B2B 企業和工業可穿戴設備市場 - 增長、趨勢、COVID-19 影響和預測 (2023-2028)

B2B 企業和工業可穿戴設備市場 - 增長、趨勢、COVID-19 影響和預測 (2023-2028)

B2B Enterprise & Industrial Wearables Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 100 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




在預測期內,B2B 企業和工業可穿戴設備市場預計將以 28.2% 的複合年增長率增長。

B2B 企業和工業可穿戴設備是提高製造、物流、醫療保健和生活方式的工作場所生產力、安全性和質量的寶貴工具。 這些設備是複雜的電子元件,可以收集數據、監控行為並根據用戶的需求和偏好提供個性化體驗。


  • 企業可穿戴設備市場仍處於早期階段,改善客戶體驗的應用佔據很大比重。 可穿戴設備廣泛用於訪問實時客戶數據、顯示業務分析、生成身臨其境的客戶體驗、運營工廠、培訓等。
  • 全球企業 IT 組織現在都認識到可穿戴設備的好處,從而開發並為企業提供大規模自動化部署現代應用程序的方法,從而促進移動應用程序和生態系統的發展,並推動企業採用的需求。 移動應用程序可以幫助您建立忠誠的客戶群、提供有洞察力的客戶數據等等。 特別是,與客戶和業務合作夥伴保持密切關係的公司需要了解這些應用程序如何增強其客戶體驗。
  • 對智能工廠的需求推動了可穿戴設備市場的增長。 世界各國政府正在意識到創新製造技術的巨大潛力。 因此,他們希望支持和□□資助 IIoT 等技術的研發,並成為該技術和私營公司的潛在採用者。 他們在經濟上支持新的物聯網項目和實施,以構建和運行智能工廠設置。
  • 目前受電池壽命和其他電源限制限制的延長操作時間、平衡高速數據傳輸和低功耗(用於實時操作)、減輕重量、生物相容性等技術障礙預計會阻礙B2B 可穿戴設備的增長。 對數據隱私的擔憂可能會減緩可穿戴設備在 B2B 設置中的採用,因為在這種情況下,敏感數據會通過可穿戴設備的網絡流通。
  • COVID-19 大流行對可穿戴設備市場產生了重大影響。 NFC 芯片和 RFID 標籤等關鍵部件的供應鏈已經停滯,一些製造設施的關閉最初推高了消費電子產品的全球價格。 但疫情過後,市場受到積極影響,數字經濟加速崛起,尤其是智能手錶等可穿戴設備。



  • 工業可穿戴設備正變得越來越受歡迎,因為組件成本穩步下降,並且消費領域開始學習改進功能。 工業可穿戴設備可提高效率、提高安全性、縮短通信迴路、加快入職和培訓流程,並讓專家遠程討論技術問題。
  • 不幸的是,培訓本質上是非常探索性的,尤其是在製造業。 因為缺乏經驗會導致嚴重的設備損壞、傷害和性能不佳。 雇主可以利用可穿戴技術使這一古老的流程變得現代和高效。 例如,通用汽車公司利用增強現實 (AR) 眼鏡 Google Glass 來創建獨特且改進的員工培訓流程。
  • 根據國際勞工組織 (ILO) 的數據,每 15 秒就有 151 名工人受傷。 國際勞工組織還透露,全世界每年至少有 3.17 億工人遭受非致命性工傷。 可穿戴和植入式傳感器可以跟蹤工人,以防止因跌倒、重型機械和過度勞累而受傷。 展望未來,製造業有望利用物聯網和聯網機器的興起來提高工作場所的安全性。 在製造現場,配備AR(增強現實)的智能眼鏡預計接下來將發揮重要作用。
  • IBM 與全球建築行業的鋼鐵製造商 North Star BlueScope Steel 合作開發一個認知平台,以幫助員工在工作場所感到更安全。 該系統將 IBM Watson IoT 用於可穿戴安全技術。 作為 IBM 員工健康和安全解決方案的一部分,該技術從嵌入頭盔和腕帶的傳感器收集數據,對其進行分析,並實時提醒員工及其經理。
  • 允許免提指令和通信的可穿戴設備是易於理解和實際應用。 例如,石油和天然氣以及汽車行業的工人經常需要發布複雜的書面指令。 此類培訓沒有審計跟蹤,因此很難知道是否正確遵循了書面說明。 現在,Intware 的軟件產品 WorkfloPlus 將允許員工在各種設備(可穿戴設備、智能手機、平板電腦等)上使用該應用程序,並提供可信賴的信息以表明該流程已正確完成。


  • 由於技術採用、互聯網普及以及政府在研究方面的支出導致軍事等高端應用的技術開發,預計北美將佔據 B2B 和工業可穿戴設備的最大市場份額。
  • 北美在提供低價可穿戴設備方面實力雄厚,讓客戶買得起。 許多國際企業聘請當地製造商製造和組裝可穿戴設備,並以品牌名稱銷售。 美國和加拿大的消費電子產品滲透率很高。 例如,在美國,寶馬使用智能眼鏡進行車輛檢查和質量保證。 在試用的基礎上,該公司已讓檢查員通過照片和視頻捕捉數據,以記錄生產質量的潛在偏差。 寶馬已經取消了紙質質量保證檢查,簡化了審查並提供了更多與聲明相關的上下文信息。
  • 可穿戴設備製造商不斷創新他們的可穿戴設備以獲得競爭優勢。 幾家製造商正在將 NFC 技術嵌入可穿戴設備以實現支付功能。 此外,生活水平的提高也增加了該地區對可穿戴設備的需求。
  • 根據 CISCO 的數據,美國的互聯網用戶總數預計將從 2022 年的 3.07 億(佔人口的 92%)增長到 2023 年的 3.27 億(佔人口的 94%)。 到 2022 年底,預計 32% 的聯網設備將成為移動連接設備,從而推動可穿戴設備市場的需求。
  • 科學家將作戰裝備與生物識別可穿戴設備相結合,以幫助士兵識別敵人、在戰鬥中表現更好,並使用邊緣計算來訪問設備和武器系統。由於互聯網的使用,未來的軍事戰鬥預計會很高-技術。 美國陸軍研究實驗室最近授予戰場物聯網演化智能目標驅動網絡研究聯盟 (IoBT REIGN) 2500 萬美元,用於開發新的戰場預測分析。 美國政府是此類技術的最大投資者和消費者之一,促進了該技術在該地區的傳播。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持



  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 調查範圍


第 3 章執行摘要


  • 市場概覽
  • 市場驅動力
    • 應用生態系統的擴展促進了公司的採用
    • 智能工廠加速可穿戴設備的發展
  • 市場製約因素
    • 缺乏業務應用程序是可穿戴設備採用的主要挑戰。
    • 長期以來對數據安全和現有技術集成問題的擔憂
  • 行業吸引力 - 波特五力分析
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 買方/消費者議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間的敵對關係
  • 工業價值鏈分析
  • COVID-19 對市場的影響

第 5 章市場細分

  • 按設備類型
    • 頭顯
    • 腕帶(智能手錶、健身手環)
    • 企業智能眼鏡
    • 智能服裝和身體傳感器
    • 可穿戴相機
    • 其他設備類型
  • 按最終用戶行業
    • IT/通訊
    • 醫療保健
    • 零售
    • 保險
    • 製造業
    • 其他最終用戶
  • 區域信息
    • 北美
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 世界其他地區


  • 公司簡介
    • Oculus VR LLC(Facebook)
    • Alphabet Inc.
    • Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd
    • Sony Corporation
    • HTC Corporation
    • Apple Inc.
    • Fitbit Inc.
    • Xiaomi Inc.
    • Seiko Epson Corporation
    • Microsoft Corporation
    • Texas Instruments Inc.
    • Toshiba Corporation

第7章 投資分析

第8章 市場機會與未來動向

Product Code: 67142

The B2B Enterprise & Industrial Wearables Market is expected to witness a CAGR of 28.2% over the forecast period. B2B enterprise and industrial wearables devices are valuable tools for improving workplace productivity, safety, and quality in manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and lifestyle. These devices are advanced electronic components that collect data, monitor behaviors, and provide personalized experiences based on user's needs and preferences.

Key Highlights

  • The wearables market in an enterprise setup is in its infancy, with a significant share of the applications designated to enhancing customer experience. Wearables are extensively used to access customer data in real-time, view business analytics, and produce immersive customer experiences, factory operations, and training.
  • Global enterprise IT organizations have now recognized the benefits of wearables, thereby developing and providing businesses with a way to automate the deployment of modern applications at scale, which drives the demand for enterprise adoption with the growing mobile app ecosystem. Mobile apps can build loyal customer bases, provide insightful customer data, and more. Businesses should understand how these apps can enhance CX, especially if they maintain close contact with customers or business partners.
  • The demand for smart factory setups aids the growth of the wearables market. Governments worldwide are becoming aware of the significant potential of innovative manufacturing technologies. Therefore, they support and fund R&D for technologies such as IIoT and expect to become potential adopters of the technology and private firms. They financially support new IoT projects and implementations to build and run smart factory setups.
  • Technical obstacles such as longer operating times, which are currently constrained by battery life and the limitations of other power sources, the balance between faster data transmission (for real-time operations) and low power consumption, weight reduction, and biocompatibility are expected to hinder the growth of B2B wearables. Data privacy concerns may slow the adoption of wearables in the B2B setup, where sensitive data is circulated through a network of wearables.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic highly impacted the wearables market. The global prices of consumer electronics witnessed a rise initially owing to the partial clampdown on manufacturing facilities; critical components such as NFC chips and RFID tags faced a slowdown in their supply chain. However, the market was positively impacted post-pandemic, accelerating the rise of the digital economy, particularly wearable devices such as smartwatches.

Key Market Trends

Demand for Smart Factory Setups are Expected to Aid Growth of Wearables

  • Industrial wearables are being increasingly used due to the steady decline in component costs and improvements in functionality driven by learnings from the consumer sector. Industrial wearables increase efficiency, improve safety, shorten communication loops, accelerate onboarding and training processes, and enable remote experts to discuss technical issues.
  • Unfortunately, training is very hands-off by nature, especially in the manufacturing sector. This is because inexperience can lead to severe equipment damage, injuries, or poor performance. Employers can leverage wearable technology to make this age-old process modern and efficient. General Motors, for instance, leveraged Google Glass, an augmented reality glass, to provide a unique, improved training process for its employees.
  • According to the International Labor Organization, every 15 seconds, 151 workers have a work-related accident. ILO further divulged that yearly, at least 317 million workers have non-fatal occupational accidents worldwide. With wearable and embedded sensors, workers can be tracked to prevent injury from falls, heavy machinery, or overexertion. In the future, manufacturing units are expected to leverage the rise of IoT and connected machinery to make workplaces safer. Smart glasses with Augmented Reality (AR) are expected to be the next big thing in manufacturing facilities.
  • IBM is working with North Star BlueScope Steel, a global building and construction industry steel producer, to develop a cognitive platform to ensure employees stay safer at workplaces. The system uses IBM Watson IoT for wearable safety technology. The technology, a part of the IBM Employee Wellness and Safety Solution, gathers data from sensors embedded in helmets and wristbands and analyzes it to alert employees and their managers in real time.
  • Wearable devices for hands-free instructions and communication is a straightforward, practical application of the technology. For instance, oil, gas, and automotive workers often need to give complicated, documented instructions. Since there is no audit trail for these kinds of education, with paper, it is not easy to know whether instructions have been followed correctly or not. The software product that Intoware now has, WorkfloPlus, allows employees to use apps on different devices (wearables, smartphones, tablets, etc.) to provide reliable information to show that a process has been followed properly.

North America is Expected to hold the Major Market Share for B2B and Industrial Wearables

  • North America is expected to hold the largest market share for B2B & Industrial Wearables because of the adoption of the technology, penetration of the internet, and government expenditure on research leading to the development of technology for high-end applications like the military.
  • North America has the presence of prominent market players who offer wearable devices at a low price, making them affordable for customers. Many international players get their wearable devices manufactured and assembled by local manufacturers based in the region and then brand their names. The US and Canada account for the high adoption rate of consumer electronics. For instance, in United States, BMW has been using smart glasses for inspection checking and quality assurance of its cars. The company's pilot allowed inspectors to take data through photos and videos to document potential deviations in production quality, allowing BMW to get rid of paper-based quality assurance checks, making the reviews efficient, and providing more contextual information related to the statements.
  • Wearable device manufacturers continuously innovate their wearable devices to attain a competitive advantage. Several manufacturers have integrated NFC technology into their wearable devices to enable payment functionalities. Also, the improved standard of living has led to a growing demand for wearable devices in this region.
  • According to CISCO, in United States, there are expected to be 327 million total Internet users (94% of the population) by 2023, up from 307 million (92% of the population) in 2022. 32% of all networked devices are expected to be mobile-connected by the end of 2022, which drives the demand for the Wearables Market.
  • The future of military combat is expected to be high-tech as scientists use the Internet of Things for combat gear integrated with biometric wearables to help soldiers identify the enemy, perform better in battle, and access devices and weapons systems using edge computing. United States Army Research Lab recently awarded USD 25 million to the Alliance for the Internet of Battlefield Things Research on Evolving Intelligent Goal-driven Networks (IoBT REIGN) to develop new predictive battlefield analytics. The US Govt remains one of the largest investors and consumers of such technology leading to the proliferation of technology in the region.

Competitive Landscape

The B2B Enterprise & Industrial Wearables Market is consolidated, with a few players dominating the market. However, the proliferation of the technology that will reduce its cost and its increased applications in the labor-intensive service sector is expected to increase the market size. This is expected to attract several players into this market in the future.

In May 2022, B2B unicorn Zetwerk commissioned a state-of-the-art original design manufacturing (ODM) facility for hearables, wearables, and IoT (internet of things) devices in Noida. The Noida facility is spread over 50,000 square feet and comprises 16 manufacturing lines with advanced testers and an innovation lab for product development.

Additionally, in January 2022, Neurala, a leading vision AI software company, announced the launch of its new detection technology aimed at improving quality inspection at smart factories. Manufacturers strive to optimize their smart manufacturing lines via innovative solutions and technologies.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Market Drivers
    • 4.2.1 Growing App Ecosystem Will Fuel Enterprise Adoption
    • 4.2.2 Demand for Smart Factory Setups are Expected to Aid Growth of Wearables
  • 4.3 Market Restraints
    • 4.3.1 Lack of Business Applications is a Primary Challenge in Deploying Wearables
    • 4.3.2 Perennial Concerns about Data Security and Existing Tech Integration Issues
  • 4.4 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.4.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.4.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.4.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.4.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.4.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.5 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.6 Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 By Device Type
    • 5.1.1 HMDs
    • 5.1.2 Wrist Wears (Smart Watch and Fitness Bands)
    • 5.1.3 Enterprise Smart Glass
    • 5.1.4 Smart Clothing and Body Sensors
    • 5.1.5 Wearable Cameras
    • 5.1.6 Other Device Types
  • 5.2 By End-user Industry
    • 5.2.1 IT and Telecom
    • 5.2.2 Healthcare
    • 5.2.3 Retail
    • 5.2.4 Insurance
    • 5.2.5 Manufacturing
    • 5.2.6 Other End-user Industries
  • 5.3 By Geography
    • 5.3.1 North America
    • 5.3.2 Europe
    • 5.3.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 5.3.4 Rest of the World


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 Oculus VR LLC (Facebook)
    • 6.1.2 Alphabet Inc.
    • 6.1.3 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd
    • 6.1.4 Sony Corporation
    • 6.1.5 HTC Corporation
    • 6.1.6 Apple Inc.
    • 6.1.7 Fitbit Inc.
    • 6.1.8 Xiaomi Inc.
    • 6.1.9 Seiko Epson Corporation
    • 6.1.10 Microsoft Corporation
    • 6.1.11 Texas Instruments Inc.
    • 6.1.12 Toshiba Corporation