歐洲電力市場:2023 年回顧

歐洲電力市場:2023 年回顧

Europe Power: 2023 in Review

出版日期: | 出版商: Wood Mackenzie - Power & Renewables | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



歐洲電力市場自2023年初以來一直處於波動局面,但最終倖免於嚴冬,才在2022年止住了電價上漲。商品價格的下降趨勢(TTF 天然氣價格在 1 月至 12 月期間下降了 43%)阻止了批發電價的上漲。2023年電力需求下降3%,部分反映了該國減載策略的成功,但也歸因於對持續高位零售價格的需求反應。在供應方面,水力發電的強勁表現以及風能和太陽能發電的增加緩解了對天然氣(下降18%)和煤炭(下降27%)的依賴。

2023 年能源和價格回顧擴展了我們的每月能源和價格追蹤報告,以考察歐洲最大的電力市場並調查過去 12 個月的主要影響、事件和市場趨勢。支援數據包含在隨附的下載中。

Product Code: 150196184

Report Summary:

Europe's power market was in a precarious position entering 2023, and in the end, it was good fortune - the avoidance of a harsh winter - that put a halt to the surging prices of 2022. The downward trend in commodity prices - the TTF gas price dropped 43% between January and December - took much of the sting out of wholesale power prices. Power demand fell by 3% in 2023, partially reflecting the success of national load reduction strategies, but also due to demand response to continued high retail prices. On the supply-side, strong hydro conditions and growth in wind and solar output eased reliance on gas (-18%) and coal (-27%).

In this review of power volumes and prices in 2023, a development of our usual monthly volumes and price tracker, we examine Europe's largest electricity markets, exploring key influences, events and market dynamics in the past 12 months. The data supporting this report can be found in the accompanying download.