固態變壓器市場——增長、趨勢、COVID-19 的影響和預測 (2023-2028)

固態變壓器市場——增長、趨勢、COVID-19 的影響和預測 (2023-2028)

Solid-State Transformer Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 84 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




2021 年固態變壓器的潛在市場規模估計為 497 萬美元。

預計到 2027 年將達到 712 萬美元,在預測期間(2022-2027 年)的複合年增長率為 5.38%。 2020 年和 2021 年第一季度,美國和加拿大的固態變壓器市場受到 COVID-19 大流行的影響。 大流行期間推遲了幾個輸電和可再生能源項目,導致對變壓器的需求下降。 例如,在 2020 年,希臘工業集團 Mytilineos 的可再生能源和存儲開發銷售額下降了 40%,原因是大流行導致合同和施工延誤。 預計在預測期內,可再生能源在發電組合中的整合和智能電網技術投資的增加將推動市場。 固態變壓器相對於傳統變壓器的技術優勢有望推動市場。 然而,高成本和可靠性等性能限制預計將在預測期內抑制市場增長。


  • 近年來,智能電網投資一直集中在數字變電站和智能電錶等硬件上。 預計智能電網應用領域將在預測期內主導固態變壓器市場。
  • 大規模生產帶來的價格下降、製造商的研發投資以及技術進步預計將在未來幾年為固態變壓器市場創造巨大機遇。
  • 在預測期內,亞太地區預計將成為最大、增長最快的市場,中國、印度和日本等國家/地區的需求量很大。



  • 智能電網是一種電力網絡/電網,可實現電力和數據的雙向流動。 智能電網概念在過去二十年中以更快的速度傳播。 如今,它已成為電力行業數字化轉型不可或缺的一部分。 固態變壓器優於智能電網中的傳統變壓器,因為它們具有模塊化結構的靈活性、允許雙向功率流動的能力以及在交流和直流電網中的部署。
  • 三級固態變壓器通常設計用於具有雙向功率流的智能電網應用,可將功率從低壓傳輸到高壓。
  • 近年來,為適應潮流、滿足可靠性需求和滿足未來預期用途而進行的電網現代化已將電子智能功能納入功率控制目的和運行監控。這推動了對智能電網技術的需求,例如作為固態變壓器。
  • 例如,2020 年 12 月,美國 GridWise 聯盟宣布了一個全面的電網投資政策框架以促進經濟復甦,強調需要 500 億美元的聯邦支出用於電網現代化。 預計在預測期內,多項此類電網現代化計劃將增加智能電網對固態變壓器的需求。
  • 領先的公司和國家越來越多地參與技術進步和開髮用於電網應用的新型、更高效的固態變壓器。 例如,2021 年 3 月,日立 ABB 電網和南洋理工大學將在新加坡政府的旗艦計劃“能源網格 2.0”下共同推進固態變壓器 (SST) 技術,以形成下一代電網系統。米。
  • 因此,由於上述因素,智能電網應用領域有望在預測期內主導固態變壓器市場。


  • 亞太地區預計將成為最大和增長最快的市場,這是由於智能電網技術投資增加和電力需求上升導致該地區電力基礎設施投資增加。。
  • 中國是世界上最大的輸配電 (T&D) 市場。 在碳減排政策和綠色發展努力的支持下,預計將成為智能電網技術的重要消費者。 2021年,中國電力行業各類發電總量為8.11萬億千瓦時(KWh)。 有助於發電的能源包括煤炭、天然氣、核能、風能、水力、生物燃料和太陽能。 中國是工業規模最大的國家,伴隨著工業需求的快速增長,對能源的需求也在穩步增長。
  • 隨著對配電網絡投資的增加,公司現在將重點放在智能電網上,預計這將在預測期內推動中國對 SST 的需求。
  • 截至 2021 年 2 月,印度的火電總裝機容量為 233.17GW。 可再生能源、水電和核電裝機容量分別為91.15GW、46.20GW和6.78GW。 政府計劃到 2030 年將可再生能源裝機容量的份額翻一番,達到 40%。 印度還將其太陽能裝機容量目標提高了 5 倍,到 2022 年達到 114 吉瓦。 政府正在準備一項“屋頂租賃”政策,以支持到2022年40GW太陽能屋頂項目的目標。 2020年,全國電力需求峰值達到170.83吉瓦。
  • 此外,印度政府制定了到 2022 年底安裝 227GW 可再生能源容量的目標。 截至 2019 年 6 月,政府已啟動 50 億美元的輸電線路招標。 預計在預測期內,對低壓和中壓輸電線路的投資將為 SST 部署提供機會。
  • 因此,根據上述因素,預計亞太地區將成為預測期內規模最大、增長最快的市場。


固態變壓器市場由 Delta Electronics Inc. 和 Hitachi Energy Ltd. 等少數公司和研究機構整合而成。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 三個月的分析師支持



  • 本次調查的範圍
  • 市場定義和研究假設

第 2 章執行摘要


第 4 章市場概述

  • 簡介
  • 到 2027 年固態變壓器的潛在市場規模和需求預測(單位:百萬美元)
  • 近期趨勢和發展
  • 市場動態
    • 司機
    • 約束因素
  • 供應鏈分析
  • 產業吸引力 - 波特五力分析
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 消費者的議價能力
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間的敵對關係

第 5 章市場細分

  • 應用 -(僅限定性分析)
    • 智能衛士
    • 牽引力
    • 其他應用
  • 按地區
    • 北美
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 世界其他地區


  • 涉及固態變壓器 (SST) 市場的主要研究機構和公司名單


Product Code: 71144

The potential market size of the solid-state transformer was estimated at USD 4.97 million in 2021. It is expected to reach USD 7.12 million by 2027, at a CAGR of 5.38% during the forecast period (2022-2027). In 2020 and Q1 2021, the solid-state transformer market in the United States and Canada was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, several transmission and renewable projects were delayed, causing a decrease in the demand for transformers. For instance, in 2020, Greek industrial group Mytilineos' turnover from its renewables and storage development decreased by 40% due to contracting and construction delays caused by the pandemic. Increasing integration of renewable energy in the power generation mix and increasing investment in smart grid technologies are expected to drive the market during the forecast period. The technical advantages of solid-state transformers over conventional transformers are likely to drive the market. However, performance constraints, such as high cost and reliability, are expected to restrain the market's growth during the forecast period.

Key Highlights

  • In recent years, the smart grid investments remained focused on hardware, such as digital substations and smart meters. The smart grid application segment is expected to dominate the solid-state transformer market during the forecast period.
  • Reduced prices due to mass production, investments in R&D by manufacturers, and technological advancements are expected to create immense opportunities for the solid-state transformer market in the coming years.
  • Asia-Pacific is expected to be the largest and fastest-growing market during the forecast period, with most of the demand coming from countries like China, India, and Japan.

Solid-State Transformer Market Trends

Smart Grid Application is Expected to Dominate the Market

  • A smart grid is an electricity network/grid enabling a two-way flow of electricity and data. The concept of the smart grid accelerated in the last two decades. It has now become an essential part of the digital transformation of the electricity sector. Due to their modular construction flexibility, enabling bi-directional power flow, and deployment in AC and DC grids, solid-state transformers are preferred more than conventional transformers in smart grids.
  • The three-stage solid-state transformers are typically designed for smart grid applications in which they have bi-directional power flow to transfer power from low voltage to high voltage.
  • Recently, the modernization of the grid to accommodate power flows, serve reliability needs, and meet future projected usage led to the incorporation of electronic intelligence capabilities for power control purposes and operations monitoring, which is driving the demand for smart grid technologies such as solid-state transformers.
  • For instance, in December 2020, GridWise Alliance in the United States launched its comprehensive Policy Framework for Grid Investments in Economic Recovery, which outlines the need for USD 50 billion in federal spending for grid modernization. Several such grid modernization plans are expected to increase the demand for solid-state transformers in smart grids during the forecast period.
  • Major companies and countries are becoming more involved in the technological advancement and development of new and more efficient solid-state transformers used for grid applications. For instance, in March 2021, Hitachi ABB Power Grids and Nanyang Technological University, under the Singapore government's flagship Energy Grid 2.0 initiative to shape the next-generation grid system, collaborated to work together on the advancement of solid-state transformer (SST) technology.
  • Therefore, based on the factors mentioned above, the smart grid application segment is expected to dominate the solid-state transformer market during the forecast period.

Asia-Pacific to Dominate the Market

  • Asia-Pacific is expected to be the largest and fastest-growing market due to the increasing investment in smart grid technology and the increasing demand for electricity, leading to increased investment in power infrastructure across the region.
  • China is the world's largest market for power transmission and distribution (T&D). It is projected to become a significant consumer of smart grid technology, supported by its policy to reduce carbon emissions and commitment to green development. In 2021, the total electricity generation from the various sources in the Chinese power sector was 8.11 trillion kilowatt-hours (KWh). Energy sources contributing to the country's energy generation include coal, natural gas, the nuclear, wind, hydro, biofuels, and solar energy. Since China has the largest industrial sector, the country's energy demand has been rising continuously owing to rapidly growing industrial demands.
  • With the growing investment in distribution networks, companies are now focusing on smart grids, which is likely to drive the demand for SST in China during the forecast period.
  • As of February 2021, India's total thermal installed capacity stood at 233.17 GW. The installed capacity of renewable, hydro, and nuclear energies totaled 91.15 GW, 46.20 GW, and 6.78 GW, respectively. The government plans to double the share of installed electricity generation capacity of renewable energy to 40% by 2030. India also raised the solar power generation capacity target by five-fold, to 114 GW, by 2022. The government is preparing a 'rent a roof' policy for supporting its target of generating 40 GW of power through solar rooftop projects by 2022. The peak power demand in the country stood at 170.83 GW in FY 2020.
  • Furthermore, the Government of India has set a target to install 227 GW of renewable energy capacity by the end 0f 2022. As of June 2019, the Government launched USD 5 billion of transmission-line tenders. The investment in the low and medium voltage transmission lines is likely to provide opportunity for SST deployment during the forecast period.
  • Therefore, based on the factors mentioned above, Asia-Pacific is expected to be the largest and fastest-growing market during the forecast period.

Solid-State Transformer Market Competitor Analysis

The solid-state transformer market is consolidated with very few companies and research institutes operating in the market, including Delta Electronics Inc. and Hitachi Energy Ltd.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Scope of the Study
  • 1.2 Market Definition and Study Assumptions




  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Potential Market Size and Demand Forecast for Solid-state Transformers, in USD million, till 2027
  • 4.3 Recent Trends and Developments
  • 4.4 Market Dynamics
    • 4.4.1 Drivers
    • 4.4.2 Restraints
  • 4.5 Supply Chain Analysis
  • 4.6 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.6.1 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.6.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.6.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.6.4 Threat of Substitutes Products and Services
    • 4.6.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry


  • 5.1 Application - (Qualitative Analysis Only)
    • 5.1.1 Smart Gird
    • 5.1.2 Traction
    • 5.1.3 Other Applications
  • 5.2 Geography
    • 5.2.1 North America
    • 5.2.2 Europe
    • 5.2.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 5.2.4 Rest of the World


  • 6.1 List of Major Research Institutions and Companies Involved in the Solid-state Transformer (SST) Market