
小蜂窩網路 - 市場佔有率分析、行業趨勢與統計、成長預測(2024 - 2029 年)

Small Cell Networks - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




以安裝基數計算的小蜂巢網路市場規模預計將從 2024 年的 705 萬 RU 成長到 2029 年的 841 萬 RU,預測期間(2024-2029 年)CAGR為 3.61%。

小蜂窩網路 - 市場



  • 不斷成長的行動資料流量促使電信公司轉向網路緻密化,以便為大眾消費者提供高速容量。由於智慧城市的興起,特別是在美國、加拿大、新加坡、英國、德國、義大利和法國等已開發經濟體,越來越多的小型蜂巢 5G 網路正在建立用於住宅、商業、政府和工業用途。
  • 此外,快速成長的智慧家庭和互聯物聯網設備以不同的方式塑造了對網際網路的需求。一些智慧家庭功能,例如控制供水、監控電力以及語音啟動安全系統,只是連網設備功能的開始。為了獲得無縫體驗,這些設備需要始終高速連接到網路。
  • 使用者行為統計數據表明,室內使用者連線擴大使用傳統的短距離免許可頻譜技術,例如 Wi-Fi。此類設備主要應用於室內場景,有利於啟動匯聚頻譜。因此,透過小型蜂窩網路進行頻譜融合可以更有效地進行網路規劃和利用未經許可的頻譜範圍。此外,小型基地台製造商正在觀察室內應用的實施情況增加。例如,愛立信與中國聯通合作,在北京500多棟商業和住宅建築部署了Radio Dot系統。
  • 幾個重要國家正在大力投資主要電信業者部署虛擬化小型蜂窩 5G 網路基礎設施。例如,Mavenir宣佈於2022年9月為企業和公共區域推出高容量5G小型基地台室內獨立覆蓋。5G小型基地台的多功能性允許分散式和集中式端對端開放無線電存取網路(ORAN) )架構。該公司的ORAN 技術為製造、零售、公共場所和倉庫的最終客戶提供大容量、易於部署且經濟實惠的解決方案。
  • 世界仍在從新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 的影響中恢復,網際網路的廣泛使用表明需要全新的資料傳輸速率。由於缺乏網路基礎設施,遠距醫療、線上教育和電話會議最近針對在家工作概念的調整必須解決。據 ASSIA, Inc. 稱,由於 COVID-19 大流行,美國自 3 月初以來 PC 和智慧型手機上傳流量增加了 80%,網路攝影機、筆記型電腦和 PC 一直在運行視訊串流。


IT 和電信產業預計將在市場格局中佔據重要佔有率。

  • 不斷成長的行動資料流量需要先進的電信網路。 5G 的部署將以所需的效率促進資料使用量的成長。最新的網路發展需求預計將在預測期內推動小型蜂窩 5G 網路市場的發展。
  • 在現代環境中,連接設備數量的增加需要增加頻寬。例如,據思科系統公司稱,預計到 2030 年將有 5,000 億台設備連接到網際網路。此外,5G 電信公司正專注於在低頻段部署小型基地台,為客戶提供更高的頻寬服務。
  • 此外,行動資料流量呈指數級成長,主要是由具有數據功能的設備和高頻寬應用程式 (APP) 推動的。沃達豐、AT&T、軟銀和其他大型營運商已經利用其宏網路透過實施小型基地台解決方案來創造差異化。例如,Verizon 在美國多個城市部署了小型基地台,包括紐約、芝加哥、亞特蘭大和舊金山。


  • 由於行動裝置的普及和各種供應商合作夥伴關係的增加,以及電信公司引入和加強 5G 基礎設施,亞太地區將呈現最快的成長速度。例如,去年1月,愛立信與高通和亞太電信(APT)合作,完成了台灣首個5G新無線電雙連接(NR-DC)資料呼叫,收集了APT在中頻段(2.6 GHz)的頻譜持有量)和高頻段(28 GHz 或毫米波)頻率。這項試驗對於台灣向 5G 獨立網路的過渡至關重要,帶來了一些新的機會和應用。此類測試描繪了 5G 小型基站在為其提供基礎設施方面將成為電信業未來的前景。
  • 亞太地區不斷成長的行動資料流量將有力地支持小型蜂窩網路產業。例如,去年 1 月,Datareportal 報告稱全球網路使用者數量為 49.5 億。此外,根據思科估計,到今年年底,該地區預計將擁有 26 億網路用戶。當我們將兩個消息來源所述的事實聯繫起來時,亞太地區在全球用戶的整體佔有率中佔據主導地位。思科也提到,中國在主場總數方面將領先世界,其次是美國和日本。該地區不斷成長的行動資料流量將有力地支持小型蜂窩網路產業。
  • 去年3月,中興通訊、AIS和Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.宣布進行全球首個5G NR-DC(新無線電雙連接)現場演示,實現下行峰值速度8.5GB/s,上行峰值速度2.17GB /s 在泰國使用單一行動裝置。關鍵頻段頻率落在 2.6 GHz 和 26 GHz 之間的頻譜。此次合作涵蓋了 Sub-6 和 5G 毫米波這兩個關鍵 5G 頻段,作為提高泰國 5G 網路能力並拓展 5G 應用空間的合作努力的一部分。
  • 主要市場參與者之間聯盟的最新發展表明小型蜂窩和 5G 電信行業進一步發展的強勁前景,凸顯了從 4G 到 5G 的過渡。例如,諾基亞與 TPG Telecom 合作,在即時網路中部署了亞太地區首個即時 Femtocell,使 TPG 的企業客戶成為焦點。諾基亞智慧節點的「即插即用」特性在高速 4G 和 5G 連接方面提供了高品質、可靠性和低延遲的交付成果。



2022 年 3 月,開放電信解決方案的全球領導者之一 Radisys Corporation 宣布,韓國小型基地台廠商 Qucell Networks 正在利用 Radisys Connect RAN gNodeB 軟體為全球市場部署 5G 小型基地台解決方案。全球多家營運商網路正在測試整合商用級5G小基地台解決方案。大型企業之間的全球合作夥伴關係透過共享技術對市場顛覆做出了重大貢獻。

2022 年 3 月,O2 和 Telefónica 德國以及 NEC 公司(NEC;TSE:6701)宣布成功推出德國首個基於開放式虛擬 RAN 架構的小型基地台。小型蜂窩服務首先在慕尼黑市中心部署,透過增加這個人口稠密地區當前行動網路的容量來改善客戶體驗。 NEC 是 Telefónica SA 四個國家的主要系統整合商,也是 NEC 致力於研究如何在不同地區(城市、郊區和農村)針對不同用例部署 Open RAN 架構的主要系統整合商。


  • Excel 格式的市場估算 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持


第 1 章:簡介

  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 研究範圍

第 2 章:研究方法

第 3 章:執行摘要

第 4 章:市場動態

  • 市場概況
  • 產業價值鏈分析
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 買家/消費者的議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代產品的威脅
    • 競爭激烈程度
  • COVID-19 對市場的影響
  • 市場促進因素
    • 網路技術和連接設備的演變
    • 對行動裝置的需求不斷成長
    • IT 和電信業的成長將推動整體市場
  • 市場限制
    • 管理網路的需求增加
  • 技術簡介
    • 毫微微蜂窩基地台
    • 微微小區
    • 微蜂巢
    • 都市細胞
    • 無線電點系統

第 5 章:市場區隔

  • 操作環境
    • 室內的
    • 戶外的
  • 最終用戶產業
    • BFSI
    • 資訊科技和電信
    • 衛生保健
    • 零售
    • 電力與能源
    • 其他最終用戶垂直領域
  • 地理
    • 北美洲
      • 美國
      • 加拿大
    • 歐洲
      • 德國
      • 英國
      • 法國
      • 西班牙
      • 歐洲其他地區
    • 亞太
      • 中國
      • 日本
      • 印度
      • 澳洲
      • 亞太地區其他地區
    • 拉丁美洲
      • 巴西
      • 墨西哥
      • 阿根廷
      • 拉丁美洲其他地區
    • 中東和非洲
      • 阿拉伯聯合大公國
      • 沙烏地阿拉伯
      • 南非
      • MEA 的其餘部分

第 6 章:競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Nokia Networks
    • American Tower Corporation
    • Qualcomm Technologies Inc.
    • ZTE Corporation
    • Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
    • Verizon Wireless
    • Airvana Inc. (CommScope Inc.)
    • Cisco Systems Inc.
    • Qucell Inc.
    • Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson
    • AT&T Inc.
    • Cirrus Core Networks
    • Airspan Networks Inc.

第 7 章:投資分析

第 8 章:市場的未來

Product Code: 62366

The Small Cell Networks Market size in terms of installed base is expected to grow from 7.05 Million RUs in 2024 to 8.41 Million RUs by 2029, at a CAGR of 3.61% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Small Cell Networks - Market

The deployment of the next-generation radio access network has expanded due to consumers' suddenly rising need for fast mobile data connectivity. Small cell network installation is expanding across commercial, residential, and industrial applications to offer better coverage at a lower cost.

Key Highlights

  • Rising mobile data traffic has caused telecom companies to move toward network densification to provide mass consumers with high-speed capacity. Due to the rise of smart cities, especially in developed economies like the U.S., Canada, Singapore, the UK, Germany, Italy, and France, more small cell 5G networks are being set up for residential, commercial, government, and industrial use.
  • Further, the rapidly growing smart home and connected IoT devices shape the need for the internet differently. Several smart home features, like controlling the water supply, keeping an eye on the electricity, and having voice-activated security systems, are just the beginning of what connected devices can do. For a seamless experience, these devices need to be connected to the internet all the time and at a high speed.
  • Statistics on user behavior have indicated that indoor user connections increasingly use traditional short-range unlicensed spectrum technologies, like Wi-Fi. Such devices are mainly applied to indoor scenarios, which makes them beneficial for starting the convergence spectrum. Thus, spectrum convergence through a small cell network allows for network planning and utilizing the unlicensed spectrum range more efficiently. Moreover, manufacturers of small cells are observing an increased implementation among in-building applications. For example, Ericsson collaborated with China Unicom to deploy the Radio Dot System at over 500 commercial and residential buildings in Beijing.
  • Several significant countries are investing heavily in the deployment of virtualized small cell 5G network infrastructure by major telecom providers. For instance, Mavenir announced the introduction of high-capacity 5G small cell in-building independent coverage for businesses and public areas in September 2022. The 5G small cell's versatility allows for both distributed and centralized end-to-end open radio access network (ORAN) architectures.The company's ORAN technology provides end customers in manufacturing, retail, public spaces, and warehouses with a high-capacity, simple-to-deploy, and affordable solution.
  • The world is still recovering from COVID-19 and has extensive internet usage, indicating the need for a whole new scale of data transfer rates. Recent adaptations of telemedicine, online education, and teleconferencing for work-from-home concepts must be fixed due to a lack of internet infrastructure. According to ASSIA, Inc., due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an 80% increase in PC and smartphone upload traffic since the beginning of March in the United States, with webcams, laptops, and PCs running video streams all the time.

Small Cell Networks Market Trends

IT and Telecom Sectors Expected to have Significant Share in the Market Landscape.

  • The increasing mobile data traffic demands advanced telecommunication networks. The deployment of 5G will facilitate the growing data usage with the required efficiency. The latest network development needs are expected to boost the market for small cell 5G networks over the forecast period.
  • In the modern environment, the increased number of connected devices creates the need for increased bandwidth. For instance, according to Cisco Systems Inc., 500 billion devices are expected to be connected to the internet by 2030. Furthermore, 5G telecom companies are focusing on deploying small cells in low-frequency bands to provide customers with increased bandwidth services.
  • Also, mobile data traffic is growing exponentially, primarily driven by data-capable devices and high-bandwidth applications (APPs). Vodafone, AT&T, Softbank, and other big operators have already leveraged their macro networks to create differentiation by implementing small-cell solutions. For instance, Verizon has deployed small cells in several U.S. cities, including New York, Chicago, Atlanta, and San Francisco.

Asia-Pacific Expected to Hold the Fastest Growth Rate over the Forecast Period

  • Asia-Pacific is set to depict the fastest growth rate because of the increased adoption of mobile devices and various vendor partnerships, with telecom companies introducing and strengthening 5G infrastructure. For example, in January last year, Ericsson, in association with Qualcomm and Asia Pacific Telecom (APT), completed Taiwan's first data call with 5G New Radio Dual Connectivity (NR-DC), collecting APT's spectrum holdings across mid-band (2.6 GHz) and high-band (28 GHz, or mmWave) frequencies. The trial is pivotal in Taiwan's transition to 5G standalone networks, opening several new opportunities and applications. Tests like these portray the scope for 5G small cells to be the future of the telecom industry when it comes to providing infrastructure for the same.
  • Asia Pacific's constantly increasing mobile data traffic will strongly support the small cell network industry. For instance, in January last year, Datareportal reported 4.95 billion internet users worldwide. Also, as estimated by Cisco, the region is expected to have 2.6 billion internet users by the end of the year. As we correlate the facts stated by the two sources, Asia-Pacific dominates the overall share of users worldwide. Cisco also mentioned that China would lead the world in terms of the total number of home spots, followed by the US and Japan. The region's constantly increasing mobile data traffic will strongly support the small cell network industry.
  • In March last year, ZTE, AIS, and Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. announced the world's first 5G NR-DC (New Radio Dual Connectivity) field demonstration, achieving a peak downlink speed of 8.5 GB/s and a peak uplink speed of 2.17 GB/s with a single mobile device in Thailand. The key band frequencies fell in the spectrum between 2.6 GHz and 26 GHz. This collaboration incorporates two critical 5G frequency bands, Sub-6 and 5G mmWave, as part of the cooperative effort to improve Thailand's 5G network's capabilities and expand the 5G application space.
  • Recent developments through alliances among chief market players indicate the strong prospects of further development in the small cell and 5G telecom industries, highlighting the transition from 4G to 5G. For instance, in association with TPG Telecom, Nokia placed Asia-Pacific's first live Femtocell in a live network, keeping TPG's enterprise customers in focus. The "plug and play" nature of the Nokia Smart Node provides high quality, reliability, and low latency deliverables in terms of high-speed 4G and 5G connectivities.

Small Cell Networks Industry Overview

The small cell network industry is fragmented because of numerous large competitors such as Nokia Networks, Qualcomm Technologies Inc., Cisco Systems Inc., and Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. The companies are in intense competition and are constantly attempting to improve their products to acquire a competitive advantage. The corporations are also forming strategic partnerships with vendors and technology providers to expand their market share.

In March 2022, Radisys?iR) Corporation, one of the global leaders in open telecom solutions, announced that Qucell Networks, a Korean small cell player, is deploying 5G small cell solutions for global markets leveraging Radisys' Connect RAN gNodeB software. Multiple operators' networks worldwide are testing the integrated commercial-grade 5G small-cell solution. Global partnerships among big players have contributed significantly to market disruption by sharing technologies.

In March 2022, O2 and Telefónica Germany and NEC Corporation (NEC; TSE: 6701) announced the successful launch of Germany's first open and virtual RAN architecture-based small cells. The small cell service was first deployed in Munich's city center to improve the customer experience by adding capacity to the current mobile network in this densely populated location. NEC is the primary system integrator for Telefónica S.A.'s four nations and for NEC's effort to investigate how Open RAN architecture may be deployed in various geographies (urban, suburban, and rural) for various use cases.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.3.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.4 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market
  • 4.5 Market Drivers
    • 4.5.1 Evolution of Network Technology and Connectivity Devices
    • 4.5.2 Rising Demand for Mobile Devices
    • 4.5.3 Growth in IT and Telcom Sector to drive the overall market
  • 4.6 Market Restraints
    • 4.6.1 Increased Need for Managing Network
  • 4.7 Technology Snapshot
    • 4.7.1 Femtocell
    • 4.7.2 Picocell
    • 4.7.3 Microcell
    • 4.7.4 Metrocell
    • 4.7.5 Radio Dot Systems


  • 5.1 Operating Environment
    • 5.1.1 Indoor
    • 5.1.2 Outdoor
  • 5.2 End-user Industry
    • 5.2.1 BFSI
    • 5.2.2 IT and Telecom
    • 5.2.3 Healthcare
    • 5.2.4 Retail
    • 5.2.5 Power and Energy
    • 5.2.6 Other End-user Verticals
  • 5.3 Geography
    • 5.3.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
    • 5.3.2 Europe
      • Germany
      • UK
      • France
      • Spain
      • Rest of Europe
    • 5.3.3 Asia-Pacific
      • China
      • Japan
      • India
      • Australia
      • Rest of APAC
    • 5.3.4 Latin America
      • Brazil
      • Mexico
      • Argentina
      • Rest of Latin America
    • 5.3.5 Middle East & Africa
      • UAE
      • Saudi Arabia
      • South Africa
      • Rest of MEA


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 Nokia Networks
    • 6.1.2 American Tower Corporation
    • 6.1.3 Qualcomm Technologies Inc.
    • 6.1.4 ZTE Corporation
    • 6.1.5 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
    • 6.1.6 Verizon Wireless
    • 6.1.7 Airvana Inc. (CommScope Inc.)
    • 6.1.8 Cisco Systems Inc.
    • 6.1.9 Qucell Inc.
    • 6.1.10 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson
    • 6.1.11 AT&T Inc.
    • 6.1.12 Cirrus Core Networks
    • 6.1.13 Airspan Networks Inc.