

2023 Global Market Analysis of Large-Size Silicon Wafers

出版日期: | 出版商: TrendForce | 英文 17 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


2022年起,全球半導體產業成長將明顯放緩,進入調整週期。 這一趨勢主要是由於消費性電子產業的需求下降以及依賴矽晶圓的下游晶片製造商的庫存增加所致。 受此影響,矽晶圓產業也正在進行庫存調整,季度出貨量減少。 預計2023年矽片出貨量較上年下降約2-3%。

然而,展望未來,出現了復甦的跡象。 隨著下游客戶庫存水準穩定以及生產利用率提高,矽片市場可望復甦。 到2026年,矽片總需求預計將超過170億平方英吋。 在人工智慧、電動車和物聯網新興應用的推動下,這種成長預計在 12 吋大矽片類別中尤其明顯。 到 2026 年,該細分市場的市場需求預計每月將超過 1,100 萬台,凸顯該產業的顯著復甦。






第 4 章 TRI 的觀點



Product Code: 62

Since 2022, the global semiconductor industry has seen a notable slowdown in growth, entering a cycle of adjustment. This trend is largely attributed to reduced demand from the consumer electronics sector, leading to rising inventories at downstream chip makers dependent on silicon wafers. Consequently, the silicon wafer industry is also experiencing a period of inventory adjustment, marked by a decline in quarterly shipments. For 2023, an estimated YoY decrease of approximately 2-3% in silicon wafer shipment volume is anticipated.

Looking to the future, however, there are signs of a potential rebound. As inventory levels among downstream customers stabilize and production capacity utilization improves, the silicon wafer market is expected to recover. By 2026, the overall demand for silicon wafers is predicted to exceed 17 billion square inches. This growth is expected to be particularly pronounced in the 12" large-size silicon wafer category, fueled by emerging applications in AI, EV, and the IoT. Market demand for this segment is forecasted to surpass 11 million pieces per month by 2026, highlighting a significant resurgence in the sector.

Table of Contents

1. Weak End-User Demand Leads to Decline in Silicon Wafer Shipments

2. Inventory Adjustment Phase for Silicon Wafers, with Significant Rebound Potential for Large-Size Wafers

3. The Silicon Wafer Market Expected to Stabilize as Chinese Manufacturers Striving to Break Through

4. TRI's View

(1) Ongoing inventory adjustments to continue as silicon wafer demand set for a rebound

(2) Stability in the large silicon wafer market, with Chinese manufacturers rapidly emerging