

Metaverse Development Trends in the Automotive Vertical Industry

出版日期: | 出版商: TrendForce | 英文 9 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


在CES 2023上,元界和Web 3.0將成為各行業關注的焦點,特別是汽車企業將利用元界的概念來實現VR(虛擬實境),例如遠端汽車維修、數位化銷售中心、新車性能介紹等等等。我們提供體驗。這正逐漸揭示元宇宙在汽車產業的垂直整合。

本報告分析了元界在全球汽車產業的發展趨勢,調查了元界市場的現狀和使用趨勢,以及元界技術在 "生產過程" 和 "零售體驗" 兩個領域的引入和利用現狀。


第一章 元宇宙產業化應用:現狀

第 2 章 元界整合在汽車產業的潛在好處

  • (1)生產過程:產品設計與工廠管理
  • (2)零售體驗:產品銷售與沉浸式體驗

第三章 汽車產業元宇宙趨勢

第四章 TRI的觀點

  • (1)元界技術主要應用於汽車產業中上游相關生產環節。
  • (2)零售體驗是汽車產業元宇宙的新機會
Product Code: 59

At CES 2023, the Metaverse and Web 3.0 became the focal points across various industries, particularly drawing interest from automotive-related companies, who have been utilizing the concept of the Metaverse to provide virtual reality experiences from remote car maintenance, digital sales centers, to showcasing new car performance. This gradually unveils the vertical integration of the Metaverse into the automotive industry. This report primarily analyzes the current state and applications of the Metaverse market, with a detailed exploration of the application and trends of Metaverse technology in "industrial operations" and "retail experiences".

Table of Contents

1. Industrial Applications of the Metaverse: The status-quo

2. Potential Benefits of Metaverse Integration for the Automotive Industry

  • (1) Industrial Operations: Product design and plant management
  • (2) Retail Experiences: Product sales and immersive experiences

3. Metaverse Trends in the Automotive Industry

4. TRI's View

  • (1) Metaverse technology has been mostly adopted for industrial operations related to the mid- and upstream segments in the automotive industry
  • (2) Retail experiences will be the new opportunity for Metaverse in the automotive industry