

Global Smart Glass - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內








  • 由於其獨特的性能,智慧玻璃在許多最終用戶領域都有應用。然而,在目前的市場情況下,智慧玻璃僅在建築業和運輸業的應用中需求量很大。隨著國家綠色建築標準、Green Globes 和 LEEDS 等監管改革的不斷加強,商業建築業主可以投資智慧玻璃等智慧節能解決方案。
  • 2021年12月,技術先進的智慧窗戶製造商Hario在拉斯維加斯會議中心中央大廳SK CES 2022展位的「綠色大道」部分展示了其電致變色玻璃解決方案。該玻璃解決方案解決了建築師、開發商和環保人士在製定實現淨零建築策略時需要解決的 10 個關鍵問題。這種先進的智慧玻璃解決了關鍵的設計和性能問題,包括清晰度和色調、響應能力和速度、色調均勻性以及用於自主操作的雲端基礎的人工智慧(AI)。這是我的第一個產品。 Hario 的 AI 即時確定可進入建築物的最大日光量,從而實現節能,減少高達 20% 的碳排放,有助於阻止全球變暖,同時改善居住者。最大限度地減少領先的眩光管理。
  • 航太應用公司波音和空中巴士正在透過整合物聯網系統來實施智慧玻璃技術。例如,波音 787 夢幻飛機配備了電致變色窗戶,只需單擊按鈕即可使其完全不透明。這一趨勢在世界各地的豪華噴射機和私人噴射機製造商中越來越受歡迎,並開拓了新的市場機會。
  • 它不僅擴大用於航太,而且還用於船舶和火車。例如,Vision Systems最近展示了多種專為遊輪產業設計的SPD智慧玻璃產品,以改善郵輪上的乘客體驗。
  • 此外,聯邦政府的幾項重要政策規定、不斷上漲的能源成本以及更嚴格的溫室氣體排放法規是能源效率措施的主要動力。因此,各國日益最佳化可再生能源的利用。
  • 然而,COVID-19大流行的爆發對智慧玻璃市場造成了干擾。所研究的市場受到建設活動減少和供應鏈中斷的顯著影響。 COVID-19大流行的爆發對2020年住宅和商業建設活動產生了重大影響,導致建築施工計劃在短期內推遲或停止。由於景氣惡化、營業盈餘和收入下降、資金轉移到應對新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 措施以及流動性問題,建築計劃的需求正在下降。
  • 歐洲建築預測集團Euroconstruct預計,今年歐洲建築市場將萎縮7.8%,直到2023年才能完全恢復,預計2021年將成長4.1%,2022年成長3.4%,2023年成長3.4%。為2.4%。隨著建設活動的減少,對智慧玻璃的需求預計也會下降。



  • 智慧玻璃正在大規模應用,特別是在汽車行業,例如天窗和自動調暗的內部和外部後視鏡。寶馬和梅賽德斯等頂級汽車製造商都使用智慧玻璃。梅賽德斯-奔馳在 S-Class 變體(包括 S-Class 轎跑車)上提供最新的 Magic Sky Control全景天窗選項,採用 SPD-SmartGlass 技術。 SPD-SmartGlass 的優點包括顯著減少車內熱量、防紫外線、減少眩光、降低噪音和提高燃油效率。
  • 最近的應用包括捷豹路虎推出的 F-Type 和勞斯萊斯推出的 Dawn 所使用的智慧玻璃。將可切換技術與投影應用相結合,使客戶能夠充分利用可切換玻璃的兩個最令人垂涎​​的功能。
  • 火車上也採用了智慧玻璃。例如,韓國單軌列車的車窗在經過附近的公寓大樓時會自動起霧。當電壓、熱或光施加到窗戶表面時,毛玻璃的透光特性會改變。
  • 借助智慧玻璃,服務人員只需單擊按鈕即可調整穿過汽車內部的光量。擋風玻璃和窗戶的容量可以根據駕駛因素和乘客進行客製化。此外,還可以階段性地調整色調。智慧玻璃透過減少眩光使駕駛更安全,透過減少光線進入提高舒適度,使空調工作得更好。
  • 交通運輸領域的不斷擴大的應用正在創造對智慧玻璃的巨大需求。因此,2022年2月,以色列智慧玻璃技術供應商Gauzy收購了一家法國公司,加強了其產品供應,成為全球著名的光控和遮陽系統技術解決方案公司。透過收購 Vision Systems,Gauzy 計劃進軍 ADAS(高級駕駛輔助系統)行業,收購了法國公司 Vision Systems,該公司提供基於鏡頭的圖像分析和監控系統以及燈光控制和遮陽元件的客製化設計。我們使用安全技術解決方案。


  • 根據美國人口普查局的數據,2022 年 6 月美國住宅建設量達到 16 億套。此外,2021 年商業計劃的公共建設支出為 35.4 億美元,高於 2017 年的 31.5 億美元。在商業空間中,智慧玻璃應用於窗戶、艙室、牆壁、隔間等。在辦公室創建一個私人區域是最好的選擇。辦公室中的智慧玻璃隔間很好地補充了靈活的開放式樓層平面圖。充分利用現代辦公空間,同時保持隱私。也強烈建議在會議室使用智慧玻璃。智慧玻璃牆不僅可以提供隱私,而且非常適合用作會議投影螢幕。此外,智慧玻璃也為辦公環境增添了優雅和現代感。
  • 智慧玻璃因其美學價值在商業設計領域越來越受歡迎。例如,北達科他州的一家高檔餐廳 Spirit Lake Casino & Resort 安裝了智慧玻璃,儘管存在陽光刺眼的問題,但仍可為客人提供自然環境的美景。這項技術還可以透過減少晴天空調造成的冷負荷來幫助餐廳節省資金。
  • 由於人們對建築物(尤其是商業領域)能源消耗的日益擔憂,對智慧玻璃的需求不斷成長。根據美國能源部 (DOE) 的數據,建築占美國總能源消費量的 40%,約占美國用電量的 70%。窗戶通常被認為是能源效率最低的建築組件。冷氣、暖氣和照明(根據加州能源委員會的數據,因為人造光必須補充簾子阻擋的自然光)約佔能源消費量的 40%。上述因素預計將影響該地區對智慧玻璃的需求。
  • 2022 年 6 月,通用汽車宣布將對其位於密西根州沃倫的世界技術中心投資超過 8,100 萬美元,為該園區配備生產凱迪拉克 Celestic 的設備。凱迪拉克的全電動高階旗艦計畫於 2023 年開始交付。首批採用四象限懸浮顆粒裝置 (SPD) 智慧玻璃的全玻璃屋頂之一預計將來自 CELESTIQ。智慧玻璃讓每位居住者使用 Research Frontier 的 SPD-Smart 光控制專利技術來客製化屋頂的透明度。
  • 2022年6月,智慧建築科技公司View宣布,鳳凰城天港國際機場(PHX)的新航廈「Concourse 8」(俗稱T4 S1)採用了其智慧玻璃。新大廳由 SmithGroup 和 Kogan 設計,周圍環繞著落地 Outlook 智慧玻璃,最大限度地利用了航站樓的自然採光和令人驚嘆的景觀。


由於生產這些產品的眾多參與者的存在,全球智慧玻璃市場得到了部分整合。市場上的知名企業包括 View Inc.、Corning Incorporated、Gentex Corporation、Smart Films International 和 Argil Inc.。

  • 2021 年7 月,建築玻璃製造的單一來源Viracon 推出了由Viracon PLUS 智慧玻璃驅動的革命性自著色智慧玻璃解決方案,該解決方案在Halio 的Viracon 中空玻璃單元中採用了Hario 專有的電致變色技術。由 Halio 提供支援的 Viracon PLUS 智慧玻璃可透過自動調整色調等級來降低消費量,同時最大限度地利用自然光,從而最佳化居住者的舒適度。
  • 2021 年 7 月 著名的智慧建築平台和智慧窗戶公司 View, Inc. 宣布收購了安全、雲端管理、軟體定義的物聯網網路供應商 IoTium。 IoTium 易於部署的解決方案使建築業主能夠快速實現企業級安全、降低營運成本並獲得整個房地產投資組合的即時可見性。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 市場促進因素
    • 加強能源效率法規和降低能源成本的必要性
    • 提高舒適度、便利性和綠色導向
  • 市場限制因素
    • 高成本和與軟塑膠技術的競爭
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 買方議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間的敵對關係
  • COVID-19 對產業的影響


  • 透明顯示器的演變
  • 未來展望 電氣控制與發電


  • 按類型
    • 電致變色
    • 懸浮顆粒裝置(SPD)
    • 液晶
    • 被動型(感溫變色、光致變色)
    • 其他類型(混合、太陽能)
  • 按最終用戶
    • 建築(住宅、商業建築)
    • 航空電子設備
    • 其他最終用戶
  • 按地區
    • 美國
    • 亞太地區
    • 歐洲/中東/非洲

第7章 競爭形勢

  • 公司簡介
    • Smart Glass Manufacturers
      • View Inc.
      • Corning Incorporated
      • Gentex Corporation
      • Halio International SA
      • AGC Group(Incl. AIS)
      • Guardian Glass LLC
      • Polytronix Inc.
      • Research Frontiers Inc.
      • Compagnie de Saint-Gobain SA(incl. SageGlass)
    • Smart Film Manufacturers
      • Smart Films International
      • UniteGlass(part of China National Building Materials Group)
      • Argil Inc.
      • Magic Film Factory
      • Pro Display(Incl. Intelligent Glass)


第9章 未來展望

Product Code: 50241

The Global Smart Glass Market size is estimated at USD 10.09 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 16.70 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 10.60% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Global Smart Glass - Market

The market has been gaining significant traction due to the surging demand for energy cost savings in high-end commercial offices and residential spaces. With a growing focus on sustainable development, many people have been opting for user-controlled windows in buildings. Smart glass manufacturers have been actively investing in research and development to cut production costs by implementing newer technologies and low-cost raw materials.

Key Highlights

  • Smart glass has applications in many end-user verticals, owing to its unique properties. However, only the applications encountered in the construction sector and transportation industries stand to be a high source of demand for smart glass in the current market scenario. The increasing regulatory reforms, such as the National Green Building Standard, Green Globes, LEEDS, etc., enable commercial building owners to spend on smart energy-saving solutions, such as smart glass.
  • In December 2021, Halio, builder of technologically advanced smart windows, exhibited an electrochromic glass solution in the "Green Avenue" section of the SK CES 2022 booth located in the Las Vegas Convention Center, Central Hall. The glass solution addressed the ten must-haves for architects, developers, and environmentalists as they formulate strategies to achieve net zero buildings. The advanced smart glass is the first to address critical design and performance issues, including clear and tint color, responsiveness and speed, tint uniformity, and cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) for autonomous operation. Halio's AI determines the maximum amount of daylight that can enter the building in real-time to deliver energy savings that reduce carbon emissions by up to 20%, aiding in staving off global warming while minimizing glare management that leads to occupant wellness.
  • Boing and Airbus, aerospace application companies, have been deploying smart glass technology by integrating IoT systems. For instance, Boeing 787 Dreamliner airplane features electrochromic windows, which turn entirely opaque with a button's click. This trend has been obtaining popularity among all the luxury and private jet manufacturers globally, opening new market opportunities.
  • Besides aerospace, smart glass is increasingly being adopted in ships and trains. For instance, recently, Vision Systems exhibited a wide variety of SPD-SmartGlass products designed for the cruise industry to improve the cruise ship passenger experience.
  • Moreover, several key federal policy directives, rising energy costs, and stringent regulations concerning greenhouse gas emissions are significant factors driving energy-efficient measures. Therefore, the countries have been increasingly optimizing the use of renewable energy sources.
  • However, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions in the smart glass market. The market studied was highly affected due to decreased construction activities and supply chain disruptions. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the construction activities of residential and commercial buildings in 2020 and has resulted in building construction projects being delayed or halted in the short term. The demand for construction projects has fallen owing to poor business sentiments, lower operating surpluses and incomes, diversion of funds for COVID-19 management, and liquidity problems.
  • According to the European construction forecasting body Euroconstruct, the European construction market is expected to shrink by 7.8% this year and will not recover fully until 2023, with forecast growth of 4.1% in 2021, 3.4% in 2022, and 2.4% in 2023. With such a decline in construction activities, the demand for smart glass is anticipated to decrease.

Smart Glass Market Trends

Automotive is Observing a Significant Growth

  • Smart glass has found a large-scale application, particularly in the automotive industry, in sunroofs and exterior and interior automatic dimming rear-view mirrors. Smart glass installations are seen in top automotive manufacturers, such as BMW and Mercedes. Mercedes-Benz offers its S-Class Coupe and other variants of the S-Class, with the option of a modern Magic Sky Control panoramic roof using SPD-SmartGlass technology. Some of the benefits of SPD-SmartGlass include remarkable heat reduction inside the vehicle, UV protection, glare control, noise reduction, and fuel consumption.
  • Recent applications witnessed in smart glass that is currently being used to merchandise new launches, notably Jaguar Land Rover, which used it to launch the F-Type, and Rolls Royce, which used it to launch the Dawn. By combining switchable technology with a projection application, the customer can use two of the most coveted switchable glass features to maximum effect.
  • Smart glass is also increasingly being adopted in trains. For instance, a monorail train in South Korea has windows that automatically fog when passing by the apartments close to the train. Glazing occurs when the window's light transmission properties are altered by applying voltage, heat, or light to the surface.
  • With smart glass, drivers can adjust the amount of light penetrating the car just with a click of a button. The capacity of the windshield and the windows can be customized to suit the driver and the passengers. Moreover, incremental adjustments in tint are also being allowed. With smart glass, driving has become safer due to reduced glare, and comfort improves because of the air-conditioning's better functioning as light influx reduces.
  • The growing applications in the field of transportation have been generating immense demand for smart glass. To that extent, in February 2022, Israeli smart glass technology provider Gauzy acquired a French company to bolster its offerings and become a prominent global solution firm for light control and shading system technologies. With the acquisition of Vision Systems, Gauzy plans to make inroads into the ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) industry, leveraging the French company's SafetyTech solutions that offer camera-based image analysis and monitoring systems and customized designs for light control and shading elements.

North America is Expected to Hold Significant Share

  • According to U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. new home construction in June 2022 amounted to 1.6 billion units. Furthermore, Public construction spending on commercial projects in 2021 is USD 3.54 billion, an increase from USD 3.15 billion in 2017. In business spaces, smart glass is employed in windows, cabins, walls, room dividers, etc. Making private areas in offices is the best option. Smart glass dividers in offices complement flexible open floor plans very well. They maximize space in a contemporary office while maintaining privacy. The use of smart glass in conference rooms is also highly recommended. Smart glass walls not only offer privacy but also make excellent conference projection screens. Additionally, smart glass gives an office setting a dash of elegance and contemporary.
  • Smart glass has become an increasingly widespread feature in the commercial design sector because of its aesthetic value. For instance, Spirit Lake Casino and Resort, a fine dining restaurant in North Dakota, installed smart glass to provide (the guests) spectacular views of the natural surroundings, despite solar glare problems. The technology is also helping the restaurant save money by reducing the conditions' cooling load of air conditions on sunny days.
  • The demand for smart glass is increasing owing to the growing concerns about energy consumption in buildings, especially in the commercial sector. According to the Department of Energy (DOE), buildings account for 40% of the total energy consumption of the United States and about 70% of the electricity use. Windows are commonly considered the least energy-efficient building components. They are responsible for about 40% of the total energy consumption for cooling and heating, as well as lighting (as natural light blocked by shades has to be replaced by artificial light, according to the California Energy Commission). The factors mentioned above are expected to influence the demand for smart glass in the region.
  • In June 2022, General Motors announced that it would invest more than USD 81 million into the company's Global Technical Center in Warren, Michigan, to prepare the campus to build the Cadillac CELESTIQ. Cadillac's all-electric premium flagship is scheduled to begin deliveries in 2023. One of the first full glass roofs to use a four-quadrant, suspended particle device (SPD) smart glass is anticipated to be CELESTIQ's. With this smart glass, each car occupant may customize their own level of roof transparency utilizing Research Frontiers' patented SPD-Smart light-control technology.
  • In June 2022, View, Inc., a company involved in smart building technology, declared that Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport's (PHX) new "Eighth Concourse," also known as T4 S1, had been outfitted with their smart glass. The new concourse is enclosed with floor-to-ceiling Outlook Smart Glass to maximize the terminal's natural lighting and attractive view, according to the design of SmithGroup and Corgan.

Smart Glass Industry Overview

The Global Smart Glass market is partially consolidated with the presence of numerous players manufacturing these products. Some of the prominent players in the market include View Inc., Corning Incorporated, Gentex Corporation, Smart Films International, and Argil Inc., among others.

  • July 2021 - Viracon, a single-source architectural glass fabricator, introduced Viracon PLUS Smart Glass powered by Halio, a breakthrough self-tinting smart glass solution that incorporates Halio, Inc.'s proprietary electrochromic technology into Viracon's insulated glass units. Viracon PLUS Smart Glass powered by Halio optimizes occupant comfort by autonomously adjusting tint levels to reduce energy consumption while natural light is maximized.
  • July 2021 - View, Inc., one of the prominent players in smart building platforms and smart windows, stated it had acquired IoTium, the provider of secure, cloud-managed, software-defined IoT networks. IoTium's easy-to-deploy solutions allow building owners to quickly achieve enterprise-grade safety, reduce operating costs, and gain real-time visibility into their complete real estate portfolios.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Market Drivers
    • 4.2.1 Increasing Energy Efficiency Regulations and Need for Energy Cost Savings
    • 4.2.2 Increasing Preference for Comfort, Convenience and Green Credentials
  • 4.3 Market Restraints
    • 4.3.1 High Cost and Competition from Flexible Plastic Technologies
  • 4.4 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.4.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.4.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.4.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.4.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.4.5 Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.5 Impact of COVID-19 on the Industry


  • 5.1 Evolution of Transparent Displays
  • 5.2 Scope for Future Innovations Electrically Controlled and Electricity Generation


  • 6.1 By Type
    • 6.1.1 Electrochromic
    • 6.1.2 Suspended Particle Device (SPD)
    • 6.1.3 Liquid Crystal
    • 6.1.4 Passive (Thermochromic & Photochromic)
    • 6.1.5 Other Types (Hybrid, Photovoltaic)
  • 6.2 By End User
    • 6.2.1 Automotive
    • 6.2.2 Architectural (Residential & Commercial Buildings)
    • 6.2.3 Avionics
    • 6.2.4 Other End Users
  • 6.3 By Geography
    • 6.3.1 Americas
    • 6.3.2 Asia Pacific
    • 6.3.3 Europe, Middle East & Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Smart Glass Manufacturers
      • View Inc.
      • Corning Incorporated
      • Gentex Corporation
      • Halio International SA
      • AGC Group (Incl. AIS)
      • Guardian Glass LLC
      • Polytronix Inc.
      • Research Frontiers Inc.
      • Compagnie de Saint-Gobain S.A (incl. SageGlass)
    • 7.1.2 Smart Film Manufacturers
      • Smart Films International
      • UniteGlass (part of China National Building Materials Group)
      • Argil Inc.
      • Magic Film Factory
      • Pro Display (Incl. Intelligent Glass)