
唾液收集和診斷市場 - 增長、趨勢、COVID-19 影響和預測 (2023-2028)

Saliva Collection and Diagnosis Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 110 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




唾液收集和診斷市場預計在預測期內(2022 年至 2027 年)以 10.1% 的複合年增長率增長。

由於人口中傳染病病例的增加以及對基於自體唾液的非侵入性檢測的偏好不斷增加,COVID-19 對市場的增長產生了重大影響。 診斷 COVID-19 感染患者的需求日益增長,這為唾液收集和診斷市場創造了有利可圖的機會。 例如,根據世界衛生組織 (WHO) 的數據,從 2022 年 1 月 17 日至 23 日,全球新發 COVID-19 病例數增加了 5%。 此外,市場參與者的舉措也有助於市場的增長。 例如,2021年12月,Cotipharma在非洲推出了基於唾液的Omicron檢測PCR檢測。 該測試帶有 CE 標誌,可以檢測所有已知的 SARS-CoV-2 變體,包括 Omicron。 因此,預計 COVID-19 將對市場增長產生重大影響。

此外,全球人口中不斷上升的傳染病被認為是市場增長的主要驅動力之一。 根據世界衛生組織 (WHO) 的數據,到 2021 年,全球 60% 的人口將患有傳染病。 此外,傳染病每年導致超過 1700 萬人死亡,這說明了全球傳染病的負擔。 越來越多的傳染病患者正在推動對安全有效的診斷測試和產品的需求。 因此,唾液收集/診斷作為一種非侵入性診斷方法對患者篩查多種疾病起著重要作用。

此外,增加唾液收集和診斷產品的產品批准是可能促進市場增長的關鍵因素。 例如,2021 年 7 月,Hologic Inc. 的 HOLX optima SARS-COV-2 分子診斷測試獲得歐盟 CE 標誌,用於唾液樣本。

此外,公共機構的努力也在推動市場的增長。 例如,2022 年 8 月,澳大利亞通過免費的 DNA 唾液測試啟動了世界上第一個針對癌症和心髒病風險的預防性 DNA 篩查計劃。 這是澳大利亞莫納什大學牽頭的國家合作項目。 此外,利用可訪問和非侵入性樣本類型,市場參與者支持實驗室使用庫存唾液樣本進行科學研究的舉措可能對市場增長產生積極影響。 例如,2021 年 9 月,Thermo Fisher Scientific 推出了 Thermo Scientific SpeciMAX Stabilized Saliva Collection Kit,用於安全收集唾液用於研究。 這些舉措也有助於市場的增長。

因此,由於上述因素,市場有望在預測期內出現增長。 然而,收割設備的高成本可能會阻礙市場增長。



由於實驗室間唾液收集和診斷的利用率不斷提高,按應用劃分的診斷實驗室子細分市場預計將推動市場增長。 該領域的增長因素包括傳染病和慢性病的增加、檢測的便利性、醫療機構中獨立和獨立診斷實驗室的增加以及熟練專業人員的可用性。

COVID-19 的突然爆發導致全球感染 COVID-19 疾病的人數激增,這增加了對唾液採集和診斷的需求。 診斷實驗室在檢測和診斷包括 COVID-19 在內的各種疾病方面發揮著重要作用,設備先進,結果迅速,因此,該領域有望在分析期間增長。

此外,隨著癌症等慢性病患病率的增加,診斷實驗室越來越多地使用非侵入性篩查方法。 例如,美國癌症協會的 2022 年統計數據估計,2022 年美國將診斷出約 54,000 例口腔或口咽癌新病例。 採集唾液的診斷方法以其準確率高、痛苦小等優點被廣泛應用於診斷機構的癌症診斷。

新產品的發布也在推動這一細分市場的增長。 例如,在 2022 年 6 月,Goodbody Health 推出了四項唾液測試,通過查看您的基因來確定您在未來 10 年內患癌症或心髒病的風險。 預計此類發布將在未來幾年推動該細分市場的增長。




在美國,慢性病患病率的上升導致對唾液採集和診斷產品的需求增加。 據美國癌症協會統計,2022 年美國估計有 38,700 名男性和 15,300 名女性患有口腔癌和咽癌。 同樣,根據 MedAlertHelp 發布的統計數據,到 2022 年,每年將有大約 5% 到 20% 的美國人被診斷出患有流感。 此外,根據美國疾病控制與預防中心 2021 年 10 月公佈的數據,2019-20 賽季將有 3500 萬例與流感相關的疾病,38 萬例與流感相關的住院治療,2019 年全年有 2 萬例與流感相關的疾病。 -2020 季節。報告了相關死亡和 1600 萬次與流感相關的諮詢。 這種日益增加的疾病負擔產生了對唾液收集和診斷的需求,推動了該地區的市場增長。

此外,產品發布預計將推動該地區的市場增長。 例如,2022 年 8 月,Viome Life Sciences 推出了 CancerDetect,這是一種使用 mRNA 技術和人工智能平台的口腔癌和咽癌診斷測試。 此外,2021 年 9 月,Thermo Fisher Scientific 將推出 SpeciMax Stabilized Saliva Collection Kit,用於安全收集唾液用於研究。 該試劑盒將病毒核酸保存在可滅活常見呼吸道病毒的無害穩定溶液中。



唾液採集和診斷市場競爭適中,由幾家大型企業組成。 從市場份額的角度來看,一些主要參與者目前主導著市場。 目前主導市場的公司有 Thermo Fisher Scientific、Neogen Corporation、Abbott、Sarstedt AG &Co.KG、Autogen, Inc、Oasis Diagnostics、Porex、Salimetrics, LLC、Takara Bio, Inc、Arcis Bio、Orasure Technologies 等。 .


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍


第 3 章執行摘要


  • 市場概覽
  • 市場驅動因素
    • 傳染病因人口增長而增加
    • 更多地使用無創唾液檢測來代替血液檢測
  • 市場製約因素
    • 採樣設備成本高
  • 波特的五力分析
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 買方/消費者議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間的敵對關係

第 5 章市場細分(金額基礎:百萬美元)

  • 按採樣點
    • 腮腺取樣
    • 頜下腺取樣
    • 小唾液腺收集
  • 通過使用
    • 診斷實驗室
    • 取證
    • 其他
  • 按地區
    • 北美
      • 美國
      • 加拿大
      • 墨西哥
    • 歐洲
      • 德國
      • 英國
      • 法國
      • 意大利
      • 西班牙
      • 其他歐洲地區
    • 亞太地區
      • 中國
      • 日本
      • 印度
      • 澳大利亞
      • 韓國
      • 其他亞太地區
    • 中東
      • 海灣合作委員會
      • 南非
      • 其他中東地區
    • 南美洲地區
      • 巴西
      • 阿根廷
      • 其他南美洲


  • 公司簡介
    • Thermo Fisher Scientific
    • Neogen Corporation
    • Abbott
    • Sarstedt AG and Co.KG
    • Autogen Inc
    • Oasis Diagnostics
    • Porex
    • Salimetrics, LLC
    • Takara Bio, Inc
    • Arcis Bio
    • Orasure Technologies

第7章 市場機會與今後動向

Product Code: 90464

The saliva collection and diagnosis market are projected to register a CAGR of 10.1% during the forecast period (2022-2027).

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the growth of the market, owing to the rising cases of infectious diseases among people and an increased preference for non-invasive and self-saliva-based tests. The increase in the need to diagnose COVID-19 infected patients created lucrative opportunities for the saliva collection and diagnosis market. For instance, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), in January 2022, the number of new COVID-19 cases increased by 5% across the globe from January 17th to January 23rd, 2022. Additionally, initiatives taken by the market players also contributed to the growth of the market. For instance, in December 2021, Cotipharma launched a saliva-based Omicron detecting PCR test in Africa. This test is CE-marked and can detect all known variants of SARS-CoV-2, including Omicron. Thus, COVID-19 is expected to have a significant impact on the growth of the market.

Furthermore, the increasing prevalence of infectious diseases among people across the globe is assumed to be one of the major driving factors for market growth. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2021, 60% of the global population suffered from infectious diseases. The report also stated that infectious diseases kill over 17 million people a year, which illustrates the global burden of infectious diseases. The rise in the number of infectious cases has led to the demand for safe and effective diagnostic tests and products. Hence, saliva collection and diagnosis play a major role as a non-invasive diagnostic method for screening patients for several diseases.

Moreover, the increase in product approvals for saliva collection and diagnostic products is a significant factor likely to augment the market's growth. For instance, in July 2021, Hologic Inc.'s HOLX optima SARS-COV-2 molecular diagnostic test received CE marking by the European Union for its use with a saliva sample.

Additionally, the initiatives taken by the public authorities are also propelling the growth of the market. For instance, in August 2022, Australia launched one of the world's first preventative DNA screening programs for cancer and heart disease risk through free DNA saliva tests. It is a nationally collaborative project, led by Australia's Monash University. Furthermore, the initiatives taken by market players to support labs in conducting scientific studies using banked saliva samples, taking advantage of a sample type that is easy to access and non-invasive, are expected to have a positive impact on the growth of the market. For instance, in September 2021, Thermo Fisher Scientific launched the Thermo Scientific SpeciMAX Stabilized Saliva Collection Kit, which is designed to safely collect saliva for research. Such initiatives also contribute to the growth of the market.

Thus, owing to the abovementioned factors, the market is expected to project growth over the forecast period. However, the high cost of collection devices may impede the growth of the market.

Saliva Collection & Diagnosis Market Trends

The Diagnostic Laboratories Segment is Expected to Hold a Major Market Share Over the Forecast Period

The diagnostic laboratories sub-segment by application is expected to drive the market's growth due to the increasing usage of saliva collection and diagnosis across laboratories. Factors contributing to the growth of the segment include the increasing prevalence of infectious and chronic diseases; ease of conduct; the growing number of standalone diagnostic laboratories as well as in-built diagnostic labs within healthcare settings; and the availability of skilled professionals.

The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has increased the demand for saliva collection and diagnosis due to the surge in the number of infectious cases of COVID-19 disease across the world. Diagnostic laboratories play a crucial role in testing and diagnosing patients with COVID-19 and various other diseases owing to advanced equipment and quicker results, as a result of which, the segment is expected to project growth over the analysis period.

Moreover, the rising prevalence of chronic diseases such as cancer among people has led to the increasing use of non-invasive screening methods in diagnostic laboratories. For instance, the American Cancer Society's 2022 statistics estimated that about 54,000 new cases of the oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer will be diagnosed in 2022 in the United States. Saliva collection and diagnosis is widely used in cancer diagnosis in diagnostic laboratories owing to its accuracy and painless procedure.

The launch of new products is also propelling the growth of the market segment. For instance, in June 2022, Goodbody Health Inc. launched four saliva tests that can determine a person's risk of getting cancer or heart disease over ten years via looking at genetics. Such launches are expected to propel the growth of the segment over the coming years.

Thus, owing to the abovementioned factors, the market segment is expected to project growth over the forecast period.

North America is Expected to Hold a Significant Share in the Market and Expected to do Same Over the Forecast Period

North America is expected to hold a significant share in the market owing to the increasing prevalence of infectious diseases, growing preference for saliva tests, and the launch of newer products by the market players and others.

The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases in the United States contributes to the growing demand for saliva collection and diagnosis products. According to the American Cancer Society, 2022 statistics, it was estimated that in the United States there are about 38,700 males and 15,300 females living with oral and pharynx cancer. Similarly, according to statistics published by MedAlertHelp, in 2022, about 5% to 20% of Americans are diagnosed with influenza every year. Furthermore, according to the data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in October 2021, overall, 35 million flu-related illnesses, 380,000 flu-related hospitalizations, 20,000 flu-related deaths, and 16 million flu-related medical visits were reported in the 2019-2020 season. Such a growing burden of disease is creating demand for saliva collection and diagnosis, thus driving the growth of the market in the region.

Moreover, the launch of products is expected to drive the growth of the regional market. For instance, in August 2022, Viome Life Sciences launched CancerDetect, a diagnostic test for oral and throat cancer that uses mRNA technology and an AI-powered platform. Additionally, in September 2021, Thermo Fisher Scientific launched the SpeciMax Stabilized Saliva Collection Kit, which is designed to safely collect saliva for research. This kit preserves viral nucleic acids in a non-hazardous stabilization solution that inactivates common respiratory viruses.

Thus, owing to the abovementioned factors, the studied market in the region is expected to grow over the forecast period.

Saliva Collection & Diagnosis Market Competitor Analysis

The saliva collection and diagnosis market is moderately competitive and consists of several major players. In terms of market share, a few of the major players are currently dominating the market. Some companies currently dominating the market are Thermo Fisher Scientific, Neogen Corporation, Abbott, Sarstedt AG & Co.KG, Autogen, Inc., Oasis Diagnostics, Porex, Salimetrics, LLC, Takara Bio, Inc., Arcis Bio, Orasure Technologies, and others.

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  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Market Drivers
    • 4.2.1 Increasing Infectious Diseases Among the Population
    • 4.2.2 Rising Application of Non- Invasive Saliva testing as a Replacement of Blood Testing
  • 4.3 Market Restraints
    • 4.3.1 High Costs of Collection Devices
  • 4.4 Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.4.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.4.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.4.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.4.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.4.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

5 MARKET SEGMENTATION (Market Size by Value -USD million)

  • 5.1 By Site of Collection
    • 5.1.1 Parotid Gland Collection
    • 5.1.2 Submandibular collection
    • 5.1.3 Minor Salivary Glands Collection
  • 5.2 By Application
    • 5.2.1 Diagnostic Laboratories
    • 5.2.2 Forensics
    • 5.2.3 Others
  • 5.3 Geography
    • 5.3.1 North America
      • United States
      • Canada
      • Mexico
    • 5.3.2 Europe
      • Germany
      • United Kingdom
      • France
      • Italy
      • Spain
      • Rest of Europe
    • 5.3.3 Asia-Pacific
      • China
      • Japan
      • India
      • Australia
      • South Korea
      • Rest of Asia-Pacific
    • 5.3.4 Middle East
      • GCC
      • South Africa
      • Rest of Middle East
    • 5.3.5 South America
      • Brazil
      • Argentina
      • Rest of South America


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 Thermo Fisher Scientific
    • 6.1.2 Neogen Corporation
    • 6.1.3 Abbott
    • 6.1.4 Sarstedt AG and Co.KG
    • 6.1.5 Autogen Inc
    • 6.1.6 Oasis Diagnostics
    • 6.1.7 Porex
    • 6.1.8 Salimetrics, LLC
    • 6.1.9 Takara Bio, Inc
    • 6.1.10 Arcis Bio
    • 6.1.11 Orasure Technologies