企業安全:客戶的聲音 - 日本的趨勢

企業安全:客戶的聲音 - 日本的趨勢

Voice of the Enterprise Security Customer-Trends in Japan

出版日期: | 出版商: Frost & Sullivan | 英文 23 Pages | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內




該報告首先確定了首席級高階主管參與網路安全決策流程的程度。然後,它揭示了日本組織如何開展網路安全營運,並深入研究了日本組織隨著時間的推移調整其網路安全營運的頻率。然後,我們確定了推動組織網路安全戰略的要素,闡明了日本組織面臨的威脅情況以及提高其安全性的障礙。此外,該研究還整理了 2022 年影響日本組織的網路攻擊類型以及這些網路安全事件後所面臨的後果。該報告調查了受訪者對其組織防禦網路威脅能力的信心以及這些組織在過去 12 個月內經歷的成功網路攻擊的數量。最後,該研究深入了解了該國的組織如何使用其網路安全預算,揭示了 2023 年的優先領域和支出模式。總之,本報告旨在幫助網路安全供應商和相關人員充分資訊日本網路安全的現狀。

完整的 Frost & Sullivan 企業安全客戶之聲調查是在非歐洲組織中進行的。該調查收到了來自 8 個國家和 6 個行業的 2,448 名 CISO 和關鍵安全決策者的回應。調查對象國家包括日本、澳洲、巴西、法國、德國、日本、英國和美國。調查的行業包括能源、金融、政府、醫療保健、IT 和製造業。

本研究的整個資料可在 Frost & Sullivan 的成長產生器中單獨取得,該產生器為使用者提供互動式儀表板和資料過濾功能。請聯絡方式我們,以了解更多有關存取完整的企業安全客戶之聲調查資料的資訊。



  • 主要發現
  • 研究目的和調查方法
  • 受訪者概況和參與網路安全問題的情況
  • 網路安全業務的職責
  • 圍繞網路安全業務的風險
  • 網路安全戰略的促進因素
  • 日本的威脅形勢
  • 網路安全事件的影響
  • 目前的網路安全準備情況
  • 日本2023年的首要優先領域
  • 網路安全預算
  • 網路安全預算分配
  • 概述


  • 推動Growth Pipeline Engine(TM) 的成長機會
  • 成長為何困難
  • The Strategic Imperative 8(TM)
  • 附件清單
  • 免責聲明
Product Code: PF49-74

A Survey of Enterprise End Users on the Cybersecurity Trends in Japan

This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the cybersecurity landscape in Japan, providing insights on areas such as cybersecurity operations, cybersecurity strategy, threat landscape, organizations' cybersecurity readiness against cyberattacks, and projected the investment in cybersecurity areas in 2023.

The report first identifies the level of involvement of C-level executives in the decision-making process related to cybersecurity matters. It then sheds light on how organizations in Japan conduct their cybersecurity operations before diving deeper into how often organizations in the country fine-tune their cybersecurity operations through time. The report then determines the factors that are driving the cybersecurity strategy in their organization and identifies the threat landscape that organizations in Japan are facing and the barriers to making them more secure. Additionally, this study lays out the type of cyberattacks that impacted organizations in Japan in 2022 and the consequences they had to face following these cybersecurity incidents. The report examines the confidence levels that these respondents have in their organization's ability to defend against cyberthreats and the number of times these organizations have been successfully cyberattacked in the past 12 months. Finally, the study provides insight into how organizations in the country are using their cybersecurity budget, revealing priority areas and spending patterns in 2023. In conclusion, this report aims to help cybersecurity vendors and relevant stakeholders to be well informed on the current cybersecurity landscape in Japan.

The full version of Frost & Sullivan's Voice of the Enterprise Security Customer survey sampled organizations beyond Europe. It gathered responses from 2,448 CISOs and key security decision-makers across 8 nations and 6 industries. The nations surveyed include Japan, Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The industries surveyed include energy, finance, government, healthcare, information technology, and manufacturing.

Table of Contents

Voice of the Enterprise Security Customer Survey

  • Key Findings
  • Research Objectives and Methodology
  • Respondent Profile and Involvement in Cybersecurity Matters
  • Responsibilities in Cybersecurity Operations
  • Risk Surrounding Cybersecurity Operations
  • Drivers for Cybersecurity Strategy
  • Threat Landscape in Japan
  • Consequences of Cybersecurity Incidents
  • Current Cybersecurity Readiness
  • Top Priority Areas for Japan in 2023
  • Cybersecurity Budget
  • Cybersecurity Spending Allocation
  • Summary


  • Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine™
  • Why is it Increasingly Difficult to Grow?
  • The Strategic Imperative 8™
  • List of Exhibits
  • Legal Disclaimer