

Soft Robotics - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts 2024 - 2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 130 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內






儘管軟性機器人仍處於階段,但由於軟性機器人軟性機器人與傳統機器人相比具有多種優勢,預計在預測期內軟體機器人的普及將呈指數級成長。此外,全球 COVID-19大流行增加了對自動化的需求,以緩解勞動力挑戰並促進工廠環境中的工作和食品安全,從而導致市場成長。


  • 推動軟性機器人市場開拓的因素包括各終端用戶行業安全要求的提高以及食品加工、電子商務等領域對自動化的需求不斷增加。多個國家不斷增加的研發投入/資金正在推動軟性機器人市場的成長。
  • 外骨骼是一項新興技術,有可能保護倉庫和製造工人免受肩膀僵硬、背痛、頸部疼痛以及與重複舉重相關的傷害。許多研究人員正在開發模仿肌肉運動的柔軟、穿戴式機器人。 2021年5月,加拿大女王大學的研究團隊開發了一種外骨骼,可以降低步行的代謝成本。這項研究的基礎是透過設計一種外骨骼來取代步行過程中發生的部分煞車功能,從而降低步行的總代謝成本。
  • 醫療和非醫療外骨骼遵循 ISO(國際標準化組織)/IEC 發布的國際安全監管要求。為了成功地將這些產品商業化,製造商必須遵守這些法規。此外,核准的機會是主觀的。此外,核准的可能性是主觀的,只有在合理保證設備適合預期用途的情況下才能實現。由於這些原因,加上缺乏集中監管機構,商業化被推遲,市場的成長潛力受到限制。
  • 許多公司都在專注於開發柔軟的氣動夾具,這些夾具非常適合抓取易碎食品,否則這些食品可能會被剛性機器人損壞。由於擔心勞動力短缺和疾病傳播,食品是大流行期間人們對自動化興趣增加的主要目標。 2021 年 6 月,Soft Robotics 引用疫情相關需求,籌集了 1000 萬美元,用於突破性軟體抓取、3D 感知和人工智慧技術的研發。
  • COVID-19 大流行的蔓延導致各大學和研究機構可能進行的研究延誤。這是由於多個國家的長期封鎖和社會疏離規範所造成的。此外,儘管發生了 COVID-19 危機,世界各國政府仍資助了許多研發計劃,以支持機器人和自動化對工業和社會的貢獻。例如,中國的戰略規劃「中國製造2025」將先進機器人列為十大核心產業之一。



  • 軟性機器人設備可以幫助治療和模擬心血管疾病、主動脈瓣狹窄以及 ALS 等疾病引起的肢體疾病等疾病。它還具有改善缺血性心臟疾病心臟再生標靶治療的潛力。據聯合國人口基金稱,到2050年,印度老年心臟病患者數量預計將達到約1,910萬人。此類案例可能會增加研究市場的需求。
  • 軟性機器人本質上具有與人類和生物體的自然組織相容的優勢。微創手術(MIS)是軟性機器人應用潛力巨大的研究領域之一。這是因為它可以克服傳統MIS方法的局限性,例如自由度低。
  • 開放性手術和腹腔鏡手術的局限性以及機器人手術系統日益增加的優勢預計將推動機器人輔助手術在全球的採用率。對人體進行軟性機器人手術的靈感來自軟體動物,軟體動物具有專門為微創手術 (MIS) 設計的應用程式,使它們能夠探索以前使用當前鎖孔手術技術無法進入的區域。我們正在開拓。多個研究實驗室和醫療技術公司正在進行類似的研究,新的軟性機器人創新可能會影響醫生進行手術的方式。
  • 根據 IEEE 於 2022 年 5 月進行的一項關於軟性機器人輔助微創手術 (RAMIS) 和介入的研究,透過狹窄切口進行手術的腹腔鏡手術的出現,導致外科界從傳統的開放性手術手術迅速轉變。觀察到顯著的轉變。從手持式儀器切換到 RAMIS 是下一個合乎邏輯的步驟。借助機器人和直覺的使用者介面,外科醫生能夠輕鬆執行複雜的外科手術,部分複製了開放性手術的輕鬆條件。
  • 此外,生物相容性軟質材料、超彈性材料和 3D 列印軟質塑膠(例如有機矽合成橡膠)可以提高手術過程中的安全性。這些使得機器人的型態和機械特性能夠根據觸摸時的感覺而改變,從而可以進一步提高基本安全性。這些發展可能會擴大軟性機器人的範圍,並與腹腔鏡和單孔腹腔鏡等微創手術技術相關。
  • 2022 年 1 月,Benchmark 宣布與 Titan Medical 簽訂製造供應協議,為 Titan 的 Enos 機器人工作站和單端口手術系統製造病患推車。該公司之所以被選中,是因為其在複雜醫療設備的設計、製造和組裝的經驗和垂直整合,以及擴大生產規模以滿足需求的能力。該公司正在將其製造解決方案與 Titan 的相機和鉸接式儀器整合,以幫助實現其製造手術工作站和患者推車用於計劃於 2023 年開始的人體試驗的目標。
  • 機器人手術市場預計將受益於泌尿系統、婦科和整形外科等慢性疾病在全球日益普及。根據世界衛生組織(WHO)的最新報告,心血管疾病、癌症、糖尿病和慢性呼吸道疾病等非傳染性疾病(NCD)約佔全球死亡人數的71%。每年有 4,100 萬人死於這些非傳染性疾病。


  • 軟性機器人是由機械性質與生物組織相當的材料所建構的系統。這些機器人本質上應該比傳統機器人更具創新性。亞太地區已經證實了研究市場中的一些先進創新。例如,2023年1月,中國科學院寧波材料技術與工程研究所陳濤教授領導的智慧高分子材料主題小組與浙江大學鄭銀飛教授合作,開發了一種基於水凝膠的自適應變形軟性機器人。我們開發這項技術是為了實現自然地形上的多維越野駕駛。這款手套有望幫助手指或手部受傷的人的手指肌肉運動,並支持手部抓握的感覺。
  • 亞太地區是軟性機器人市場成長最快的地區之一。該地區的供應商在軟性機器人領域的創新和發展中也發揮著重要作用。 2023 年 5 月,麻省理工學院 (MIT) 的研究團隊朝著開發 SoftZoo 邁出了一步,這是一個受生物學啟發的平台,讓工程師可以探索軟性機器人。該框架最佳化了由決定機器人外觀的設計和實現機器人運動的控制系統組成的演算法,並為用戶自動生成潛在機器輪廓的方式提供支援。
  • 2022 年 9 月,中國研究團隊開發了一款微型機器人,這是一種強大的磁力驅動變形裝置,可在人體內移動並解決各種健康問題。這種高性能軟性機器人只有一毫米長,據稱能夠在血管內彈跳和扭動,以治療心血管疾病。
  • 食品組裝是亞太地區一個潛在的龐大市場。新加坡理工學院的研究人員發現了使用軟性機器人來提高製造和組裝任務效率的機會,這些任務往往是重複性的。 2023 年 3 月,在 A*STAR 國家機器人計畫的資助下,研究人員開發了可重新配置工作空間軟體 (RWS) 機器人抓手。機械手經過最佳化的機器視覺能夠適應系統中設定的“工作空間”,使 RWS 機械手能夠鏟起和抓取各種物品。
  • 此外,在日本,政府正在與大學和公司合作開發機器人手術系統,使醫生能夠更準確地進行手術,同時監控 MRI 讀數和其他設備的資料。此外,2022 年 10 月,日本筑波大學的研究團隊開發了軟性機器人,患者可以與其互動,以減輕患者在接受痛苦或不舒服的醫療程序時的壓力和恐懼。



  • 2022 年 6 月 - Ekso Bionics 的 EksoNR 外骨骼獲得 FDA 510(k) 許可。 Ekso 為多發性硬化症患者設計了 EksoNR 技術。 EksoNR 是最新一代的 Ekso Bionics 平台,於 2016 年獲得中風和脊髓復健批准,並於 2020 年獲得腦損傷治療。
  • 2022 年 5 月 - 北卡羅來納州立大學的科學家推出了軟性機器人,可以在狹小的空間中前進、後退和導航。這款受毛毛蟲啟發的機器人的運動由獨特的奈米銀線利用熱量來調整其彎曲度,允許用戶將機器人指向他們想要的任何方向。科學家表示,下一步,這種軟性機器人運動方法可以與感測器和其他技術整合,並用於各種應用,例如搜尋和救援設備。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 產業價值鏈分析
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 買方議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間敵對關係的強度
  • 評估宏觀經濟趨勢對市場的影響


  • 市場促進因素
    • 需要更安全的自動化解決方案
    • 生產現場的人身安全需求
    • 各國研發投入增加
  • 市場抑制因素
    • 缺乏意識和集中監管機構

第 6 章 技術概覽


  • 按用途
    • 人機介面與互動
    • 練習和探索
    • 操縱
    • 醫療外科應用
    • 復健穿戴式機器人
  • 按地區
    • 北美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東/非洲


  • 公司簡介
    • Soft Robotics Inc
    • RightHand Robotics Inc
    • Ekso Bionics Holdings Inc
    • Rewalk Robotics Ltd
    • Yaskawa Electric Corporation
    • Bioservo Technologies AB
    • Festo AG
    • Roam Robotics
    • ABB Ltd.
    • Pneubotics Inc



Product Code: 58809
Soft Robotics - Market - IMG1

The Soft Robotics Market size is estimated at USD 1.49 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 6.53 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 34.45% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Though soft robotics is still in its early stages, with the variety of benefits offered by soft robots compared to traditional robots, the penetration of soft robots is expected to grow dramatically over the forecast period. Also, the global COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the demand to automate to alleviate workforce challenges and develop operational and Food Safety in factory environments, which has led to the market's growth.

Key Highlights

  • Factors driving the development of the soft robotics market include the increasing demand for safety across the various end-user industries and the growing need for automation in food processing, e-commerce, etc. The ever-increasing investments/funding in research and development across multiple nations is fueling the growth of the soft robotics market.
  • Exoskeletons are an emerging developing technology that has the potential to protect and save warehouse and manufacturing workers from shoulders, back pain, neck pain, and injuries related to heavy and repetitive lifting. Various researchers are developing soft, wearable robots that mimic muscle movements. In May 2021, a team of researchers at Queen's University in Canada developed an exoskeleton that reduces the metabolic cost of walking. The research is based on designing an exoskeleton that obtains over some of the brakings that occur during walking, thereby reducing the total metabolic cost of walking.
  • Medical and non-medical exoskeletons are subjected to international safety regulatory requirements published by ISO (International Organization for Standardization)/IEC. For successful commercialization of these products, manufacturers must comply with these regulations. Also, the chances for approval are subjective. They can be achieved only if there is a reasonable assurance that the device is appropriate for its application. Because of these reasons and the lack of a single centralized regulatory body, the commercialization aspect is delayed, thus restraining the potential growth of the market.
  • Various players have been focusing on developing soft, pneumatic-powered grippers ideal for fragile foodstuff that might be damaged by rigid robotics otherwise. Food has been a prime target for interest in automation during the pandemic due to labor shortages and fears of disease transmission. In June 2021, Soft Robotics company cited pandemic-related demand and raised USD 10 million for research and development in its revolutionary soft grasping, 3D perception, and AI technologies.
  • The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to delays in possible research undertaken by various universities and research institutions. This is because of extended lockdown across multiple countries and social distancing norms. Furthermore, many R&D projects were funded by various governments worldwide despite the Covid-19 crisis to support the contribution of robotics and automation to the industry and society. For instance, China's strategic plan of Made in China 2025 includes advanced robots among the top 10 core industries.

Soft Robotics Market Trends

Medical and Surgical Applications is Anticipated to Register Highest Growth

  • Soft robotic devices can assist in treating or simulating conditions like cardiovascular disease, aortic stenosis, and limb disabilities causes by diseases like ALS. They have the potential to improve targeted therapy for cardiac regeneration in ischemic heart diseases. According to the United Nations Population Fund, the number of cases of heart disease in senior citizens across India in 2050 was forecasted to be about 19.1 million. Such instances are likely to augment the demand for the studied market.
  • Soft robots inherently have the advantage of being compliant with the natural tissues of humans and living organisms. Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is one of the research areas with the big potential of adopting soft robotics. This is because it overcomes the limitation of traditional MIS methods, such as a low degree of freedom.
  • The limitations of open and laparoscopic procedures and the increasing advantages of robotic surgery systems are expected to boost the adoption rates of robot-assisted surgeries worldwide. Soft-robotic surgery on a human body has been inspired by soft-bodied animals with applications specifically designed for minimally invasive surgery (MIS), opening up areas previously inaccessible to surgeons using current keyhole surgery techniques. With similar research being active across multiple researcher labs, and medtech companies innovating new soft robots will likely shape how physicians perform surgeries.
  • According to a study conducted on Soft Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery (RAMIS) and Interventions by IEEE in May 2022, with the arrival of laparoscopic surgery, which is performed through narrow incisions, the surgical community saw a rapid move away from traditional open surgery. Switching from handheld instruments to RAMIS was the next logical step. Surgeons could easily perform complex surgical procedures with the help of robots and an intuitive user interface, partially replicating the easily accessible situation of open surgery.
  • Furthermore, biocompatible soft materials, super elastic materials, and 3D-printed soft plastics such as silicone elastomers allow for greater safety during surgeries. These allow changes in robotic shape and mechanical properties in response to touch, thus enhancing their greater intrinsic safety. Such developments are likely to expand the scope of soft robotics and become relevant to procedures in minimally invasive surgery, such as laparoscopy, single port laparoscopy, etc.
  • In January 2022, Benchmark announced a manufacturing and supply agreement with Titan Medical to manufacture patient carts for Titan's Enos robotic workstations and single-port surgical systems. The company was selected for its experience and vertical integration in designing, manufacturing, and assembling complex medical devices and its ability to scale production to meet demand. The company has integrated its manufacturing solutions with Titan's cameras and articulated instruments to help achieve its goal of manufacturing surgical workstations and patient carts for use in human studies scheduled to begin in 2023.
  • The robotic surgery market is expected to benefit from the growing incidence of chronic diseases such as urology, gynecology, orthopedic, and other chronic disorders worldwide. According to the latest World Health Organization (WHO) report, non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases, are responsible for almost 71% of global deaths. It accounts for 41 million people dying each year of these NCDs.
Soft Robotics - Market - IMG2

Asia Pacific is Expected to Register the Fastest Growth During the Forecast Period

  • Soft robots are systems constructed from materials that have mechanical properties comparable to those of living tissues. These robots are intrinsically assumed to be more innovative than conventional robots. The Asia Pacific region is witnessing several advanced innovations in the studied market. For instance, in January 2023, the Smart Polymer Materials Group led by Prof. CHEN Tao at the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with Prof. ZHENG Yinfei at Zhejiang University, developed a hydrogel-based soft robot with adaptive deformation, realizing multi-dimensional off-road locomotion on natural terrains. Its creators expect that the glove would help people with finger or hand injuries by aiding the movement of finger muscles, helping them feel the grasp of holding with one's hands.
  • Asia-Pacific is one of the fastest-growing markets for soft robotics mainly due to the massive adoption of the technology with increasing domestic production in the market. The regional vendors also play a significant role in the innovation and development in the soft robotics field. In May 2023, a team of MIT researchers took a step towards developing SoftZoo, a bio-inspired platform that allows engineers to study soft robot co-design. The framework optimizes algorithms that consist of design, which determines what the robot would look like, and control, or the system that allows robotic motion, enhancing how users automatically generate outlines for potential machines.
  • In September 2022, a Chinese research team created a powerful micro robot, a shape-shifting device driven by a magnetic force that is able to travel within the human body and help address an array of health conditions. The high-performance soft robot, which is just a millimeter long, is claimed to be able to bounce or squirm within blood vessels to treat cardiovascular disease, among other potential applications.
  • Food assembly is a potentially big market in the Asia Pacific region. The researchers from the Singapore University of Technology and Design saw an opportunity to use soft robotics to improve the efficiency of manufacturing and assembly operations - where tasks of this nature tend to be repetitive. In March 2023, with funding support from A*STAR's National Robotics Programme, the researchers came up with a reconfigurable workspace soft (RWS) robotic gripper. The robotic hand-optimized machine vision adapts to the 'workspace' configured in the system, so the RWS robotic gripper is equipped with the ability to scoop and grasp a wide range of items.
  • Additionally, in Japan, the government is collaborating with universities and companies to develop a robotic surgery system that allows doctors to operate more accurately and simultaneously monitor MRI readings and data from other devices. Further, in October 2022, a team of researchers at the University of Tsukuba in Japan developed a soft robot that patients can interact with to decrease their stress and fear when undergoing painful or uncomfortable medical procedures.

Soft Robotics Industry Overview

The Soft Robotics Market has seen huge investments in the technical front, and new entrants are expected to emerge in the market. Currently, soft robot manufacturers have very specific solutions, and the market is moderately competitive. However, with the advent of big players in the robotics market, venturing into soft robotics is expected to increase the competition.

  • June 2022 - Ekso Bionics received FDA 510(k) clearance for its EksoNR exoskeleton. Ekso designed the EksoNR technology for use with Multiple Sclerosis patients. The latest generation of the Ekso Bionics platform, the EksoNR, previously obtained clearance for stroke and spinal cord rehabilitation in 2016, and for acquired brain injury in 2020.
  • May 2022 - Scientists at North Carolina State University showcased a soft robot, developed like a caterpillar, competent in moving forward, backward, and squeezing through tight spaces. The movement of this caterpillar-inspired robot is powered by a unique pattern of silver nanowires that utilize heat to regulate its bending, allowing users to direct the robot in any desired direction. The scientists claimed that the next steps would include integrating this approach to soft robot locomotion with sensors or other technologies for use in various applications like search-and-rescue devices.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.3.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.4 Assessment of the Impact of Macro Economic Trends on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Need for Safer Automation Solutions
    • 5.1.2 Need for Human Safety in Manufacturing Units
    • 5.1.3 Increased R&D From Various Countries
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 Lack of Awareness and a Single Centralized Regulatory Body



  • 7.1 By Application
    • 7.1.1 Human-machine Interface and Interaction
    • 7.1.2 Locomotion and Exploration
    • 7.1.3 Manipulation
    • 7.1.4 Medical and Surgical Applications
    • 7.1.5 Rehabilitation and Wearable Robots
  • 7.2 By Geography
    • 7.2.1 North America
    • 7.2.2 Europe
    • 7.2.3 Asia Pacific
    • 7.2.4 Latin America
    • 7.2.5 Middle East and Africa


  • 8.1 Company Profiles
    • 8.1.1 Soft Robotics Inc
    • 8.1.2 RightHand Robotics Inc
    • 8.1.3 Ekso Bionics Holdings Inc
    • 8.1.4 Rewalk Robotics Ltd
    • 8.1.5 Yaskawa Electric Corporation
    • 8.1.6 Bioservo Technologies AB
    • 8.1.7 Festo AG
    • 8.1.8 Roam Robotics
    • 8.1.9 ABB Ltd.
    • 8.1.10 Pneubotics Inc