

"New Vision" for Smartphone Camera - An Analysis on the Development of CMOS Image Sensors

出版日期: | 出版商: TrendForce | 英文 10 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


CMOS影像感測器(CIS)是智慧型手機相機模組的核心元件,其尺寸和設計架構對影像品質具有決定性影響。光學格式(影像感測器的形狀和尺寸)對於影像處理至關重要。更大的光學格式和尺寸可以捕捉更多的光,從而獲得更高的影像解析度和更高的動態範圍。因此,CMOS 影像感測器越大,智慧型手機相機在低光源條件下的表現就越好。相反,較小的光學格式會限制進入的光量,從而導致像素尺寸較小。這最終導致影像品質下降。

智慧型手機相機模組中內建的 CIS 單元的設計和技術不斷發展。由於技術創新,CIS單元現在能夠為智慧型手機提供更先進、更卓越的成像和影像處理性能。



第一章 智慧型手機CIS(CMOS影像感測器)市場分析

第二章 CIS發展趨勢分析

第三章 CIS供應商設計與產品分析

第四章 TRI的觀點

  • (1)智慧型手機相機的影像感測器:像素尺寸和像素數量不會持續增加。
  • (2)智慧型手機相機模組:未來的精密化趨勢
Product Code: 37

CMOS image sensor (CIS) is the core component of a smartphone camera module, and its size and design architecture have a decisive impact on image quality. The optical format, which is the shape and size of the image sensor, is crucial for imaging. A larger optical format or optical size allows for capturing more light, thereby providing higher imaging resolution and a higher dynamic range. Hence, the larger the CMOS image sensor, the better the smartphone camera performs in low-light conditions. Conversely, a smaller optical format restricts the amount of light captured and results in a smaller pixel size. This ultimately leads to a drop in image quality.

The designs and technologies related to CIS units embedded in smartphone camera modules continue to evolve. Through innovations, CIS units now provide smartphones with more advanced and outstanding performance in terms of photography and imaging.

Table of Contents

1. Analysis of the Market for Smartphone CIS

2. Analysis of Trends in Development of CIS

3. Analysis of Designs and Offerings from CIS Suppliers

4. TRI's View

  • (1) Pixel Size and Pixel Count of Image Sensors for Smartphone Cameras Will Not Continuously Increase
  • (2) Future Trends in Upgrading of Smartphone Camera Modules