
低溫恆溫器微生物組設備市場 - 增長、趨勢、COVID-19 影響和預測(2022-2027 年)

Cryostat Microbiome Equipment Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2022 - 2027)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 89 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




預計低溫恆溫器微生物組設備市場在預測期間(2022-2027 年)的複合年增長率為 6.89%。

由於 COVID-19 大流行,醫療保健系統面臨巨大挑戰。在 COVID-19 大流行期間,大多數慢性護理被認為是不緊急的,因此所有門診護理都被推遲或限制,以降低病毒傳播的風險。低溫恆溫器微生物組儀器廣泛用於組織病理學研究的診斷和實驗室。 COVID-19 對癌症等慢性疾病的研究產生了嚴重影響。一篇題為“COVID-19 大流行對癌症研究人員的影響”的論文。 2021 年 11 月發表在公共衛生前沿的事件定性研究為緩解策略提供資訊,討論了 COVID-19 大流行對癌症研究人員的影響。在本文中,癌症研究數量下降的主要限制是資金、患者獲得研究的機會有限、患者獲得癌症護理的機會減少、人員配備問題、行政延誤或供應不足。引用了各種因素,包括連鎖問題。處理此類低溫恆溫器微生物組設備的訓練有素的人員短缺和供應鏈中斷預計將對市場增長產生重大影響。

然而,對 COVID-19 感染組織的免疫組織化學研究的增加,以及日益嚴重的流行病,正在對低溫恆溫器微生物組設備市場的增長產生積極影響。例如,2021 年 9 月發表在 Elsevier Immunology 上的論文“小鼠 SARS-CoV-2 感染的實時成像”揭示了中和抗體需要 Fc 功能才能使中和抗體在治療 COVID-19 中發揮最佳功效。我們研究了療效和實施器官冷凍免疫組織學進一步研究。預計低溫恆溫器微生物組設備的這種越來越多的使用將在預測期內促進市場增長。

癌症、心血管疾病、慢性肺病、中風、阿爾茨海默病、糖尿病和慢性腎病等主要慢性疾病在全球範圍內呈上升趨勢,推動了低溫恆溫器微生物組設備市場的增長。我在打電話。癌症是全球死亡的主要原因,預計到 2020 年將導致大約 1000 萬人死亡。根據 GLOBOCAN 2020 報告,據說 2020 年全球癌症患者總數約為 19,292,789 人。預計到 2040 年將增加到 28,887,940 人。根據國際糖尿病聯盟的《2021 年第十版糖尿病地圖集》,2021 年全球將有約 5.37 億成年人被診斷患有糖尿病,到 2030 年這一數字將上升到 6.43 億,預計到 2045 年將增加到 7.83 億。受慢性疾病影響的大量人口以及對低溫恆溫器微生物組設備的需求增加以促進此類疾病的診斷和治療預計將推動低溫恆溫器微生物組設備市場的增長。




診斷和研究實驗室佔低溫恆溫器微生物組設備市場的主要部分。低溫恆溫器微生物組儀器在活組織檢查等組織的免疫組織化學和組織病理學研究中發揮著重要作用。在 2020 年 12 月發表在《美國國家科學院院刊》上的題為“Deep learning extended depth-of-field microscope for fast and slide-free histology”的論文中,低溫恆溫器微生物組在很短的處理時間內切割出薄薄的組織切片. 它已被證明是一種廣泛使用的方法

此外,2021 年 8 月發表在 Journal of Visualized Experiments 上的題為“Histological-Based Stainings using Free-Floating Tissue Sections”的文章討論了自由流動法在熒光免疫化學染色中的應用。本文表明,低溫恆溫器微生物組裝置是許多研究人員切片和收穫組織的首選方法。本研究旨在減少對切片冷凍組織進行染色的處理時間。此類研究調查的增加使低溫恆溫器微生物組設備易於使用,預計將在預測期內推動低溫恆溫器微生物組設備市場的增長。

需要使用低溫恆溫器微生物組設備來診斷感染組織的癌症病例和相關治療的增加可能會推動市場增長。例如,2021 年 2 月在 Dermatologic Surgery 上發表的題為“Diagnostic Biopsy via In-Office Frozen Sections for Clinical Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer”的論文報導了臨床非黑色素瘤皮膚癌冰凍切片活檢的準確性和準確性。 .結果表明,通過冰凍切片進行的院內活檢可以幫助更準確地識別非黑色素瘤皮膚癌細胞並加快診斷和治療,從而提高結果和患者滿意度。使用低溫恆溫器微生物組設備診斷和治療癌症病例的研究增加預計將在預測期內促進研究市場的增長。

北美將佔市場的重要份額,預測期(2022-2027 年)也是如此。


北美地區慢性病病例數量的增加正在推動低溫恆溫器微生物組設備市場的增長。癌症是美國十大死因之一。根據 GLOBOCAN 2020 報告,2020 年美國癌症總人數將占到大約 2,281,658 人。預計到 2040 年將增加到 3,123,452 人。根據國際糖尿病聯盟的數據,到2021年,美國將有3221.53萬成年人患有糖尿病,患病率超過13%。美國疾病控制和預防中心估計,到 2021 年,將有 3700 萬美國成年人患有慢性腎病。美國疾病控制與預防中心 2020 年的一份報告顯示,大約有 1570 萬美國人患有慢性下呼吸道疾病。受慢性疾病影響的大量人口以及對低溫恆溫器微生物組設備的需求增加以促進此類疾病的診斷和治療預計將推動低溫恆溫器微生物組設備市場的增長。

此外,預計美國醫療保健支出的增加將推動該地區對低溫恆溫器微生物組設備市場的需求。根據美國醫療保險和醫療補助服務中心的 2020 年國家衛生支出數據,2020 年的醫療支出增長高達 9.7%,達到 4.1 萬億美元,約佔國內生產總值的 19.7%。預計到 2028 年將達到 6.2 萬億美元。在研究的預測期內,美國地區醫療保健支出的增加可能會促進低溫恆溫器微生物組設備市場的增長。



低溫恆溫器微生物組設備市場是一個分散的競爭,由幾個大型參與者組成。就市場份額而言,少數主要參與者目前主導著市場。目前主導市場的公司包括 Amos Scientific Pty.Ltd.、Bright Instruments Ltd.、Cardinal Health、Epredia、Hacker Instruments &Industries Inc.、Histo-Line Laboratories S.R.L.、Kalstein France、 Labtron Equipment Ltd.、Leica Microsystems Nussloch GmbH、 Medimeas Instruments、 Sakura Finetek Usa Inc、Slee Medical Gmbh、 Spensers World、 Tanner Scientific Inc、Zhejiang Jinhua Kedi Instrumental Equipment等。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 三個月的分析師支持


第 1 章介紹

  • 研究假設和市場定義
  • 本次調查的範圍

第 2 章研究方法

第 3 章執行摘要

第 4 章市場動態

  • 市場概覽
  • 市場促進因素
    • 慢性病患病率增加
    • 醫療保健支出增加
  • 市場抑制因素
    • 缺乏熟練的專業人員
  • 波特五力分析
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 買方/消費者議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間的敵對關係

第 5 章市場細分

  • 按產品
    • 手動低溫恆溫器微生物組裝置
    • 半自動低溫恆溫器型切片機
    • 自動切片機低溫恆溫器設備
  • 最終用戶
    • 醫院
    • 門診手術中心
    • 診斷和研究機構
  • 按地區
    • 北美
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 中東和非洲
    • 南美洲

第 6 章競爭格局

  • 公司簡介
    • Amos Scientific Pty. Ltd.
    • Bright Instruments Ltd.
    • Cardinal Health
    • Epredia
    • Hacker Instruments & Industries Inc.
    • Histo-Line Laboratories S.R.L.
    • Kalstein France
    • Labtron Equipment Ltd.
    • Leica Microsystems Nussloch GmbH
    • Medimeas Instruments
    • Sakura Finetek Usa Inc.
    • Slee Medical Gmbh
    • Spensers World
    • Tanner Scientific Inc.
    • Zhejiang Jinhua Kedi Instrumental Equipment Co., Ltd.

第 7 章市場機會和未來趨勢

Product Code: 91338

The Cryostat Microbiome Equipment Market is projected to register a CAGR of 6.89% during the forecast period (2022 to 2027).

The healthcare system has witnessed enormous challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. All outpatient treatments were postponed or restricted during the COVID-19 pandemic to ​reduce the risk of viral transmission as most chronic therapies were regarded as non-urgent. The cryostat microtome equipment is widely used in diagnostic and research laboratories for the study of histopathology of tissues. COVID-19 had severely impacted the research on chronic diseases such as cancer. An article titled "Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cancer Researchers: A Qualitative Study of Events to Inform Mitigation Strategies" published in the journal of Frontiers in Public Health in November 2021 discussed the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer researchers. The article listed various factors such as financial resources, limited access to patients for research, decreased patient access to cancer care, staffing issues, administrative delays, or supply chain issues as the major limitations for the decline in the quantity of cancer research. Such a lack of trained personnel to handle cryostat microbiome equipment and disruptions in the supply chain is expected to have a significant impact on the growth of the market.

However, with the rise of the pandemic, increasing research in the immunohistochemistry of the COVID-19 infected tissues has positively impacted the growth of the cryostat microtome equipment market. For instance, an article presented in the Elsevier journal of Immunology in September 2021 titled "Live imaging of SARS-CoV-2 infection in mice reveals that neutralizing antibodies require Fc function for optimal efficacy" studied the efficacy of neutralizing antibodies for COVID-19 treatment implemented the use of cryo-immunohistology of organs for further studies. Such an increase in the use of cryostat microtome equipment is expected to boost the growth of the market during the forecast period.

Major chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, chronic lung disease, stroke, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease are on the rise all over the world, which is adding to the growth of the cryostat microbiome equipment market.​ Cancer is a leading cause of death all around the world, accounting for around 10 million deaths in 2020. According to the GLOBOCAN 2020 report, the total number of people in the world affected by cancer in 2020 accounts for around 19,292,789 cases. The number is estimated to rise to 28,887,940 cases by 2040. ​According to the International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas Tenth edition 2021, in 2021, around 537 million adults all over the world were found to have diabetes; with the numbers projected to grow to 643 million by 2030 and 783 million by 2045. The large population affected by chronic diseases and the increase in the necessity of cryostat microbiome equipment for the ease of diagnosis and treatment of such diseases is expected to propel the growth of the cryostat microbiome equipment market.​

Thus the above-mentioned factors are expected to drive the growth of the market during the forecast period.

Key Market Trends

The Diagnostic & Research Laboratories Segment is Expected to Hold a Major Market Share in the Cryostat Microbiome Equipment Market.

The diagnostic & research laboratories holds the major segment in the cryostat microbiome equipment market. The cryostat microbiome equipment holds an important part in the study of immunohistochemistry and histopathological studies of tissues, for example, biopsies. An article published in the journal of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in December 2020 titled "Deep learning extended depth-of-field microscope for fast and slide-free histology" showed that cryostat microbiome are widely used methods for cutting thin sections of tissues in a short processing time period.

Another article titled "Histological-Based Stainings using Free-Floating Tissue Sections" published in the Journal of Visualized Experiments in August 2021 discussed the application of freefloating method to fluorescent immunohistochemistry staining. The article indicated that the cryostat microbiome equipment are the most preferrred method for slicing and collecting tissues for many researchers. The study aimed to reduce the processing time taken for staining the sliced frozen tissues. Such increase in research studies enabling the ease of use of the cryostat microbiome equipment are expected to propel the growth of the cryostat microbiome equipment market during the forecast period.

The increasing number of cancer cases and the associated treatments requiring the use of cryostat microbiome equipment for the disgnosis of the infected tissues are likely to drive the growth of the market. For example, an article titled "Diagnostic Biopsy via In-Office Frozen Sections for Clinical Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer" presented in the journal of Dermatologic Surgery in February 2021 focused on measuring the accuracy and outcomes of biopsy via frozen sections for clinical non melanoma skin cancer. The study indicated that the in-office biopsy via frozen sections were highly accurate in confirmation of the non melanoma skin cancer cells and that the practice might help in speeding up the diagnosis and treatment of the disease thereby enhancing outcomes and patient satisfaction. The increasing research on the study of diagnosis and treatment of cancer cases with the use of cryostat microbiome equipment is expected to boost the growth of the studied market over the forecast period.

North America is Expected to Hold a Significant Share in the Market and Expected to do Same in the Forecast Period (2022 - 2027).

The rise in the adoption of highly advanced techniques and systems in the manufacturing of cryostat microbiome equipments and the technological advancements made in immunohistochemistry studies is expected to boost the growth of the market in the North American region. The high awareness among the population on the availability of innovative cryostat microbiome equipment models in the market contributes to the high market growth in the region.

The rising number of chronic disease cases in the North American region is adding to the growth of the cryostat microbiome equipment market.​ Cancer is one of the top ten leading causes of death in the United States. According to the GLOBOCAN 2020 report, the total number of people in the United States affected by cancer in 2020 accounts to around 2,281,658 cases. The number is estimated to rise to 3,123,452 cases by 2040. ​According to the International Diabetes Federation, in 2021, total number of diabetes in adults in united States were 32,215,300 with a prevalence of over 13%. ​TheCenter for Disease Control and Prevention in 2021 reported that 37million United States Adults are estimated to have chronic kidney disease in 2021. The report by the Center for Disease prevention and Control in 2020 showed that around 15.7 million Americans are affected by chronic lower respiratory Disease.​ The large population affected by the chronic diseases and the increase in the necessity of cryostat microbiome equipment for the ease of diagnosis and treatment of such diseases is expected to propel the growth of the cryostat microbiome equipment market.​

Also, the increasing healthcare expenditure in the United States is expected to drive the demand for the cryostat microbiome equipment market in this region. According to the United States Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' National Health Expenditure Data 2020, the healthcare expenditure grew upto 9.7% to USD 4.1 trillion in 2020 and accounted for around 19.7% of the Gross Domestic Product. The expenditure is projected to reach USD 6.2 trillion by 2028. The rise in the healthcare expenditure in the United States region is likely to boost the growth of the cryostat microbiome equipment market over the forecast period of the study.

Thus the increasing necessity for cryostat microbiome equipment coupled with increasing investment in the health care department is known to propel the growth of the market in this region.

Competitive Landscape

The Cryostat Microbiome Equipment Market is fragmented competitive and consists of several major players. In terms of market share, a few of the major players are currently dominating the market. Some of the companies which are currently dominating the market are Amos Scientific Pty. Ltd., Bright Instruments Ltd., Cardinal Health, Epredia, Hacker Instruments & Industries Inc., Histo-Line Laboratories S.R.L., Kalstein France, Labtron Equipment Ltd., Leica Microsystems Nussloch GmbH, Medimeas Instruments, Sakura Finetek Usa Inc., Slee Medical Gmbh, Spensers World, Tanner Scientific Inc., Zhejiang Jinhua Kedi Instrumental Equipment Co., Ltd. and others.

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  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and market definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Market Drivers
    • 4.2.1 Increasing Prevalence of Chronic Diseases
    • 4.2.2 Rising Healthcare Expenditure
  • 4.3 Market Restraints
    • 4.3.1 Lack of Skilled Professionals
  • 4.4 Porter's Five Force Analysis
    • 4.4.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.4.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.4.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.4.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.4.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry


  • 5.1 By Product
    • 5.1.1 Manual Cryostat Microtome Equipment
    • 5.1.2 Semi-automatic Cryostat Microtome Equipment
    • 5.1.3 Automatic Microtome Cryostat Equipment
  • 5.2 End User
    • 5.2.1 Hospitals
    • 5.2.2 Ambulatory Surgical Centers
    • 5.2.3 Diagnostic & Research Laboratories
  • 5.3 Geography
    • 5.3.1 North America
    • 5.3.2 Europe
    • 5.3.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 5.3.4 Middle-East and Africa
    • 5.3.5 South America


  • 6.1 Company Profiles
    • 6.1.1 Amos Scientific Pty. Ltd.
    • 6.1.2 Bright Instruments Ltd.
    • 6.1.3 Cardinal Health
    • 6.1.4 Epredia
    • 6.1.5 Hacker Instruments & Industries Inc.
    • 6.1.6 Histo-Line Laboratories S.R.L.
    • 6.1.7 Kalstein France
    • 6.1.8 Labtron Equipment Ltd.
    • 6.1.9 Leica Microsystems Nussloch GmbH
    • 6.1.10 Medimeas Instruments
    • 6.1.11 Sakura Finetek Usa Inc.
    • 6.1.12 Slee Medical Gmbh
    • 6.1.13 Spensers World
    • 6.1.14 Tanner Scientific Inc.
    • 6.1.15 Zhejiang Jinhua Kedi Instrumental Equipment Co., Ltd.