
電動巴士充電基礎設施市場 - 增長、趨勢、COVID-19 影響和預測(2022-2027 年)

Electric Bus Charging Infrastructure Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2022 - 2027)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 100 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




電動巴士充電基礎設施市場在 2021 年價值 16.8 億美元,預計 2027 年將達到 66.3 億美元,在預測期間(2022-2027 年)以 16.4% 左右的複合年增長率增長。

在冠狀病毒爆發期間,許多變量正在影響全球電動巴士充電基礎設施市場。與許多其他行業一樣,該行業因流行病而遭受了嚴重的衰退。影響市場增長的關鍵變量是供應鏈限制和“對電動汽車電池的需求減少”。電池製造所需的最關鍵部件的供應短缺嚴重影響了市場。然而,隨著冠狀病毒感染率下降,供應鏈限制有所緩解,行業巨頭開始著手研發,通過採用 5G 等尖端技術來促進市場增長。



  • 2022 年 9 月,印度道路、運輸和公路部在 5000 公裡國道沿線開發電動汽車充電站的試點項目將進入德裡-齋浦爾線上電動巴士技術和商業測試的最後階段。 2022 年 9 月 9 日。我在這裡。這將使 2021 年早些時候的德裡-阿格拉試運行 210 公裡增加 278 公裡,在測試階段在四個州完成總共 500 英裡的技術測試。總共 500 英裡的技術測試將在四個州完成:UP、德裡、哈裡亞納邦和拉賈斯坦邦。




電動汽車是目前最有前途的減少交通排放的技術。電動巴士正在以更快的速度取代傳統的柴油動力巴士,超過了電池驅動的汽車。彭博新能源財經估計,到 2030 年,28% 的汽車銷量將是電動的,84% 的新公交車將是電動的。


喬拜登(Joe Biden)政府提出了一項 1740 億美元的計劃,以促進電動汽車的採用,目標是讓美國實現零排放交通。由於維護成本和效率的降低,新興重型電動客車行業主要市場參與者的技術創新正在推動電動客車的市場增長。

預計中國將繼續推動電動汽車發展,預計到 2025 年將購買 420,000 輛新電動巴士。隨著市場的擴大和政府的支持,電動巴士車隊應該能夠顯著增加(約 40%)。

到 2030 年,印度希望將 70% 的商用車(包括 40% 的公交車)作為電動汽車出售,以實現其實現淨零碳排放的目標。

在歐洲,與 2020 年相比,2021 年電動巴士的註冊數量增加了 48%。去年,交付了 3,282 輛電動巴士,自 2012 年以來,非洲大陸的註冊量已增長到 8,500 多輛。歐洲各國政府制定了各種政策並啟動了在該地區建設充電基礎設施的項目,主要是為了實現電動汽車的銷售目標。

佔歐洲溫室氣體排放總量約 27% 的交通運輸部門也是其他有害排放物(如 NOx)的來源。目前歐洲有大約 725,000 輛公共汽車在運營,包括所有類型的動力系統(電動和非電動)。其中,大約 2,500 輛是電動巴士,其中大部分使用柴油。歐盟於 2019 年 2 月通過的新規定要求公共當局到 2025 年購買四分之一的新“清潔”公交車。到2030年,這一比例將上升到三分之一。因此,未來幾年歐洲城市的公交線路將大幅擴張。巴黎、柏林、倫敦、哥本哈根、巴塞羅那、羅馬、鹿特丹等40個城市同時簽署了《C40 Declaration for fossil-free streets》,目標是到2025年實現公交車零排放。



中國是全球電動巴士市場的主要參與者,擁有全球 98% 的電動巴士。預計中國將在預測期內保持其主導地位。到 2021 年 3 月,中國將有超過 421,000 輛電動公交車投入使用,約佔全球車隊的 99.0%。對公共交通電氣化的堅定承諾,以及廣泛的補貼和國家法規,是導致中國在全球電動巴士市場佔據高市場份額的主要因素。

中國交通運輸部為開發低排放客車市場提供了補貼和其他福利,進一步對市場產生了積極影響。例如,儘管發生了大流行,但中國客車製造商銷售的新能源客車在 2020 年仍增加了 61,000 輛。

預計中國電動公交車的擴張將繼續,預計到 2025 年將再訂購 420,000 輛電動公交車。隨著市場的增長和政府的支持,電動巴士車隊也應該會大幅增加 40% 左右。



另一個重要的國家是印度。然而,在印度,電動和混合動力公交車的普及速度一直很慢,主要是因為成本。混合動力或電動巴士的平均成本是柴油巴士的三到四倍。此外,隨著柴油成本的下降,運營商轉向混合動力或電動公交車的動力並不大。一些城市,如德裡和孟買,使用 CNG 等清潔燃料來運營公共汽車。

因此,印度政府宣布了 2020 年國家電動交通任務計劃 (NEMMP),以加速汽車行業電動和混合動力組件的增長,以促使運營商採用電動巴士。該計劃的主要重點是加快印度電動汽車的生產和引進。例如

  • 2022 年 9 月,CESL-Convergence Energy Services Ltd. (CESL) 將代表印度五個州政府成立。(EESL-Energy Efficiency Services Ltd. 的子公司)已授予 5,450 輛電動巴士的合同。為了減少印度的污染並促進電動巴士製造商的發展,CESL 將對 NITI Ayog 許可的 50,000 輛電動巴士發起 100 億美元(80 萬盧比)的招標。


電動巴士充電基礎設施市場由 ABB 集團、Proterra Inc.(也是電動巴士製造商)、ChargePoint Inc.、Siemens AG等少數參與者整合和領導。每家公司都建立戰略合作夥伴關係、收購和產品開發,以擴大其品牌組合。

  • 2021 年 11 月,The California Energy Commission授予Los Angeles Department of Transportation(LADOT)600 萬美元的贈款,用於安裝使用太陽能和儲能微電網的美國最大的電動汽車車隊充電系統之一。我已經交付。LADOT 在華盛頓公交車場安裝 4.5 MW 表觀能量存儲系統,結合 1.5 MW 屋頂和公交車太陽能天篷、5 個 Protera 1.5 MW 車隊充電器和 104 個遠程 EV 充電我計劃為分配器供電。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持


第 1 章 簡介

  • 調查先決條件
  • 調查範圍




  • 市場驅動力
  • 市場製約因素
  • 產業吸引力——波特五力分析
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 買方/消費者議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭對手之間的競爭


  • 充電式
    • 插入式充電
    • 架空收費
  • 按地區
    • 北美
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 世界其他地區

第 6 章 競爭格局

  • 供應商市場份額
  • 公司簡介
    • 充電基礎設施供應商
      • ABB Ltd
      • Proterra Inc.(also electric bus manufacturer)
      • ChargePoint Inc.
      • Siemens AG
    • Electric Bus Manufacturers
      • BYD Auto Co. Ltd
      • Daimler AG


Product Code: 65280

The electric bus charging infrastructure market was valued at USD 1.68 Billion in 2021, and it is expected to reach USD 6.63 Billion by 2027, registering a CAGR of around 16.4% during the forecast period (2022-2027).

During the coronavirus epidemic, numerous variables are influencing the worldwide electric bus charging infrastructure market. This industry, like most others, has suffered a significant downturn as a result of the epidemic. The key variables influencing the market growth are supply chain constraints and 'falling demand for EV batteries.' The market is being severely impacted by the lack of availability of the most significant components for battery manufacture. However, when supply chain constraints are relaxed due to fewer coronavirus infections, the industry's leading players have begun research and development to boost market growth by incorporating cutting-edge technologies like 5G.

Over the long term, the global adoption of stricter pollution regulations is expected to boost electric car sales throughout the projection period. To meet the growing demand for EVs, manufacturers of automotive power modules have begun investing in expanding their production capacities, primarily in the Asia-Pacific region, which has the world's highest sales and export of vehicles, as well as the lowest tariff on EV parts among ASEAN countries.

Key Highlights

  • In September 2022, A pilot project, through which the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways in India, is developing EV charging stations across 5000km of the national highway, is presently in its last stages of technical and commercial testing using electric buses on the Delhi-Jaipur line beginning September 9th, 2022. This will add a 278 km length to the previously performed 210 km trial run between Delhi and Agra in 2021, completing technical testing of a total of 500 miles across four states in its pilot phase: UP, Delhi, Haryana, and Rajasthan.

China and the United States registered higher adoption of electric buses. In the coming years, the above countries are expected to continue to deploy more electric buses, owing to strong encouragement from the governments, transit agencies, as well as other green vehicle-supporting communities and organizations.

Key Market Trends

Governmental Efforts to Increase in the Number of Electric Buses

E-mobility is currently seen as the most promising technology to reduce exhaust emissions in transportation. Electric buses are replacing conventional diesel-fueled buses at an accelerating rate that is outpacing the adoption of battery-powered cars. According to forecasts by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, by 2030, ~28% of car sales are likely to be electric vehicles, while 84% of new buses will be electric buses.

The electric bus market is rapidly growing across the world owing to the governmental push to decarbonize public transportation in major countries. Many countries have established goals to procure electric buses. For instance,

The Joe Biden administration has proposed a USD174 billion program to promote the adoption of electric vehicles with the goal of moving the United States toward zero-emission transportation. The major market players' innovation in the emerging heavy-duty electric bus sector is boosting the market growth of e-buses by lowering their maintenance costs and efficiency.

China's move toward electric vehicles is expected to continue, with 420,000 new electric buses expected to be purchased by 2025.Electric bus fleets should be able to grow significantly (about 40%) as a result of market expansion and government support.

By 2030, India wants to sell 70% of all commercial vehicles, including 40% of buses, as electric vehicles.The objective of achieving net zero carbon emissions is in line with this.

In Europe, electric bus registrations climbed by 48% in 2021 compared to 2020. Last year, 3,282 e-buses were delivered, increasing the total number of vehicles registered on the continent to over 8,500 since 2012. The European government has formulated various policies and has started projects for building the charging infrastructure across the region, primarily to meet the electric vehicle sales target.

The transportation sector, which contributes about 27% to Europe's total greenhouse emissions, is also a source of other dangerous emissions, like NOx. At present, approximately 725,000 buses operate in Europe, including all types of powertrains (electric and non-electric). Out of these, around 2,500 are electric buses, which indicates that the majority of them run on diesel. By 2025, public agencies must purchase "clean" buses for a quarter of all new buses under the new rules that the European Union adopted in February 2019.from 2030, the ratio will rise to one third.As a result, bus lines will expand significantly in European cities in the coming years.The C40 Declaration for fossil-free streets has been signed simultaneously by 40 cities, including Paris, Berlin, London, Copenhagen, Barcelona, Rome, and Rotterdam, with the goal of zero-emission bus fleets by 2025.

Asia Pacific is Leading the Electric Bus Charging Infrastructure Market

The electric bus charging infrastructure market in the Asia Pacific is led by China, followed by Europe and North America, respectively. Currently, 99% of electric buses in service are in China, due to the major air pollution problems in Chinese cities and the decision of local authorities to invest in transport that does not emit. Other developing countries like India are fueling the electric bus charging infrastructure market by adopting more electric buses in the country.

China is a key player in the global electric bus market and is home to 98% of the world's electric buses. China is anticipated to sustain its dominance during the forecast period. In March 2021, more than 421,000 electric buses were in use China, which amounts to about 99.0% of the global fleet. The keen focus on electrification of public transit with prevalent subsidies and national regulations is a major factor contributing toward the high market share of China in the global electric bus market.

China's Ministry of Transport is offering subsidies and other benefits for the development of low emission bus fleets, thereby, further positively influencing the market. For instance, 61,000 more new energy buses were sold by Chinese bus makers during 2020, despite of the pandemic.

China's electric bus expansion is expected to continue, with 420,000 additional electric buses ordered by 2025. Growth in the market and government support should also allow for a large increase in the number of electric bus fleets, which is approximately 40%.

Shenzhen and Guangzhou are leading cities in fully electric bus fleets, while more Chinese cities are expected to follow the same in coming years. During the forecast period, China may continue to witness growth in the adoption of electric buses, as more than 30 Chinese cities have made plans to achieve 100% electrified public transit by the start of 2021, including Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Foshan, and Zhongshan in the Pearl River Delta, along with Nanjing, Hangzhou, Shaanxi, and Shandong.

Although China is more focused on battery electric buses, there are significant number of hybrid buses in the country owing to the long-range possibilities offered by them. During the forecast period, series hybrid category is expected to account major share in hybrid bus category. Due to the ease in designing and assembling this type of powertrain, which reduces the overall cost of electric bus, more number od buses are expected to equip this type of powertrain.

Other important countries include India . However, in India, the acceptance of electric and hybrid buses is slow, primarily due to the cost factor. The average cost of hybrid or electric buses is 3-4 times higher than diesel buses. Furthermore, with the decrease in the cost of diesel, there is not much incentive for the operators to shift to hybrid or electric buses. Some cities, like Delhi and Mumbai, are using clean fuel, like CNG, for bus operations.

Thus, to make operators adopt electric buses, the Government of India unveiled the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020 to accelerate the growth of the electric and hybrid components of the automotive sector. It focuses primarily on fast-tracking the manufacturing and introduction of EVs in India. For instance,

  • In September 2022, In India, on behalf of five state governments, CESL-Convergence Energy Services Ltd. (a subsidiary of EESL- Energy Efficiency Services Ltd.) granted a contract for 5,450 electric buses. CESL plans to conduct a $10 billion (Rs.80,000 crore) tender for 50,000 electric buses, which has been authorized by NITI Ayog to reduce pollution in India and boost E-Bus manufacturers.

Competitive Landscape

The electric bus charging infrastructure market is consolidated and led by a few players, such as ABB Group, Proterra Inc. (also an electric bus manufacturer), ChargePoint Inc., Siemens AG, and Others. The companies are entering strategic partnerships, acquisitions, and product development to expand their brand portfolio.

  • In November 2021, The California Energy Commission has given the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) a USD 6 million grant to install one of the largest EV fleet charging systems in the United States that will be powered by a solar and storage microgrid. At the Washington Bus Yard, LADOT will install a 4.5MWh Apparent energy storage system in conjunction with 1.5 megawatts of rooftop and bus solar canopy to power five Proterra 1.5 megawatt fleet chargers with 104 remote EV charging dispensers.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Drivers
  • 4.2 Market Restraints
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers/Consumers
    • 4.3.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry


  • 5.1 Charging Type
    • 5.1.1 Plug-in Charging
    • 5.1.2 Overhead Charging
  • 5.2 Geography
    • 5.2.1 North America
    • 5.2.2 Europe
    • 5.2.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 5.2.4 Rest of the World


  • 6.1 Vendor Market Share
  • 6.2 Company Profiles
    • 6.2.1 Electric Charging Infrastructure Suppliers
      • ABB Ltd
      • Proterra Inc. (also electric bus manufacturer)
      • ChargePoint Inc.
      • Siemens AG
    • 6.2.2 Electric Bus Manufacturers
      • BYD Auto Co. Ltd
      • Daimler AG