
IGBT(絕緣柵雙極晶體管)市場 - 增長、趨勢、COVID-19 影響和預測 (2023-2028)

Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 120 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




IGBT(絕緣柵雙極晶體管)市場預計在預測期內以 11.14% 的複合年增長率增長。

功率器件技術的擴展有望加強 IGBT 市場。 IGBT 廣泛用於逆變器應用,以提高冰箱和空調等家用電器以及工業電機的效率。


  • 此外,根據 WSTS 的數據,半導體行業預計將增長 10.36%,達到 6010 億美元,所有產品類別現在都以平均速度增長。
  • 由於 IGBT 的應用範圍很廣,因此有不少新公司進入該市場。 IGBT 用於配備開關放大器的多種現代應用,例如炊具、微波爐、電動汽車、火車、變頻驅動器 (VFD)、變速冰箱、空調、燈鎮流器、市政電力傳輸系統和立體聲系統。激活/改變家用電器的電能。
  • 在研究期間,風能和光伏應用對 IGBT 的需求不斷增長將支持市場增長。 IGBT 在 500kW 到幾兆瓦的高功率轉換器中具有明顯的優勢,非常適合太陽能和風能應用。 能源需求的增加迫使製造商發明最新的第 7 代 IGBT 技術,以提高 IGBT 效率並降低阻斷電壓。 預計這將使風力發電機中的半導體損耗減少約 38%。 這導致整體電流更低,電纜損耗和佈線成本降低 40%,從而顯著節省系統成本。
  • 但是,在低壓區域(低於 400V),IGBT 並不是首選。 IGBT(絕緣柵雙極晶體管)與MOSFET相比沒有優勢。 此外,由於它們以高頻和大功率運行,因此存在易受熱影響的問題。
  • 隨著智能設備的快速增加和數字化進程的推進,對設備節能、輕量化和小型化的需求越來越大,這推動了分立 IGBT 市場的發展。 已發現消費品中的功率損耗在分立式 IGBT 中最低,這有望成為推動 IGBT 增長的主要因素。
  • COVID-19 對全球經濟產生了重大影響,包括 IGBT 市場。 無法確保勞動力影響了絕緣柵雙極晶體管的生產能力和市場增長。 此外,由於汽車銷量下降,全球汽車製造商削減了訂單。 但是,在大流行後期解除了限制,對功率半導體的需求恢復了正常。 未來幾年,市場有望經歷更大的增長。


電動/混合動力汽車推動 IGBT 增長

  • 電動汽車市場的巨大增長有望推動 IGBT 市場的增長。 它是電動汽車電源的重要組成部分,該領域的發展有望降低成本並延長電動汽車的續航裡程。
  • IGBT 在電動和混合動力汽車中的應用包括動力總成和充電器中的電力利用,以及電機的電源和控制。 由於世界各國政府實施了更嚴格的碳排放法規,電池製造能力預計到預測期結束時將增加兩倍。
  • 此外,在成本和可靠性方面滿足汽車需求的功率器件和轉換架構的開發和創新有望推動研究市場的增長。 據國際能源署估計,2022 年新車銷量的 13% 將是電動汽車。 如果過去兩年的增長持續下去,到 2050 年,汽車的二氧化碳排放有望實現淨零排放。
  • IGBT 的使用範圍擴大預計會增加對半導體的需求,從而推動汽車的電氣化。 汽車架構中不斷增長的機會,如冷卻、提高燃油經濟性和縮小功率轉換器容量,將推動市場增長。 EV 和 HEV 仍處於起步階段,製造商尚未充分發揮這些車輛的潛力。
  • Infineon Technologies AG 提供穩健的 650V IGBT,可提供快速開關汽車應用所需的最高效率。 符合 AEC-Q 標準的 TRENCHSTOP 5 AUTO IGBT 可以減少功率損耗並提高 EV 和 HEV 應用的可靠性,例如車載充電、功率因數校正、DC/DC 和 DC/AC 轉換。
  • 因此,由於 EV/HEV 具有更高的效率、更高的輸出、更低的損耗和更高的可靠性,預計 IGBT 市場將會擴大。 因此,預計在電動和混合動力汽車領域對 IGBT 的需求將增加。


  • 預計亞太地區在預測期內將佔據很大的市場份額。 亞太地區的IGBT市場發展迅速。 亞太地區的絕緣柵雙極晶體管市場預計將由中國主導。 主要原因是新興經濟體對電動汽車和混合動力汽車的需求不斷增長。
  • 電動汽車在疲軟的汽車市場中的快速普及進一步推高了電動汽車的份額。 例如,根據 EV-Volumes.com 的數據,中國將在 2022 年上半年擁有第二高的電動汽車市場份額,達到 21%。
  • 此外,亞太地區的目標是通過提高能源效率和燃油經濟性來減少二氧化碳排放,汽車製造商之間的競爭非常激烈。 中國市場正在轉向製造電動和混合動力汽車,預計這將在預測期內推動市場需求。
  • 印度正在快速發展基礎設施,使其成為汽車製造的理想市場。 由於政府對混合動力汽車製造的有利政策,預計該地區在預測期內還將保持其在全球絕緣柵雙極晶體管市場的主導地位。
  • 此外,對 IGBT 的需求主要是由 IGBT 在消費電子產品、醫療設備、UPS、工業系統、逆變器和電機驅動等眾多應用中越來越多的使用所推動的。 由於 IGBT 比功率 MOSFET 具有更低的開關損耗和更高的可靠性,因此在行業中迅速普及。 由於這些原因,它支持了該地區 IGBT(絕緣柵雙極晶體管)市場的需求。


IGBT(絕緣柵雙極晶體管)市場競爭激烈,國內和國際市場上有許多大大小小的參與者。 市場參與者正在採用產品創新、併購和戰略合作夥伴關係等關鍵戰略來擴大產品組合併擴大地理範圍。 市場參與者包括 Renesas Electronics Corporation、Infineon Technologies AG 和 Fuji Electric。

2022 年 8 月,高級半導體解決方案的主要供應商瑞薩電子株式會社開發了新一代 Si-IGBT(矽絕緣柵雙極晶體管),該晶體管具有低功率損耗和小尺寸的特點。並宣布成功了。 用於下一代電動汽車 (EV) 逆變器的 AE5 代 IGBT 計劃於 2023 年上半年在 Renesas Naka 工廠的 200mm 和 300mm 晶圓生產線上開始量產。

2022 年 3 月,Infineon Technologies AG 推出了採用 TO247PLUS 封裝的新型 IGBT“EDT2”。 該產品針對汽車分立式牽引逆變器進行了優化,還將擴展公司的汽車分立式高壓設備產品組合。 由於其高質量,該 IGBT 達到並超過了汽車零部件行業標準 AECQ101。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍


第 3 章執行摘要

第 4 章市場洞察

  • 市場概覽
  • 產業吸引力 - 波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 買家的議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間的敵對關係
  • 工業價值鏈分析
  • 評估 COVID-19 對市場的影響

第 5 章市場動態

  • 市場驅動因素
    • 功率器件技術的部署加強了 IGBT 市場
    • 由於對物聯網設備和消費電子設備的需求增加而擴大市場
  • 市場挑戰
    • 由於低電壓範圍,IGBT 不是首選

第 6 章市場細分

  • 按類型
    • 分立式 IGBT
    • 模塊 IGBT
  • 按額定功率
    • 高產出
    • 中功率
    • 低功率
  • 通過申請
    • 電動汽車/混合動力汽車
    • 可再生能源
    • UPS
    • 鐵路
    • 電機驅動
    • 其他應用
  • 區域信息
    • 北美
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 世界其他地方


  • 公司簡介
    • Renesas Electronics Corporation
    • Infineon Technologies AG
    • Fuji Electric Co. Ltd
    • Rohm Co. Ltd
    • SEMIKRON International GmbH
    • Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
    • Toshiba Corp.
    • Hitachi Ltd
    • ON Semiconductor Corporation
    • ABB Ltd

第8章 投資分析

第9章 市場未來性

Product Code: 91650

The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors market is expected to register a CAGR of 11.14% during the forecast period. The increasing deployment of power device technologies is expected to strengthen the IGBT Market. IGBT is widely used in inverter applications in home appliances like refrigerators, air conditioners, and industrial motors to improve their efficiency.

Key Highlights

  • Furthermore, according to WSTS, the semiconductor industry is expected to increase by 10.36% to USD 601 billion, and all product categories will currently grow at an average pace.
  • The broad application range of IGBTs has attracted several new companies to venture into the market. IGBT activates/modifies electrical energy in several modern appliances, such as cookers, microwaves, electric cars, trains, variable-frequency drives (VFDs), variable speed refrigerators, air conditioners, lamp ballasts, municipal power transmission systems, and stereo systems, which are well-equipped with switching amplifiers.
  • The rising demand for IGBT in the wind and solar power applications will support market growth in the studied period. The IGBT delivers clear advantages in high-power converters, i.e., 500kW to multi-megawatt, well suited for solar and wind application. The increasing requirement for energy has forced the manufacturers to invent the latest Generation 7 IGBT technology, which has increased the efficiency and lower blocking voltage of the IGBTs. This is expected to reduce the semiconductor losses by about 38% in a wind turbine. This enables significant system cost reductions due to the lower overall current coupled with 40% lower cable losses or cabling costs.
  • However, IGBT is not preferred for lower voltage ranges (less than 400 V). The Insulated gate bipolar ​transistor does not offer advantages compared to MOSFETs. It is also vulnerable to heat-related issues because it runs at high frequencies and under high power.
  • With the exponentially growing number of smart devices and increasing digitization, the growing need for energy saving, weight saving, and equipment downsizing are primarily driving the market for discrete IGBT. Power losses in consumer goods have been identified to be the lowest in the case of discrete IGBTs, which is expected to be a significant factor in driving the growth of IGBTs.
  • COVID-19 had a significant impact on the global economy, including the IGBT market. The non-availability of the workforce affected the insulated gate bipolar transistor production capacity and market growth. Owing to the enforced lockdown, automobile manufacturers worldwide cut their orders as vehicle sales declined. However, in the second half of the pandemic, the restrictions were normalized, and the demand for power semiconductors returned to normal. Over the coming years, the market is further expected to register significant growth.

Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors Market Trends

Electric vehicle / Hybrid Electric Vehicles to Drive the Growth of IGBT

  • The enormous growth in the EV market is anticipated to drive growth in the IGBT market. It is an integral part of electric vehicle power supplies, and developments in the field will decrease the cost and increase the range of electric vehicles.
  • IGBT applications in electric and hybrid electric vehicles include power usage in powertrains and chargers for delivery and control of power regarding motors. The battery manufacturing capacity is expected to triple by the end of the projected timeframe due to numerous governments' stringent carbon dioxide emission regulations.
  • Additionally, the development and innovation in the power devices and conversion architecture that fit automotive needs in terms of cost and reliability are expected to propel growth for the studied market. According to IEA, it is estimated that 13% of new cars sold in 2022 will be electric; if the growth experienced in the past two*years is sustained, CO2 emissions from cars can be put on a path in line with the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario.
  • The growing utilization of IGBT is propelling the demand for semiconductors which is anticipated to expand into the electrified vehicle. The rising opportunities in vehicle architecture for cooling, improved fuel efficiency, and shrinkage in power converter volume will support market growth. The EV and HEV are still in the initial phase of production, and the manufacturing companies are yet to realize the full potential of these vehicles.
  • Infineon Technologies AG offers a range of robust 650 V IGBTs that will deliver the highest efficiency required for fast-switching automotive applications. The AEC-Q-qualified TRENCHSTOP 5 AUTO IGBTs are likely to lower power losses and enhance reliability in EV and HEV applications, like on-board charging, power factor correction, and DC/DC and DC/AC conversion.
  • As a result, the market for IGBTs is expected to witness growth owing to the increasing utilization of these transistors to make EV and HEV more efficient and powerful, with lower power losses and enhanced reliability in EV and HEV applications. This could increase demand for IGBTs from the electric and hybrid electric vehicle segments in the projected timeframe.

Asia-Pacific is Expected to Witness Significant Growth

  • The Asia-Pacific region will have a significant share of the market during the projected timeframe. The IGBTs market in the Asia-Pacific has developed rapidly. China is expected to dominate the insulated gate bipolar transistor market in the Asia-Pacific region. The reason for domination is the growing demand for electric & hybrid electric vehicles in developing economies.
  • Rapid EV adoption in weak auto markets has boosted EV shares further. For instance, according to EV-Volumes.com, China has the second highest EV market share, with 21% in H1 2022.
  • The Asia-Pacific region is also the leading automobile manufacturer, aiming to decrease carbon emissions by enhancing energy and fuel efficiency. The market in China is shifting toward the manufacture of electric & hybrid electric vehicles, which is expected to propel market demand in the forecast period.
  • Surging infrastructure development is making India an ideal choice for automobile manufacturing. Additionally, favorable government policies for hybrid vehicles manufacture will help this region maintain its domination in the global insulated gate bipolar transistor market in the estimated period.
  • Further, the demand for the IGBTs market is driven mainly due to the increasing utilization of IGBTs in numerous applications, such as consumer electronics, medical devices, UPS, industrial systems, inverters, and motor drives. The market is witnessing rapid adoption across industries due to its capability to offer reduced switching losses and higher reliability than power MOSFETs. The reasons mentioned above will support the demand for the region's Insulated gate bipolar transistor market.

Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors Market Competitor Analysis

The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors market is highly competitive, owing to several small and large players operating in domestic and international markets. The players in the market are adopting major strategies, like product innovations, mergers and acquisitions, and strategic partnerships, to widen their product portfolio and expand their geographical reach. Some of the players in the market are Renesas Electronics Corporation, Infineon Technologies AG, and Fuji Electric Co. Ltd, among others.

In August 2022, Renesas Electronics Corporation, a premier supplier of advanced semiconductor solutions, announced the development of a new generation of Si-IGBTs (Silicon Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors), which will be offered in a small footprint while providing low power losses. Aimed at next-generation electric vehicle (EVs) inverters, AE5-generation IGBTs will be mass-produced starting in the first half of 2023 on Renesas' 200- and 300-mm wafer lines at the company's factory in Naka, Japan.

In March 2022, Infineon Technologies AG launched the new EDT2 IGBTs in a TO247PLUS package. It is optimized for automotive, discrete traction inverters and has also expanded the company's portfolio of discrete high-voltage devices for automotive applications. Owing to their high quality, the IGBTs meet and exceed the industry standard AECQ101 for automotive components.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.2.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
    • 4.2.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.2.4 Threat of Substitutes
    • 4.2.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.4 Assessment of Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Deployment of Power Device Technologies is Strengthening the IGBT Market
    • 5.1.2 Increasing Demand for IOT Devices and Consumer Electronics is Expanding the Market
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 IGBT Not a Preferred Option Due to Lower Voltage Range


  • 6.1 By Type
    • 6.1.1 Discrete IGBT
    • 6.1.2 Modular IGBT
  • 6.2 By Power Rating
    • 6.2.1 High Power
    • 6.2.2 Medium Power
    • 6.2.3 Low Power
  • 6.3 By Application
    • 6.3.1 EV/HEV
    • 6.3.2 Renewables
    • 6.3.3 UPS
    • 6.3.4 Rail
    • 6.3.5 Motor Drives
    • 6.3.6 Other Applications
  • 6.4 By Geography
    • 6.4.1 North America
    • 6.4.2 Europe
    • 6.4.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 6.4.4 Rest of the World


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Renesas Electronics Corporation
    • 7.1.2 Infineon Technologies AG
    • 7.1.3 Fuji Electric Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.4 Rohm Co. Ltd
    • 7.1.5 SEMIKRON International GmbH
    • 7.1.6 Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
    • 7.1.7 Toshiba Corp.
    • 7.1.8 Hitachi Ltd
    • 7.1.9 ON Semiconductor Corporation
    • 7.1.10 ABB Ltd