built on the JADE platform from Technicolor Connected Home, which features Wi-Fi 6, Android 10, and ready-to-add-on peripherals, including far-field voice and PVRs. Technicolor Connected Home intends to release an updated software version as part of this deployment to give current TIM customers access to additional services.
  • August 2021 - Evoca chose Commscope to provide subscribers with the recent generation of Android TV-powered set-top boxes with built-in dual multimode ATSC 3.0 and ATSC 1.0 tuners. This technology combination is being made accessible to the entire public. Moreover, it enables the service provider to take advantage of its broadcast network and offer its American clients a sophisticated TV viewing experience.
  • August 2021 - The "Made in India set-top boxes," created in collaboration with Technicolor Connected Home and Flextronics, were introduced by Tata Sky. The mass production of high-tech boxes developed for Tata Sky by Technicolor Connected Home started in Chennai, in collaboration with Flextronics, in June 2021.
  • July 2021 - Technicolor Connected Home integrated Google's far-field voice technology into its latest generation of STBs (set-top boxes), enabling users to change channels, search for content, and be more hands-free with Google Assistant. Integrating Google Assistant and Technicolor Connected Home STBs paves the way for consumers to effectively manage home security automation, smart speakers, and other IoT applications.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
    • 4.2.5 Threat of Substitutes
  • 4.3 Industry Stakeholder Analysis
  • 4.4 Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Market
  • 4.5 Technology Snapshot


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 High Levels of Technological Innovations
    • 5.1.2 Increasing Adoption of Set-Top Boxes in the Emerging Markets
    • 5.1.3 Deployment of OS-based Devices
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 Growing Online OTT Services/Platform


  • 6.1 Evolution of Set-top Boxes, Key Collaborations, and Ongoing Technological Developments


  • 7.1 By Technology
    • 7.1.1 Satellite/DTH
    • 7.1.2 IPTV
    • 7.1.3 Cable
    • 7.1.4 Other Types (DTT and OTT)
  • 7.2 By Resolution
    • 7.2.1 SD
    • 7.2.2 HD
    • 7.2.3 Ultra-HD and Higher
  • 7.3 By Geography
    • 7.3.1 North America
    • 7.3.2 Europe
    • 7.3.3 Asia Pacific
      • India
    • 7.3.4 Rest of the World


  • 8.1 Vendor Market Share Set-top Box Market


  • 9.1 Company Profiles
    • 9.1.1 ARRIS International PLC (CommScope Inc.)
    • 9.1.2 Technicolor SA
    • 9.1.3 Intek Digital Inc.
    • 9.1.4 HUMAX Electronics Co. Ltd
    • 9.1.5 ZTE Corporation
    • 9.1.6 Skyworth Digital Ltd
    • 9.1.7 Sagemcom SAS
    • 9.1.8 Gospell Digital Technology Co. Limited
    • 9.1.9 Kaon Media Co. Limited
    • 9.1.10 Shenzhen Coship Electronics Co. Ltd
    • 9.1.11 Evolution Digital LLC
    • 9.1.12 Shenzhen SDMC Technology Co. Ltd