

Development of Image Signal Processors and Computational Photography and Progress in Overcoming Physical Limitations of Smartphone Cameras

出版日期: | 出版商: TrendForce | 英文 11 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


如今,使用智慧型手機拍照已成為人們記錄和分享日常記憶的常見方式。 相機性能也是消費者決定購買新智慧型手機時的重要因素。 然而,與傳統的數位單眼相機(DSLR)不同,智慧型手機的設計目標是輕薄。 因此,使用大型CMOS影像感測器(CIS)或笨重的附加鏡頭來提高拍攝性能是不切實際的。 為了克服這一物理限制,先進的影像訊號處理器 (ISP) 和創新的計算攝影演算法被用來顯著提高智慧型手機相機的影像品質。 這些解決方案可以有效彌補無法將更大的光學元件整合到智慧型手機相機的問題。



第 1 章提高智慧型手機相機效能的當前挑戰


第 3 章計算攝影



第 6 章 TRI 的觀點

  • (1) 由於硬體為基礎的實體限制,計算攝影 ISP 和演算法成為提升智慧型手機相機效能的新方法。
  • (2) 中國智慧型手機品牌持續開發專門的 ISP 來實現產品差異化
  • (3)人工智慧(AI)是影像處理技術發展的主要方向
Product Code: 44

Today, using smartphones to take photos has become a popular way for people to record and share everyday memories. Camera performance has also become an important factor for consumers when deciding to purchase a new smartphone. However, unlike traditional digital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLRs), smartphones are designed to be lightweight and slim. Therefore, adopting a larger CMOS image sensor (CIS) or a heavier lens assembly to improve photoshoot is not practical. To overcome this physical limitation, advanced image signal processors (ISPs) and innovative computational photography algorithms are used to significantly enhance the imaging quality of smartphone cameras. These solutions can effectively compensate for the shortcoming of not being able to incorporate larger optical components into a smartphone camera.

Table of Contents

1. Current Challenges in Upgrading Performance of Smartphone Cameras

2. Role That ISP Play in Imaging Process

3. Computational Photography

4. Analysis of Imaging Processing Flow and Architecture of ISP

5. Future Development Direction of ISPs as Seen in Apple's and Qualcomm's Technologies for Computational Photography

6. TRI's View

  • (1) Due to Hardware-based Physical Limitations, ISPs and Algorithms for Computational Photography Have Emerged As New Paths for Upgrading Performance of Smartphone Cameras
  • (2) Chinese Smartphone Brands Will Continue to Develop Dedicated ISPs so as to Create Product Differentiation
  • (3) AI Represents a Major Direction in Development of Imaging Processing Technology