Battle for the Future 2023:亞太地區的電力和再生能源競爭力概要

Battle for the Future 2023:亞太地區的電力和再生能源競爭力概要

Battle for the Future 2023: Asia Pacific Power and Renewables Competitiveness Overview

出版日期: | 出版商: Wood Mackenzie - Power & Renewables | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



本報告對亞太地區到 2050 年的電力技術和發電成本趨勢進行了分析和展望。該報告包括平準化電力成本(LCOE),涵蓋26關鍵技術,包括常規電源、再生能源、能源儲存、碳捕獲和封存以及綠色燃料和火力發電的混燒。)包含數據和先決條件。

目標區域包括日本、韓國、中國大陸、台灣、澳洲、新加坡、馬來西亞、菲律賓、越南、印尼、泰國、巴基斯坦、印度、孟加拉和紐西蘭,以及特定國家的區域。本報告還研究了每個國家的再生能源、化石燃料和發電之間的競爭,並概述了推高每種技術成本的關鍵因素。同時附帶了廣泛的數據集,其中包括15 個主要國家的電力市場數據和基本假設。

Product Code: 150205099

Report Summary:

This report provides an analysis and outlook to 2050 for power technology and generation cost trends in Asia Pacific. It includes levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) data and assumptions covering 26 key technologies including conventional power sources, renewables, energy storage, carbon capture and sequestration, and green fuel co-firing with thermal power. The geographic coverage includes Japan, South Korea, mainland China, Taiwan Region, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and New Zealand, plus coverage of sub-national regions. The report also examines competition between renewable power, fossil fuel power and dispatchable power in each country, as well as giving an overview of the key factors driving costs for each technology. The report also comes with an extensive dataset containing key power markets data and the underlying assumptions for the 15 major countries.