

Digital Services Act: What Impact on the European Digital Market?

出版日期: | 出版商: IDATE | 英文 36 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


互聯網使用的增加和在線活動的多樣化增加了用戶面臨非法內容的風險。數位服務法案 (DSA) 認識到在歐洲層面監管互聯網內容的必要性,旨在加強在線中介服務提供商的問責制,為歐洲數位市場創造公平競爭環境。.

本報告分析了數位服務法案 (DSA) 對數位服務提供商的新義務。我們將匯總並提供從 DSA 角度看到的具體影響以及來自各方面對 DSA 的批評等信息.


第 1 章執行摘要

第 2 章數位服務法律框架

  • 環境
  • 目標和目標公司
  • DSA 規定的義務
  • DSA 規定的製裁

第 3 章《數位服務法》的影響

  • 總體經濟、社會和政治效益
  • 對數位市場的具體影響
  • DSA 的定量和定性效果

第 4 章數位生態系統對數位服務法的批評

  • 來自數位市場生態系統的常見批評摘要
  • 消費者保護組織的批評摘要
  • 數位市場參與者的批評摘要
  • 數位公司聲稱的技術和財務障礙
Product Code: M00069MRA


The growth in Internet usage and the diversification of online activities have increased the risk of users being confronted with illegal content. Recognising the need to regulate Internet content at a European level, the Digital Services Act (DSA) aims to make online intermediary service providers more accountable and to level the European digital playing field.

The purpose of this report is to explain the new obligations imposed by the DSA on providers of digital services. These obligations vary according to the size and market weight of the companies concerned. Large online platforms and search engines are particularly affected by the provisions.

We will then detail the concrete impacts of DSA on the digital market, from an economic and societal point of view.

Finally, we will present the criticisms of the DSA which are put forward by the various digital players.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Framework of the Digital Services Act

  • 2.1. Context
  • 2.2. Objectives and players
  • 2.3. Obligations imposed by the DSA
  • 2.4. Sanctions prescribed by the DSA

3. Impacts of the Digital Services Act

  • Overall economic, societal and political benefits
  • Concrete impacts on the digital market
  • Quantitative and qualitative impacts of the DSA

4. Criticisms of the Digital Services Act from the digital ecosystem

  • Summary of general criticisms from the digital market ecosystem
  • Summary of criticisms from consumer protection associations
  • Summary of criticisms from digital market players
  • Technical and financial barriers according to digital companies