
資產追蹤:市場佔有率分析、產業趨勢與統計、成長預測,2024-2029 年

Asset Tracking - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts 2024 - 2029

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 165 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




預計 2024 年資產追蹤市場規模將達到 232 億美元。





  • 資產追蹤技術以硬體(包括 GPS、RFID、BLE 和 QR 碼)和軟體(包括本地和雲端部署)的型態部署。
  • 物聯網技術的最新進展為運輸和物流、製造、食品和飲料以及其他行業的最終用戶提供了經濟高效的資產追蹤硬體。例如,在醫療保健領域,醫院和其他醫療機構必須密切監控醫療設備的狀況,因為防止盜竊和確保持續使用的成本很高。醫院追蹤系統可以即時監控消耗品和設備。它有潛力為患者提供所需的治療並顯著提高患者照護水平。
  • 在 COVID-19 大流行期間,由於企業和政府設施需要保護員工和訪客的健康和安全,對資產追蹤解決方案(包括接觸者追蹤)的需求迅速增加。資產追蹤解決方案的部署不斷成長,尤其是在醫院和大型設施中。尤其是醫療保健領域的資產追蹤解決方案具有巨大的價值,因為它們可以追蹤心臟去顫器、人工呼吸器和各種醫用泵等稀有醫療設備資產,在需要時節省關鍵時間並提高業務效率。我們看到了這種需求。
  • 大流行後,由於物聯網在各個最終用戶行業的普及以及對資產有效追蹤和管理的需求不斷增加,市場出現了可觀的成長。此外,資產追蹤技術的硬體和軟體方面取得了重大技術進步,對疫情後資產追蹤市場的成長產生了積極影響。
  • 雖然高昂的初始成本限制了市場成長,但第三方物流參與者透過付加追蹤服務不斷成長的需求以及擴大採用物聯網設備進行資產追蹤正在刺激市場。基於物聯網的資產追蹤越來越受到關注,因為它利用感測器和連接設備來遠端監控和追蹤資產的地理位置和移動。此外,物聯網技術為資產追蹤、提高效率和引入新的業務模式提供了巨大的成長機會,特別是對於工業、運輸和物流領域的公司。



  • 隨著工業4.0和智慧工廠的普及,製造業需要實施先進的數位技術來改善製造流程。資產追蹤現已在行業中廣泛採用,以追蹤和監控資產的位置和狀況。
  • 資產監控技術廣泛應用於製造設施中,以監控原料、在製品和成品的移動和儲存。供應鏈營運得到簡化,即時追蹤資料有助於最大限度地減少缺貨。
  • 物聯網和低功耗藍牙 (BLE) 等先進資產追蹤技術在製造業中迅速普及。 BLE 標籤有各種尺寸、形狀和功能,使製造商可以輕鬆解決他們的第一個使用案例。資產追蹤,無論是零件還是設備,都融合了物聯網 (IoT) 的進步和低調標籤,可以在整個工廠或院子裡自動追蹤。這種利用物聯網的先進資產追蹤解決方案預計將豐富製造業的資產追蹤解決方案並促進市場成長。
  • 同時監控多個工廠定位並獲取有關流程、營運和庫存的即時資訊的需求預計將推動製造業資產追蹤的成長。使用物聯網和工業IoT的創新資產追蹤解決方案預計將豐富資產追蹤解決方案。物聯網連接的不斷發展導致對物聯網資產追蹤設備的需求增加。
  • 例如,根據 IoT Analytics資料,2018 年全球活躍物聯網設備連線數為 99 億,預計到 2025 年將達到 309 億。這些設備在遠端監控、定位和管理資產、提高效率、提高安全性和最佳化各行業的利用率方面發揮關鍵作用。不斷擴大的物聯網生態系統正在推動此類追蹤設備的採用,以更好地即時管理和監控資產。
  • 向智慧工廠、工業 4.0 和製造業數位化的不斷轉變為預測期內的市場成長提供了光明的前景。


  • 由於美國和加拿大國家先進技術的採用率很高,預計北美將在資產追蹤市場中佔據重要的市場佔有率。
  • 加拿大和美國最近也面臨類似的供應鏈物流挑戰,包括邊境和主要港口附近的公路和鐵路瓶頸。重大天氣災害、勞動力短缺、安全中斷以及材料短缺導致的停工凸顯了冗餘和規劃的必要性。 2021年6月,白宮宣布成立供應鏈中斷特別工作組,以試點改善營運物流供應鏈的私人公司之間的數位資訊交流,以解決美國的這些擔憂。
  • 美國和加拿大食品和飲料行業的顯著成長以及先進技術的採用推動了市場成長率。食品和飲料產業對美國經濟至關重要。該行業包括農業、製造業、零售業和食品服務業,約佔全國 GDP 的 5% 和就業人數的 10%。根據美國經濟發展委員會的報告,食品和飲料行業包括約 27,000 家公司,僱用約 150 萬人。
  • 加拿大也推出了一個獨立的供應鏈工作小組,與企業領導人、員工和產業專家進行磋商,為物流供應鏈問題提出即時和長期的解決方案。解決供應鏈物流問題的通用決心是加拿大和美國在運輸物流方面長期合作協議的基礎。這種合作關係的範圍包括五大湖-聖勞倫斯航道系統的聯合管理以及智慧型運輸系統的實施,該系統使商用車輛能夠獲取即時邊境延誤資訊。
  • 隨著該地區的醫療保健行業也在持續成長,主要企業正在該領域創新資產追蹤解決方案。
  • 這些策略聯盟和產品發布旨在提供解決方案,以滿足物流、製造、食品和飲料等行業的當前需求和技術,推動採用率並促進該地區的成長。


全球資產追蹤市場競爭激烈,許多重要的市場供應商和新的市場供應商不斷湧現。解決方案供應商正在大力投資多項研發活動,以改善現有的資產追蹤解決方案、將最新的技術發展整合到其解決方案中並推出新的解決方案。公司將全球擴張視為最大化市場佔有率的途徑。該市場的主要企業包括 Asset Panda LLC、ActSoft Inc.、Touma Incorporated (ASAP Systems)、AT&T Inc. 和 GigaTrak (P&T Solutions Inc.)。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場概況
  • 產業吸引力-波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 買方議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間的敵對關係
  • 價值鏈分析
  • COVID-19 對市場的影響
  • 消費市場的資產追蹤解決方案
    • 個人資產追蹤設備


  • 市場促進因素
    • 透過付加追蹤服務增加第三方物流營運商的需求
    • 更多採用物聯網設備進行資產追蹤
  • 市場抑制因素
    • 資產追蹤軟體的初始成本較高


  • 按成分
    • 硬體
    • 軟體
  • 依部署類型
    • 在雲端
    • 本地
  • 按最終用戶產業
    • 運輸/物流
    • 航空
    • 衛生保健
    • 製造業
    • 食品與飲品
    • 其他
  • 按地區
    • 北美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東/非洲


  • 消費者資產追蹤市場概述
  • 按類型追蹤消費者資產
    • 對於家庭和兒童
    • 對於寵物
    • 消費性車輛
    • 其他


  • 公司簡介
    • Actsoft Inc.
    • Touma Incorporated(Asap Systems)
    • Asset Panda
    • AT & T Inc.
    • GigaTrak(P&T Solutions Inc.)
    • OnAsset Intelligence Inc.
    • Fleet Complete
    • Oracle Corporation
    • Spireon Inc.
    • Trimble Inc.
    • Zebra Technologies Corporation
    • Verizon Communications Inc.
    • Ubisense Limited
    • TIVE



Product Code: 66994
Asset Tracking - Market - IMG1

The asset tracking market size is estimated at USD 23.2 billion in 2024. It is expected to reach USD 43.34 billion by 2029, registering a CAGR of 13.91% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

Asset management and tracking solutions are essential to achieve greater operational efficiencies in the current market scenario of rapid digitalization in manufacturing environments and office spaces.

Key Highlights

  • The asset tracking technology is deployed in the form of hardware, which includes GPS, RFID, BLE, QR Code, and software that includes on-premises and cloud deployment.
  • Recent advancements in IoT technology have enabled several end users, such as transportation and logistics, manufacturing, and food and beverage, to acquire economical and efficient asset-tracking hardware. For instance, in the healthcare sector, hospitals and other healthcare facilities must closely monitor the status of medical equipment due to its high cost to deter theft and ensure ongoing accessibility. The hospital tracking system enables real-time monitoring of supplies and equipment. It may give patients the care they need and significantly raise the standard of patient care.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for asset-tracking solutions, including contact tracing, rapidly increased due to businesses' and government facilities' need to help safeguard employees' and visitors' health and safety. Deployment of asset-tracking solutions witnessed growth, particularly in hospitals and large facilities. Notably, asset-tracking solutions in the healthcare sector witnessed substantial demand due to the ability to track scarce medical equipment assets such as defibrillators, ventilators, and various medical pumps to deliver critical time and operational efficiency savings when needed.
  • Post-pandemic, the market is witnessing considerable growth driven by the proliferation of IoT in various end-user industries, coupled with the growing demand to track and manage assets effectively. In addition, the market has witnessed substantial technological advancements in hardware and software in asset-tracking technology, positively impacting the growth of the asset-tracking market post-pandemic.
  • Although the high initial costs are restraining the market growth, it is stimulated by the rising demand from third-party logistics players through value-added tracking services and the growing adoption of IoT devices for asset tracking. IoT-based asset tracking is gaining substantial traction as it leverages sensors and connected devices to remotely monitor and track an asset's geo position and movements. Furthermore, IoT technology offers significant growth opportunities for tracking assets, achieving efficiency gains, and implementing new business models for companies, notably in the industrial, transport, and logistics sectors.

Asset Tracking Market Trends

Manufacturing to be the Largest End-user Industry

  • With the growing popularity of Industry 4.0 and smart factories, it has become necessary for industries in the manufacturing sector to adopt advanced digital technologies to improve manufacturing processes. Asset tracking is currently widely adopted by industries for tracking and monitoring asset location and status.
  • In manufacturing facilities, asset monitoring technologies are widely used to monitor the movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods. The supply chain's operations are streamlined, and stockouts are minimized due to real-time tracking data.
  • Advanced asset tracking technology, such as IoT and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), is rapidly gaining traction in the manufacturing industry. BLE tags come in many sizes, shapes, and capabilities, making it easy for manufacturers to tackle that first use case. Whether parts or equipment, asset tracking incorporates Internet of Things (IoT) advancements with thin tags that may be automatically tracked throughout the factory or yard. Such advanced asset-tracking solutions with IoT are expected to enrich the asset-tracking solutions in the manufacturing sector, thus increasing the market's growth.
  • The need to monitor multiple plant locations simultaneously to get real-time information about the process, operations, and inventory is expected to boost the growth of asset tracking in the manufacturing industry. Innovative asset-tracking solutions with IoT and Industrial IoT are anticipated to enrich the asset-tracking solutions. The growing IoT connectivity is leading to increasing demand for IoT asset-tracking devices.
  • For instance, according to the data from IoT analytics, 2018, there were 9.9 billion active IoT device connections worldwide, projected to amount to 30.9 billion units by 2025. These devices play a crucial role in monitoring, locating, and managing assets remotely, which can enhance efficiency, improve security, and optimize utilization across various industries. The expanding IoT ecosystem is driving the adoption of such tracking devices to better manage and monitor assets in real time.
  • The growing shift toward smart factories, Industry 4.0, and digitization of the manufacturing sector is providing a promising future for the market's growth during the forecast period.
Asset Tracking - Market - IMG2

North America Holds Largest Market Share

  • North America is expected to account for a significant market share of the asset tracking market, owing to the high adoption rate of advanced technologies in countries across the United States and Canada.
  • Canada and the United States have recently suffered similar supply chain logistics challenges, such as road and rail bottlenecks near borders and key ports. The necessity of redundancy and planning has been underscored by significant weather disasters, worker shortages, security interruptions, and work stoppages due to material scarcity. In June 2021, the White House announced the formation of the Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force, which has started a pilot to improve digital information exchange between private businesses operating logistics supply chains to address these concerns for the United States.
  • The significant growth in the food and beverage sector in the United States and Canada, alongside the adoption of advanced technologies, contributes to the market's growth rate. The food and beverage sector is vital to the US economy. The industry accounts for around 5% of the nation's GDP and 10% of employment, including agriculture, manufacturing, retail, and food service. The US Committee for Economic Development reports that the food and beverage sector includes nearly 27,000 businesses and employs around 1.5 million people.
  • Canada is also setting up its independent Supply Chains Task Force to confer with business leaders, employees, and industry experts to develop recommendations for both immediate and long-term solutions to logistical supply chain issues. Their shared determination to address supply chain logistics issues supports a long-standing cooperative agreement between Canada and the United States in transport logistics. This partnership ranges from joint management of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System to implementing Intelligent Transportation Systems, which allows commercial vehicles access to real-time border delay information.
  • As the healthcare sector in the region is also witnessing incremental growth, the key players are innovating asset-tacking solutions in the segment. For instance, in April 2023, GE announced the launch of ReadySee, an asset management and network supervision solution, and Portrait Mobile, a monitoring service. To protect sensitive patient health information (PHI), ReadySee transforms data into actionable insights about devices and infrastructure, eliminates manual efforts to locate such devices, and self-manages cybersecurity protocols. For their clinical teams to be prepared to care for their patients, ReadySee assists biomedical and IT healthcare professionals in ensuring their equipment is up and running.
  • These strategic collaborations and product launches are aimed at providing the various industries such as logistics, manufacturing, food, beverage, and others with solutions meeting the current demand and technologies, boosting the adoption rate, consequently resulting in growth rate in the region.

Asset Tracking Industry Overview

The global asset tracking market is highly competitive, with the presence of many significant market vendors and the emergence of new market vendors. The solution providers are heavily investing in multiple R&D activities to improve existing asset-tracking solutions and launch new solutions by integrating the latest technological developments in their solutions. Companies view global expansion as a path to attracting maximum market share. Some of the key players in the market are Asset Panda LLC, ActSoft Inc., Touma Incorporated (ASAP Systems), AT&T Inc., and GigaTrak (P&T Solutions Inc.).

  • April 2023: Verizon Connect revealed improvements to its mobile workforce management platforms, offering businesses in the United States and Canada upgraded capabilities to monitor and control their field equipment. By introducing the Equipment Asset Tracker (EAT), companies may conveniently connect and track their assets in one centralized platform. This enhanced solution provides valuable insights into crucial equipment data, including location, status, and overall health, in a user-friendly manner.
  • March 2023: OnAsset Intelligence Inc. launched its newest product, the Sentinel 200. The Sentinel 200, launched in Q2 this year, is the latest evolution of OnAsset's highly successful Sentinel product line and is one of the first devices using Amazon Sidewalk for logistics-focused use cases. With the launch of the Sentinel 200 operating on Amazon Sidewalk, OnAsset substantially augmented its existing global network to provide even more breadth of connectivity to help ensure customers maintain complete visibility of their critical shipments and assets.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market
  • 4.5 Asset Tracking Solutions in the Consumer Market
    • 4.5.1 Personal Asset Tracking Devices


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Demand from Third-party Logistics Players through Value-add Tracking Services
    • 5.1.2 Increasing Adoption of IoT Devices for Asset Tracking
  • 5.2 Market Restraints
    • 5.2.1 High Initial Cost of Asset Tracking Software


  • 6.1 By Component
    • 6.1.1 Hardware
    • 6.1.2 Software
  • 6.2 By Deployment Type
    • 6.2.1 On-cloud
    • 6.2.2 On-premise
  • 6.3 By End-user Industry
    • 6.3.1 Transportation and Logistics
    • 6.3.2 Aviation
    • 6.3.3 Healthcare
    • 6.3.4 Manufacturing
    • 6.3.5 Food and Beverages
    • 6.3.6 Other End-user Applications
  • 6.4 By Geography
    • 6.4.1 North America
    • 6.4.2 Europe
    • 6.4.3 Asia Pacific
    • 6.4.4 Latin America
    • 6.4.5 Middle East & Africa


  • 7.1 Consumer Asset Tracking Market Overview
  • 7.2 By Consumer Asset Tracking Type
    • 7.2.1 Family and Child Tracking
    • 7.2.2 Pet Tracking
    • 7.2.3 Consumer Vehicle Tracking
    • 7.2.4 Other Consumer Asset Tracking Types


  • 8.1 Company Profiles*
    • 8.1.1 Actsoft Inc.
    • 8.1.2 Touma Incorporated (Asap Systems)
    • 8.1.3 Asset Panda
    • 8.1.4 AT & T Inc.
    • 8.1.5 GigaTrak (P&T Solutions Inc.)
    • 8.1.6 OnAsset Intelligence Inc.
    • 8.1.7 Fleet Complete
    • 8.1.8 Oracle Corporation
    • 8.1.9 Spireon Inc.
    • 8.1.10 Trimble Inc.
    • 8.1.11 Zebra Technologies Corporation
    • 8.1.12 Verizon Communications Inc.
    • 8.1.13 Ubisense Limited
    • 8.1.14 TIVE