智能電網數據分析市場 - 增長、趨勢、COVID-19 影響和預測 (2023-2028)

智能電網數據分析市場 - 增長、趨勢、COVID-19 影響和預測 (2023-2028)

Smart Grid Data Analytics Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecasts (2023 - 2028)

出版日期: | 出版商: Mordor Intelligence | 英文 100 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內




在預測期內,智能電網數據分析市場預計將以 12.76% 的複合年增長率增長。

由於對智能電網計劃的投資不斷增加,預計智能電網數據分析市場在預測期內將以更快的速度發展。 隨著物聯網等最新技術的引入,參與者更加重視智能電網解決方案的集成。 數據創建的持續趨勢正在推動公用事業將大數據與數十億新的物聯網和智能傳感器數據相結合。 智能電錶數據可以幫助您更好地了解客戶的行為,從而更有效地對客戶進行細分。


  • 智能電網數據分析市場的巨大需求預計將來自不斷增長的電力需求。 根據國際能源署 (IEA) 的數據,到 2030 年,全球電力需求在穩定政策情景 (STEPS) 下將增加 5,900 太瓦時 (TWh),在已宣布承諾情景 (APS) 下將增加 7,000 TWh 以上。 這相當於加上美國和歐盟目前的需求。
  • 此外,組織計劃投資擴建、現代化和分散其電力基礎設施,以提高彈性。 電網基礎設施實現數字化和與時俱進,重要數字通信的可靠安全傳輸成為可能。 在整個印度次大陸,一些項目也開始解決電力問題。
  • 大量湧入的數據正在推動市場的增長。 根據 IEEE 的說法,為了讓事情變得更智能,大量數據正在網格組件和管理這些組件的企業系統之間交換。 根據應用的不同,交換的信息可以幫助經濟地優化公用事業及其客戶之間的雙向電力流動。
  • 此外,智能電網收集的數據遠遠多於手動電能計量系統。 因此,由於考慮了更多變量,數據分析技術可用於創建高度現實的消費預測。 因此,可用於開發分析模型的數據量呈指數級增長,從而擴大了智能電網分析的機會。
  • 但是,智能電網系統的高成本和對更多熟練專業人員的需求限制了市場增長。 智能電錶最突出的限制是資本金的可用性。 智能係統比大多數服務提供商和用戶使用的標準計量設備相對昂貴。 此外,各種智能儀表根據操作和消費者要求設計有不同的參數,從而減少了需要熟練勞動力來處理和安裝的複雜設備的使用。
  • COVID-19 疫情對全球經濟造成了影響,因為它打擊了許多企業,尤其是電力行業,並導致許多其他行業停工。 COVID-19 爆發後,電價下跌,打擊了能源和電力行業的許多公司。 此外,根據美國國土安全部 (DHS) 的數據,電力部門是受 COVID-19 流行病嚴重影響的 16 個重要基礎設施部門之一。



  • 隨著越來越多的資金投入到智能電網上,以及越來越多的可再生能源被添加到現有電網中,預計全球智能電網數據分析市場將會增長。 新興經濟體也看到了更多的研發更新,預計這將有助於市場增長。
  • 例如,根據 IEA 的數據,2021 年輸配電網絡中智能電錶的投資將約為 214 億美元,與上一年的 2020 年相比增長 13.8%。 如此顯著的投資增長被認為表明對數字基礎設施的需求不斷增長,這對於在市場上運營的供應商來說是高利潤的。
  • 包括中國和美國在內的幾個新興國家正在大規模部署智能電錶,這主要得益於各自政府的持續支持。 預計這些因素將增加對分析解決方案的需求,以處理來自智能電錶的大量數據。
  • ConEd 和 Duke 等美國私營電力公司越來越多地使用智能電錶。 這意味著到 2021 年,美國公用事業公司將安裝約 1.11 億個先進(智能)計量基礎設施 (AMI),其中智能電錶已安裝,佔所有電錶安裝量的 69% 以上。佔據。

此外,印度政府的國家智能電錶倡議 (SMNP) 已表明一項政策,即到 2022 年 6 月將 2.5 億個舊電錶更換為新電錶。 這將提高能源消耗和監測的有效性,這將增加圓盤的年收入。 因此,每年可以生成更多數據。 2022年,中國公佈了一項投資擴張計劃,國家電網公司預算超過5000億元人民幣,重點關注特高壓項目、電網升級改造和電網數字化。 由於這些因素,預計該市場將在預測期內出現增長。



  • 在中國、日本和印度等國家/地區,人口增長推動了對住房基礎設施和電力使用的需求。 因此,支持智能電網使用的國家對電力的需求正在增加,這可能會為智能電網數據分析創造市場。
  • 智能城市的發展有望提高該地區的市場競爭力。 韓國已宣布計劃向近 300 家公司投資 3.5 億美元,以幫助在該國發展物聯網生態系統。 首爾東南部的一個城鎮已經開始試點,與Samsung電子和 SK 電訊合作安裝基於物聯網的可再生能源基礎設施。
  • 電力消耗在中國、印度和日本等國家/地區不斷增加,推動了對新政策的需求,以有效地創造、分配或消耗電力。 智能電網技術在中國、印度、日本、澳大利亞、韓國等地區國家得到廣泛應用。 國際能源署報告稱,在過去二十年中,東南亞的能源消耗平均每年增長約 3%。 按照目前的 STEPS 政策設置,這一趨勢預計將持續到 2030 年。
  • 隨著更多創新儲能技術的使用,亞太地區的智能電網市場將會增長。 亞太地區的能源公司現在越來越依賴智能電網技術和基礎設施的發展。 例如,2022 年 2 月,LITE-ON 和 NTU Singapore 合作實現更節能的智能電網和智能家居技術。 LITE-ON Singapore是台灣消費電子公司LITEON的子公司,專注於半導體的研發以及智能汽車和功率設備的開發。
  • 因此,上述所有因素都可能結合起來推動智能電網數據分析市場,進而在預測期內推動亞太地區的智能電網數據分析市場。


智能電網數據分析市場是一個分散且競爭激烈的市場。 隨著初創企業的出現,市場見證了競爭對手之間日益激烈的對抗,這些初創企業為不同的工業需求提供了廣泛的創新解決方案。 而且由於大公司是卓越績效的代名詞,它們有望獲得競爭優勢。 主要參與者包括 Siemens AG、Itron Inc.、IBM Corporation 等。

2022 年 12 月,Siemens宣布計劃在尼羅河三角洲的達米埃塔區交付 175,000 個智能電錶和先進的配電管理系統。 這份價值超過 4000 萬歐元(4200 萬美元)的訂單被授予北三角洲配電公司 (NDEDC),作為電網現代化和改進計劃的一部分。

2022 年 9 月,Itron 將把工業物聯網 (IIoT) 網絡解決方案與Samsung的 SmartThings 服務相結合,以改進分佈式能源管理 (DERMS)、減少碳足跡並吸引客戶。為公用事業提供訪問系統的途徑,增加 該合作夥伴關係將使用 SmartThings Energy 服務,通過 Itron 的分佈式智能 (DI) 網絡提供實時能源讀數和使用趨勢。 該公司聲稱,該網絡與數百萬個端點相連。


  • Excel 格式的市場預測 (ME) 表
  • 3 個月的分析師支持



  • 調查假設和市場定義
  • 本次調查的範圍


第 3 章執行摘要

第 4 章市場洞察

  • 市場概覽
  • 行業價值鏈分析
  • 行業吸引力 - 波特五力分析
    • 供應商的議價能力
    • 消費者的議價能力
    • 新進入者的威脅
    • 替代品的威脅
    • 競爭公司之間的敵對關係
  • 評估 COVID-19 對市場的影響

第 5 章市場動態

  • 市場驅動因素
    • 增加對智能電網項目的投資
    • 大量數據湧入
  • 市場挑戰
    • 智能電網系統成本高,缺乏熟練的專業人員
    • 監管問題、數據安全風險和技術要求可能會限制市場

第 6 章市場細分

  • 通過部署
    • 基於雲
    • 本地
  • 通過解決方案
    • 輸配電 (T&D)網絡
    • 計量
    • 客戶分析
  • 通過申請
    • 高級計量基礎設施分析
    • 需求響應分析
    • 網格優化分析
  • 按最終用戶行業
    • 私營公司(中小企業、大型公司)
    • 公共部門
  • 按地區
    • 北美
    • 歐洲
    • 亞太地區
    • 拉丁美洲
    • 中東和非洲


  • 公司簡介
    • Siemens AG
    • Itron Inc.
    • AutoGrid Systems Inc.
    • General Electric Company
    • IBM Corporation
    • SAP SE
    • Tantalus System Corporation
    • SAS Institute Inc.
    • Hitachi Ltd
    • Uplight Inc.
    • Landis & Gyr Group AG
    • Uptake Technologies Inc.
    • Schneider Electric SE
    • Oracle Corporation
    • Amdocs Corporation
    • Sensus USA Inc.(Xylem Inc.)



Product Code: 62367

During the time frame of the forecast, the smart grid data analytics market is expected to register a CAGR of 12.76%. The smart grid data analytics market is expected to develop at a faster rate during the projected period due to increased investment in smart grid initiatives. With the introduction of modern technologies such as IoT, players have been focusing on integrating smart grid solutions in a more significant way. Due to the continuing trend in data creation, power utility businesses are merging big data with billions more rows of new IoT and smart sensor data. Smart meter data can assist in more efficiently segmenting customers by providing a better understanding of their behavior.

Key Highlights

  • A big need for a smart grid data analytics market is likely to come from the growing need for electricity. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the world's electricity demand will rise by 5,900 terawatt-hours (TWh) in the Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS) and by over 7,000 TWh in the Announced Pledges Scenario (APS) by 2030. This is the same as adding the current demand in the United States and the European Union.
  • Moreover, organizations plan to invest in the expansion, modernization, and decentralization of the electricity infrastructure for improved resiliency. The infrastructure of the power grid has been getting more digitalized and connected over time, making it possible for important digital communications to flow reliably and safely. Across the Indian subcontinent, there have also been the beginnings of a number of projects that will help people with their electricity problems.
  • An enormous influx of data has been driving market growth. According to the IEEE, to enable being smart, a massive amount of data has been exchanged between grid components and the enterprise systems that manage these components. Based on the application, the information exchanged helps economically optimize the bidirectional power flow between a utility and its customers.
  • Furthermore, smart grids collect much more data than the manual energy meter reading system. This permits the use of data analysis techniques and the preparation of highly realistic consumption forecasts, as many more variables are taken into account. Therefore, the opportunities for smart grid analytics have been expanding because there has been an exponential increase in the amount of data available in order to develop analytical models.
  • However, the high costs of smart grid systems and the need for more skilled professionals have been restraining the market's growth. The most prominent limitation of smart metering is the availability of capital funding. Smart systems are comparatively more expensive than the standard metering equipment that most service providers and users employ. Furthermore, different smart meters have been designed with various parameters based on operational and consumer requirements, inhibiting the use of complicated equipment that needs skilled labor for handling and installation.
  • The COVID-19 epidemic hurt the world economy because it hurt a lot of businesses, especially in the electricity sector, and stopped work in a lot of other sectors. After COVID-19 broke out, the price of electricity went down, which hurt a lot of companies in the energy and power industries. Additionally, according to the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the utility sector was one of the 16 essential infrastructure sectors that the COVID-19 epidemic severely impacted.

Smart Grid Data Analytics Market Trends

Growing Investments in Smart Grid Projects

  • The global smart metering analytics market is expected to grow because more money is being spent on smart grids and more renewable energy sources are being added to existing grids. Also, R&D is being updated more in developed economies, which should help the market grow.
  • For instance, according to the IEA, in 2021, investments in smart meters in transmission and distribution electricity grids were valued at around USD 21.4 billion, a 13.8% rise in investments compared to the previous year, 2020. Such a significant rise in investments may indicate the growing need for digital infrastructure, thereby providing substantial profits to the vendors operating in the market.
  • The rate of installations in the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors has been going up because of how the government framework and policies are always changing.Several emerging nations, including China and the United States, have witnessed a high-scale deployment of smart meters, mainly due to the continuous support of their respective governments. The factors above are expected to drive the demand for analytic solutions to handle the vast data from these smart meters.
  • Smart meters are being used more and more by private utility companies in the United States, like ConEd and Duke.This is evident by the fact that, with smart meters deployed by utilities in the United States, about 111 million advanced (smart) metering infrastructure (AMI) installations were made in 2021, accounting for over 69% of all electric meter installations.

Additionally, the government of India's national initiative for smart meters (SMNP) intends to replace 250 million outdated meters with new ones in June 2022. It would improve the effectiveness of energy consumption and monitoring and enhance discoms' yearly income. This may result in the generation of more data per year. In 2022, China announced plans to increase investment, with the State Grid Corporation of China budgeting for more than CNY 500 billion and concentrating on ultra-high-voltage projects, upgrading the distribution network, and increasing levels of digitalization of its grids. Owing to these factors, the market studied is expected to witness growth during the forecast period.

Smart Grid Data Analytics Market - IMG1

Asia-Pacific to Witness the Significant Growth Rates

  • Two highly populated nations, namely India and China, significantly dominate the Asia-Pacific region.Rising populations in places like China, Japan, and India have increased the demand for residential infrastructure and electricity use. This has increased the demand for electricity in countries that support the use of smart grids, which may create a market for smart grid data analytics.
  • The growth of smart cities is anticipated to increase the region's market competencies. South Korea announced plans to invest USD 350 million in around 300 companies to help develop an IoT ecosystem within the country. A pilot is being launched in a town southeast of Seoul, in partnership with Samsung Electronics and SK Telecom, to set up IoT-based infrastructure for renewable energy.
  • Power consumption has increased in nations like China, India, and Japan, which has increased the demand for new policies to create, distribute, or consume electricity effectively. Smart grid technology is used a lot in China, India, Japan, Australia, South Korea, and other countries in the area.According to IEA reports, Southeast Asia's energy consumption has grown by around 3% annually over the last twenty years on average. This trend is expected to continue until 2030 with STEPS' current policy settings.
  • Because more innovative energy storage technologies are being used, the market for smart grids in APAC will grow.Energy companies in APAC nowadays are increasingly dependent on smart grid technologies and infrastructure development. For instance, in February 2022, LITE-ON and NTU Singapore collaborated to create a more energy-efficient smart grid and smart home technologies. LITE-ON Singapore is a subsidiary of the Taiwanese consumer electronics business LITEON, which focuses on semiconductor R&D as well as smart vehicle and power device development.
  • Therefore, all the above factors combined may fuel the smart grid data analytics market, which, in turn, may boost the smart grid data analytics market in the Asia-Pacific region during the forecast period.
Smart Grid Data Analytics Market - IMG2

Smart Grid Data Analytics Industry Overview

The smart grid data analytics market is fragmented and highly competitive in nature. Owing to the emergence of new startups offering a broad range of innovative solutions catering to diverse industry requirements, the market has been witnessing intensifying competitive rivalry. Also, as the major players have been considered synonymous with good performance, they are expected to have a competitive edge. Key players include Siemens AG, Itron Inc., and IBM Corporation, among others.

In December 2022, Siemens announced plans to provide 175,000 smart meters and an advanced distribution management system in the Damietta area of the Nile Delta. The order, valued at over EUR 40 million (USD 42 million), was given to the North Delta Electricity Distribution Company (NDEDC) as part of the grid modernization and improvement initiative.

In September 2022, Itron combined its Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) network solution with Samsung's SmartThings services to give utilities access to a system that improves distributed energy resource management (DERMS), cuts carbon emissions, and engages customers. The partnership will use the SmartThings Energy service to give real-time energy readings and usage trends using Itron's distributed intelligence (DI) network, which the business claims has millions of linked endpoints.

Additional Benefits:

  • The market estimate (ME) sheet in Excel format
  • 3 months of analyst support



  • 1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition
  • 1.2 Scope of the Study




  • 4.1 Market Overview
  • 4.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 4.3 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 4.3.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
    • 4.3.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
    • 4.3.3 Threat of New Entrants
    • 4.3.4 Threat of Substitute Products
    • 4.3.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.4 Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Market


  • 5.1 Market Drivers
    • 5.1.1 Growing Investments in Smart Grid Projects
    • 5.1.2 Enormous Influx of Data
  • 5.2 Market Challenges
    • 5.2.1 High Costs of Smart Grid Systems and Lack of Skilled Professionals
    • 5.2.2 Regulatory Issues, Data Security Risks, and Technical Requirements may Restrain the Market


  • 6.1 By Deployment
    • 6.1.1 Cloud-based
    • 6.1.2 On-premise
  • 6.2 By Solution
    • 6.2.1 Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Network
    • 6.2.2 Metering
    • 6.2.3 Customer Analytics
  • 6.3 By Application
    • 6.3.1 Advanced Metering Infrastructure Analysis
    • 6.3.2 Demand Response Analysis
    • 6.3.3 Grid Optimization Analysis
  • 6.4 By End-user Vertical
    • 6.4.1 Private Sector (SMEs and Large Enterprises)
    • 6.4.2 Public Sector
  • 6.5 Geography
    • 6.5.1 North America
    • 6.5.2 Europe
    • 6.5.3 Asia-Pacific
    • 6.5.4 Latin America
    • 6.5.5 Middle East & Africa


  • 7.1 Company Profiles
    • 7.1.1 Siemens AG
    • 7.1.2 Itron Inc.
    • 7.1.3 AutoGrid Systems Inc.
    • 7.1.4 General Electric Company
    • 7.1.5 IBM Corporation
    • 7.1.6 SAP SE
    • 7.1.7 Tantalus System Corporation
    • 7.1.8 SAS Institute Inc.
    • 7.1.9 Hitachi Ltd
    • 7.1.10 Uplight Inc.
    • 7.1.11 Landis & Gyr Group AG
    • 7.1.12 Uptake Technologies Inc.
    • 7.1.13 Schneider Electric SE
    • 7.1.14 Oracle Corporation
    • 7.1.15 Amdocs Corporation
    • 7.1.16 Sensus USA Inc. (Xylem Inc.)