
光電二極管傳感器市場 - 增長、趨勢、COVID-19 影響和預測 (2023-2028)

Photodiode Sensors Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 100 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




預測期內,光電二極管傳感器市場預計將以 7.26% 的複合年增長率增長。

由於脈搏血氧儀、光譜學和醫學成像等醫療設備越來越依賴光電二極管傳感器,因此全球光電二極管傳感器市場發展勢頭迅猛。 此外,電子系統在汽車和消費電子行業的普及正在刺激光電二極管市場的擴張。


  • 光電二極管傳感器具有一些使其脫穎而出的特殊特性,例如集成功能、改進的性能、高可靠性和快速響應時間。 因此,預計在預測期內,光學/光學傳感器在醫療設備、航空航天和國防以及消費電子產品中的使用將越來越多,這將成為一個利潤豐厚的領域,從而促進全球光電二極管傳感器市場的增長。
  • 此外,用於血液氧合、光學心率檢測和健康監測等多種應用的健身追蹤器和智能手錶等可穿戴健康設備也將推動光電二極管市場的發展。 它還用於測量血壓和體溫的設備,預計市場將進一步擴大。
  • 條形碼讀取是光電二極管的另一項應用,可幫助組織跟蹤大量數據,並被各行各業採用,以提高生產力和效率。 推動光電二極管傳感器市場增長的另一個關鍵因素是人們越來越意識到賬單和購買交易的快速處理時間,以及零售店客戶體驗影響的改善。 這一趨勢也推動了零售業對條碼掃描器的需求增加。
  • 此外,新型光學探測器的開發將增加對光電二極管的需求。 我們還期望智能手機相機和接近傳感器使用光電二極管進行物體識別和聚焦。 這些半導體技術的發展和新應用(光通信、光傳感等)的出現將推動這一需求。 這些因素將推動市場增長。
  • 然而,限制全球光電二極管傳感器市場增長的主要因素之一是光電二極管的溫度依賴性。 所有光電二極管都與溫度有關,溫度變化會影響暗電流、分流電阻、靈敏度和耐壓。 它還會影響結電容等其他因素,從而對光電二極管的一般性能特性產生不利影響。
  • 隨著全球經濟從 COVID-19 疫情中復蘇,對光電二極管傳感器的需求正在迅速增長。 特別是,隨著人們因大流行而變得更加註重健康,個人醫療設備行業的需求正在迅速增長。 因此,增加傳感器的使用將刺激新的市場開放,並允許供應商進一步增加他們的市場佔有率。



  • 光學改變了醫療實踐並為重大健康問題提供了新的解決方案,從而影響了人們的生活。 通過越來越多地使用光學和光纖,可以通過微創療法來治療疾病。 光學使激光手術、光學診斷、體內可視化等成為可能。 安裝在這些醫療光學設備中的雪崩光電二極管因其各種優點而備受關注。
  • 雪崩光電二極管 (APD) 是利用光電效應將光轉換為電能的光電探測器。 利用光電效應將光轉換為電的光電探測器,並具有獲得增益的內置機制。 由矽、InGaAs 和鍺等材料製成的雪崩光電二極管用於許多行業。 在醫療領域的使用是雪崩光電二極管市場擴大的一個因素。 例如,根據 MedTech Europe 的數據,2020 年歐洲醫療器械年增長率為 8.5%,2021 年為 2.9%。
  • 如今,醫療保健行業對醫療設備(尤其是診斷設備)的需求量很大。 光電二極管用於測量血氧水平的醫療設備。 基於矽的固態探測器稱為 APD(雪崩光電二極管),可將光子轉換為充電電流。 在檢測光或X射線時,它體積小,可靠性高,不受磁場影響,因此具有增益100左右,響應速度快的優點。 因此,APD 廣泛應用於醫療保健行業。 APD具有響應速度快、性能高、壽命長等特點。
  • 雪崩光電二極管 (APD) 已用於自動駕駛車輛,尤其是 LiDAR 裝置,因為它們是高度靈敏的光電探測器,具有快速上升時間、內部增益機制並在高反向電壓下運行。光網絡正變得越來越流行. 這種光電二極管利用光學距離來測量自動駕駛汽車和自動駕駛汽車的速度,以及實現交通標誌識別、環境監測、導航和潛在道路風險等方面的需求。
  • 此外,矽雪崩光電二極管在 450 到 1000 nm 波長范圍內的最大靈敏度為 600 到 800 nm,因此比其他類型的二極管便宜。 此外,矽APD從紫外到近紅外光具有高靈敏度,可以高速檢測微弱光,支持該細分市場的增長。


  • 由於消費電子、汽車和電信等行業的不斷擴張,預計亞太地區的光電二極管傳感器市場將成為規模最大、增長最快的地區。 中國、台灣、韓國、日本和印度等國家/地區主導著消費電子市場份額。 消費電子產品的增長將導致該地區對光電二極管傳感器的需求增加。
  • 據國際貿易中心預測,2020年中國家電出口將佔據全球最大市場份額,機電設備7101億美元,電腦4403億美元,燈飾照明1100億美元。□包括其他電子產品。 中國也將在 2021 年和 2022 年加強其地位。 因此,預計中國將在光電二極管市場的未來增長中發揮重要作用。
  • 此外,採礦、食品加工、汽車、航空航天、電子/半導體和紡織業是亞太地區的主要產業,支撐著該地區各國的經濟。 這些行業使用激光設備和光學掃描儀進行檢查、掃描、繪圖和規劃,這將增加該地區對光電二極管傳感器的需求,並推動預測期內的市場擴張。
  • 此外,隨著汽車製造商專注於製造符合國際標準的汽車,預計汽車行業的增長將推動亞太地區的市場擴張。 這也推動了光電二極管行業的創新,因為汽車製造商繼續專注於生產符合國際標準的汽車。
  • 例如,2021 年 6 月,韓國三星電子宣布推出 ISOCELL Auto 4AC,這是一款具有先進的 120 分貝 (dB) 高動態範圍 (HDR) 和 LED 閃爍抑制功能的汽車圖像傳感器。 它採用 CornerPixel 技術,其中包括一種特殊的像素結構,可減少 90Hz 以上的 LED 光。 它在一個像素區域內嵌入了兩個光電二極管,使用一個 3.0m 像素用於查看低光圖像,一個 1.0m 像素用於較大像素的角落。


由於多家全球參與者的存在以及這些參與者的全球擴張,光電二極管傳感器市場是分散的。 參與者眾多,他們不斷的創新活動正在推動市場格局。 Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.、Thorlabs, Inc.、TT electronics、First Sensor AG、Illinois Tool Works Inc.、Edmund Optics Inc.、Excelitas Technologies Corporation 是光電二極管傳感器市場的主要參與者。

  • 2022 年 11 月 - 在 Electronica 2022 上,Vissey Intertechnology 推出了名為 Tech's DNA 的可靠且節能的電子元件產品組合。 我們展示了我們的光電二極管和混合儲能電容器。 我們還展示了一種新的光電二極管,它可以為低功耗藍牙發射器供電,從而將數據發送到 Android 設備。
  • 2022 年 11 月 - Advanced Photonix 是 OSI Optoelectronics 的一個部門,創建和製造用於快速響應應用的矽 (Si) 和銦鎵砷 (InGaAs) 表面貼裝技術 (SMT) 光電探測器。我來了。 此外,這些光電二極管專門設計用於陶瓷和印刷電路板上的回流焊安裝和自動化 SMT/SMD 組裝。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 三個月的分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍


第 3 章執行摘要

第 4 章市場洞察

  • 市場概覽
  • 產業吸引力 - 波特五力分析
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 買方/消費者議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間的敵對關係
  • COVID-19 對市場的影響
  • 技術快照(矽、鍺、磷化銦鎵砷 (InGaAsP)、銦鎵砷 (InGaAs)

第 5 章市場動態

  • 市場驅動力
    • 光電二極管傳感器在醫療和消費設備中的使用增加
    • 全球智能手機普及率上升
  • 市場挑戰
    • 光電二極管的溫度依賴性

第 6 章市場細分

  • 按傳感器類型
    • PN 光電二極管傳感器
    • PIN 光電二極管傳感器
    • 雪崩光電二極管傳感器
    • 肖特基光電二極管傳感器
  • 按最終用戶行業
    • 消費類電子產品
    • 通訊領域
    • 航空航天與國防
    • 醫療保健
    • 汽車
    • 工業領域
    • 其他最終用戶
  • 區域信息
    • 美洲
    • 歐洲
    • 中國
    • 日本
    • 世界其他地區


  • 公司簡介
    • Hamamatsu Photonics K.K
    • Thorlabs, Inc
    • Edmund Scientific Corporation(Edmund Optics)
    • Centronic, Ltd
    • Excelitas Technologies Corporation
    • Vishay Intertechnology, Inc
    • ams-Osram AG
    • First Sensor AG(TE Conncectivity)
    • Everlight Americas, Inc
    • Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC
    • TT Electronics Plc
    • OSI Optoelectronics
    • Nisshinbo Micro Devices

第8章 投資分析

第9章 今後市場展望

Product Code: 93260

The photodiode sensors market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.26% in the forecast period. Due to the growing reliance of medical instruments on photodiode sensors for use in pulse oximetry, spectroscopic analysis, and medical imaging, the market for photodiode sensors worldwide is experiencing significant advancements. Additionally, the market expansion of photodiodes is fueled by the rising use of electronic systems in the automotive and consumer electronics industries.

Key Highlights

  • Photodiode sensors have a few special characteristics that make them stand out, including integrated functionality, improved performance, high reliability, and rapid response times. Therefore, the growing use of light/optical sensors in medical devices, aerospace & defense, and consumer electronics is expected to be a highly lucrative segment during the forecast period, contributing to the growth of the global photodiode sensor market.
  • Moreover, the market for photodiodes will also be boosted by Wearable Health Devices, which include fitness trackers and smartwatches and are used for various applications including blood oxygen concentration, optical heart rate detection and health monitoring. Photodiodes are also used in devices for monitoring blood pressure, body temperature, etc. which will likely fuel further market expansion.
  • Barcode scanning is another use for photodiodes, which helps organizations track a lot of data and is employed to boost productivity and efficiency in a variety of industries. Another important factor driving the expansion of the photodiode sensor market is the growing awareness of the quick processing times for billing and purchase transactions as well as improvements in the impact of the customer experience in retail stores. These developments are also driving an increase in the demand for barcode scanners across the retail sector.
  • Additionally, The development of new optical detectors will increase the demand for photodiodes, as will the use of photodiodes by smartphone cameras and proximity sensors to identify objects or focus on them. These developments in semiconductor technology and the emergence of new applications (optical communication, optical sensing, etc.) drive this demand. These factors will encourage market growth.
  • However, one of the main obstacles to the growth of the global photodiode sensor market is the temperature dependence of photodiodes. Every photodiode has a temperature dependence that affects its dark current, shunt resistance, sensitivity, and breakdown voltage when the temperature changes. This also affects other factors, such as junction capacitance, which negatively affects a photodiode's general performance characteristics.
  • The demand for photodiode sensor has been rising quickly as the global economies recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. This quick increase in demand has been witnessed especially in the personal medical devices segments as the pandemic has significantly enhanced the health conciousness of the people. Hence, the increased use of sensors spurs new developments and aids the vendors further expand their market presence.

Photodiode Sensors Market Trends

Avalanche Photodiodes Sensors Segment will Hold the Prominent Share in the Market

  • Optics has impacted people's lives by altering medical practice and presenting fresh solutions to significant health issues. A less invasive approach to treating disease with minimally invasive therapies has been made possible by the growing use of optics and fiber optics. Optics has made it possible for laser surgery, optical diagnostic methods, and visualization of the body's interior. Avalanche photodiodes built into the optical machines used for medical applications have been gaining traction owing to several benefits they offer.
  • Avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are photodetectors that use the photoelectric effect to transform light into electricity. They have an integral gain mechanism. Numerous industries use avalanche photodiodes, which are made of materials like silicon, InGaAs, and germanium. The use of the device in the medical field is responsible for the avalanche photodiodes market expansion. For instance, according to MedTech Europe, the annual growth rate recorded for medical devices in Europe was 8.5% in 2020 and 2.9% in 2021.
  • Medical equipment, especially diagnostic equipment, has recently seen increased demand in the healthcare industry. Medical equipment that measures blood oxygen levels uses photodiodes. Solid-state detectors built on silicon called avalanche photodiodes (APDs) transform photons into charge currents. For light and x-ray detections, they offer a small, reliable, magnetic field-insensitive solution with gains in the range of 100 and quick response times. APDs are, therefore, widely utilized in the healthcare industry. APDs have many advantages, including quick response times, superior performance, and longer life.
  • As, avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are highly sensitive photodetectors with fast rise time and internal gain mechanism and can be operated at high reverse voltage, optic networks built on avalanche photodiodes are increasingly being used in self-driving cars, especially in LiDAR units. This type of photodiodes are expected to be in high demand due to the use of optical distance for speed measurement in self-driving or automated driving vehices, along with their ability to enables environment monitoring, navigation, and potential road risks in addition to traffic sign recognition.
  • Furthermore, avalanche photodiodes which are made of silicon are more affordable than other types and have a wavelength range of 450 to 1000 nm, with the maximum sensitivity occurring between 600 and 800 nm. Additionally, silicon-based APDs provide high sensitivity from UV to NIR for low light detection at high speeds, supporting segment growth.

Asia Pacific to Witness the Significant Growth

  • The Asia Pacific region is expected to have the largest and fastest-growing photodiode sensors market because of the region's expanding consumer electronics, automotive, and telecommunications industries. Countries like China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and India dominate the consumer electronics market share. This rise in consumer electronics will lead to a rise in the demand for photodiode sensors in the region.
  • The International Trade Center observed that China's consumer electronics exports held the largest market share in the world in 2020, including electrical machinery and equipment worth USD 710.1 billion, computers worth USD 440.3 billion, and lighting and lighting and other electronic goods worth USD 110.0 billion. China has also bolstered its position in 2021 and 2022. Therefore it is expected that China will have a prominent role to play in the future growth of the photodiodes market.
  • Additionally, Mining, food processing, automotive, aerospace, electronics & semiconductors, and textile are major industries in the Asia Pacific region that support the economies of the region's countries. These industries make use of laser devices and optical scanners for inspection, scanning, mapping, and planning which will boost the deamd for photodiode sensors in the region, supporting the studied market's expansion during the forecast period.
  • Furthermore, the growth of the automotive industry is also expected to support the studied market's growth in the Asia Pacific region as automotive manufacturers are continuously focusing on manufacturing automobiles that can match the international standards. This in turn is driving innovations in the photodiode industry as vendors are continuously launching new products to cater to the growing demand.
  • For Instance, in June 2021, Samsung Electronics, South Korea, introduced ISOCELL Auto 4AC, an automotive image sensor with advanced 120-decibel (dB) high dynamic range (HDR) and LED flicker mitigation. It includes CornerPixel technology, which includes a specialized pixel structure that reduces LED light above 90 hertz. It embeds two photodiodes within a single pixel area, one 3.0m pixel for viewing low light images and a 1.0m pixel at the corner of the big pixel.

Photodiode Sensors Market Competitor Analysis

The Photodiode Sensors Market is fragmented, owing to the presence of several global players and the expansion of these players globally. The presence of many players, as well as their continuous innovative activities, is energizing the market scenario. Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Thorlabs, Inc., TT electronics, First Sensor AG, Illinois Tool Works Inc., Edmund Optics Inc., Excelitas Technologies Corporation, and others are among the major players covered in the photodiode sensors market.

  • November 2022 - Vishay Intertechnology Inc. demonstrated its portfolio of reliable and energy-efficient electronic components, known as the DNA of technology, at Electronica 2022. It displayed its photodiodes and hybrid energy storage capacitors. Also, it demonstrated its new photodiodes, which can power a Bluetooth low-energy transmitter to transmit data to an Android device.
  • November 2022 - Advanced Photonix, a unit of OSI Optoelectronics, creates and manufactures silicon (Si) and indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) surface-mount technology (SMT) photodetectors for high-speed response applications. Additionally, these photodiodes are designed specifically for solder reflow mounts and automated SMT/SMD assembly on ceramic substrates and printed circuit boards.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness -Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.2.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market
  • 4.4 Technology Snapshot (Silicon, Germanium, Indium Gallium Arsenide Phosphide (InGaAsP), Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs))


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Increasing Usage of Photodiode Sensors in Medical Devices and Consumer Electronics
    • 5.1.2 Increasing Smartphone Penetration Across the World
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 Temperature Dependency of Photodiodes


  • 6.1 By Sensor Type
    • 6.1.1 PN Photodiode Sensors
    • 6.1.2 PIN Photodiode Sensors
    • 6.1.3 Avalanche Photodiode Sensors
    • 6.1.4 Schottky Photodiode Sensors
  • 6.2 By End User Industry
    • 6.2.1 Consumer Electronics
    • 6.2.2 Telecommunications
    • 6.2.3 Aerospace and Defense
    • 6.2.4 Healthcare
    • 6.2.5 Automotive
    • 6.2.6 Industrial
    • 6.2.7 Other End-user Industries
  • 6.3 By Geography
    • 6.3.1 Americas
    • 6.3.2 Europe
    • 6.3.3 China
    • 6.3.4 Japan
    • 6.3.5 Rest of the World


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Hamamatsu Photonics K.K
    • 7.1.2 Thorlabs, Inc
    • 7.1.3 Edmund Scientific Corporation (Edmund Optics)
    • 7.1.4 Centronic, Ltd
    • 7.1.5 Excelitas Technologies Corporation
    • 7.1.6 Vishay Intertechnology, Inc
    • 7.1.7 ams-Osram AG
    • 7.1.8 First Sensor AG (TE Conncectivity)
    • 7.1.9 Everlight Americas, Inc
    • 7.1.10 KYOTO SEMICONDUCTOR Co., Ltd.
    • 7.1.11 Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC
    • 7.1.12 TT Electronics Plc
    • 7.1.13 OSI Optoelectronics
    • 7.1.14 Nisshinbo Micro Devices