
2024-2032 年按技術類型、臨床應用、最終用戶和地區分類的基於能量的治療市場報告

Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Report by Technology Type, Clinical Application, End-User, and Region 2024-2032

出版日期: | 出版商: IMARC | 英文 140 Pages | 商品交期: 2-3個工作天內


2023 年,全球能量療法市場規模達到 76 億美元。展望未來, IMARC Group預計到 2032 年,市場規模將達到 124 億美元,2024-2032 年複合年成長率 (CAGR) 為 5.5%。全球市場的主要促進因素包括技術的不斷進步、對非侵入性治療的需求不斷增加、慢性病患病率上升、醫療基礎設施不斷擴大、治療精度提高、支持性監管框架以及戰略行業合作的增加。



















第 2 章:範圍與方法

  • 研究目的
  • 利害關係人
  • 資料來源
    • 主要資源
    • 二手資料
  • 市場預測
    • 自下而上的方法
    • 自上而下的方法
  • 預測方法

第 3 章:執行摘要

第 4 章:簡介

  • 概述
  • 主要行業趨勢

第 5 章:全球能量治療市場

  • 市場概況
  • 市場業績
  • COVID-19 的影響
  • 市場區隔:依技術類型
  • 市場細分:按臨床應用
  • 市場區隔:按最終用戶
  • 市場區隔:按地區
  • 市場預測

第 6 章:市場區隔:依技術類型

  • 基於雷射
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 基於光
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 基於射頻
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 基於超音波
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 熱的
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 其他
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測

第 7 章:市場細分:依臨床應用

  • 美學的
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 外科
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 眼科
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測

第 8 章:市場區隔:依最終用戶

  • 醫院
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 診所
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 其他
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測

第 9 章:市場區隔:按地區

  • 北美洲
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 歐洲
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 亞太地區
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 中東和非洲
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測
  • 拉丁美洲
    • 市場走向
    • 市場預測

第 10 章:全球能源治療產業:SWOT 分析

  • 概述
  • 優勢
  • 弱點
  • 機會
  • 威脅

第 11 章:全球能源治療產業:價值鏈分析

第 12 章:全球能源治療產業:波特五力分析

  • 概述
  • 買家的議價能力
  • 供應商的議價能力
  • 競爭程度
  • 新進入者的威脅
  • 替代品的威脅

第 13 章:全球能源治療產業:價格分析


  • 市場結構
  • 關鍵參與者
  • 關鍵參與者簡介
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Lumenis
    • Syneron Medical
    • Abbott Medical Optics
    • Alcon
    • Alna Medical System
    • Angiodynamics
    • Atricure
    • Biolase
Product Code: SR112024A1211


The global energy-based therapeutics market size reached US$ 7.6 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 12.4 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.5% during 2024-2032. The global market is primarily driven by continual advancements in technology, increasing demand for non-invasive treatments, rising chronic disease prevalence, expanding healthcare infrastructure, enhanced treatment precision, supportive regulatory frameworks, and a rise in strategic industry collaborations.

Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Analysis:

Market Growth and Size: The global market is experiencing robust growth, driven by an increasing demand for both aesthetic and medical applications. It is a substantial and expanding market, with laser-based technology emerging as the largest segment.

Major Market Drivers: Key drivers of market growth include rapid technological advancements, a growing preference for non-invasive procedures, the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, government and regulatory support, and an aging population seeking advanced medical treatments.

Technological Advancements: Rapid technological advancements have led to the development of more efficient and effective therapeutic devices. Innovations such as minimally invasive laser therapies, precise targeting through imaging technologies, and the integration of AI and IoT have enhanced treatment efficacy and patient outcomes.

Industry Applications: The therapeutics market encompasses a wide range of clinical applications, including aesthetic, surgical, and ophthalmic. Aesthetic applications are the largest segment, driven by consumer demand for non-invasive cosmetic procedures.

Key Market Trends: Market trends include the increasing demand for non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments, the adoption of energy-based therapies in oncology and cardiology, and the continued growth of the industry due to the aging global population.

Geographical Trends: Geographically, the market exhibits global growth, with regional variations in the adoption of energy-based therapies. North America and Europe are prominent markets, while Asia-Pacific is showing substantial growth potential.

Competitive Landscape: The market features a competitive landscape with numerous companies offering a variety of energy-based devices and technologies. Competition is driven by innovations, regulatory approvals, and the ability to meet changing healthcare demands.

Challenges and Opportunities: Challenges in the market include regulatory compliance, safety concerns, and the need for continuous innovation. However, opportunities abound due to the increasing demand for energy-based therapies, especially in emerging markets, and the potential for further technological advancements.

Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Trends:

Continual technological advancements

Emerging innovations in this sector have led to the development of more efficient and effective therapeutic devices, which utilize various forms of energy such as laser, ultrasound, radiofrequency, and electromagnetic therapy. These advancements enhance the efficacy of treatments and reduce side effects, making the procedures more acceptable to patients. The introduction of minimally invasive laser therapies has revolutionized dermatological and cosmetic procedures. Furthermore, advancements in imaging technologies have enabled precise targeting during energy-based treatments, improving outcomes in cancer therapy, pain management, and other medical conditions. The integration of AI and IoT in these devices has further personalized treatment options, optimizing energy delivery tailored to individual patient needs.

Growing demand for non-invasive procedures

An increase in consumer preference for non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures is a key factor propelling the global market. These procedures, which often use energy-based devices, are favored due to their numerous benefits such as reduced recovery time, lower risk of infection, minimal scarring, and shorter hospital stays. This trend is particularly evident in cosmetic and aesthetic treatments, where patients seek effective solutions with minimal downtime. The demand is also rising in other medical fields, including oncology, gynecology, and cardiology, where energy-based therapies offer a non-invasive alternative to traditional surgeries. This shift is further supported by the aging population, who are more susceptible to chronic diseases and often prefer less invasive treatment options.

Rising prevalence of chronic diseases

The escalation in chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and various neurological conditions is a significant factor fueling the growth of the market. These conditions often require precise and targeted treatment approaches, for which energy-based therapies are increasingly being recognized. In oncology, energy-based treatments, including radiofrequency ablation and laser therapy are being used for tumor destruction, offering an alternative to conventional surgical procedures. In cardiovascular care, technologies such as catheter-based ablation are effective in treating arrhythmias. Additionally, the growing burden of chronic pain and the need for effective management solutions have led to the adoption of energy-based pain relief therapies. As the global population ages, the incidence of these chronic conditions is expected to rise, subsequently increasing the demand for energy-based therapeutic interventions.

Energy-Based Therapeutics Industry Segmentation:

IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the global and regional levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on technology type, clinical application, and end-user.

Breakup by Technology Type:

Laser Based

Light Based

Radiofrequency Based

Ultrasound Based



Laser based accounts for the majority of the market share

The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the technology type. This includes laser based, light based, radiofrequency based, ultrasound based, thermal, and others. According to the report, laser based represented the largest segment.

Laser-based energy therapy holds the dominant position in the market, due to its precision and versatility. This technology employs concentrated beams of light to target tissues, making it ideal for various medical applications, including dermatology, ophthalmology, and aesthetics. Laser-based therapies are widely adopted for skin resurfacing, tattoo removal, hair removal, and vision correction procedures. The high demand for these treatments, driven by cosmetic and medical needs, positions laser-based technology as the largest segment in the global therapeutics market.

Furthermore, light-based energy therapies, often referred to as intense pulsed light (IPL) or phototherapy, utilize visible and near-infrared light to target specific skin conditions. These therapies are particularly effective in addressing issues such as pigmentation irregularities, vascular lesions, and sun damage. They are widely employed in non-invasive cosmetic applications, contributing to the field of skin rejuvenation.

On the other hand, radiofrequency-based energy therapies rely on radio waves to generate controlled heat within the skin's tissues. This heat, in turn, stimulates collagen production, leading to skin tightening and wrinkle reduction. The non-invasive nature of radiofrequency technology makes it a valuable segment in the market, primarily within the field of aesthetic medicine.

Moreover, ultrasound-based energy therapies use focused ultrasound waves to target tissues deep within the body. This technology has gained prominence in the non-surgical body contouring and skin tightening market. It is particularly popular for addressing areas with stubborn fat deposits and loose skin. Patients appreciate ultrasound-based treatments for their non-invasive nature and minimal downtime compared to traditional surgical procedures.

Additionally, thermal-based energy therapies encompass a variety of techniques that involve controlled heating of tissues. These therapies are often utilized in pain management, particularly for addressing chronic pain conditions. They work by applying heat to specific areas to reduce pain and improve overall comfort. Thermal-based technology remains an essential part of the market, serving specific medical needs and improving the quality of life for patients with chronic pain.

Breakup by Clinical Application:




Aesthetic holds the largest share in the industry

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the clinical application have also been provided in the report. This includes aesthetic, surgical, and ophthalmic. According to the report, aesthetic accounted for the largest market share.

The aesthetic segment represents the largest portion of the market. Aesthetic applications encompass a wide range of treatments aimed at enhancing an individual's appearance and addressing cosmetic concerns. Energy-based therapies such as laser and light-based procedures are extensively used for skin rejuvenation, hair removal, tattoo removal, body contouring, and wrinkle reduction. The growing demand for non-invasive and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, driven by consumer desire for youthful and attractive aesthetics, positions this segment at the forefront of the market.

Moreover, the surgical segment of the market focuses on medical procedures that require precise and controlled energy-based tools. These applications include the treatment of various medical conditions, such as the removal of tumors through techniques, including radiofrequency ablation or the correction of refractive vision errors with laser-based eye surgeries. Surgical applications represent a substantial portion of the market, as energy-based therapies offer safer and more efficient alternatives to traditional surgical methods, reducing patient downtime and complications.

Additionally, ophthalmic applications involve the use of energy-based therapies for eye-related conditions and vision correction procedures. Laser-based technologies, such as LASIK have revolutionized the field of ophthalmology by providing precise and effective treatments for refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Ophthalmic applications, while a smaller segment compared to aesthetics and surgery.

Breakup by End-User:




Clinics represents the leading market segment

The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the end-user. This includes hospital, clinics, and others. According to the report, clinics represented the largest segment.

The clinics segment represents the largest portion of the market. Clinics, including dermatology clinics, medical spas, and specialized aesthetic centers, serve as key hubs for energy-based treatments, particularly in the aesthetic and cosmetic fields. Patients seeking non-invasive cosmetic procedures often prefer the convenience and accessibility of clinics, where they can receive treatments such as laser skin resurfacing, hair removal, and body contouring. Additionally, clinics are equipped with state-of-the-art energy-based devices and trained medical professionals, making them the go-to choice for a wide range of aesthetic and medical treatments.

On the other hand, hospitals offer a variety of energy-based treatments, they are more likely to focus on surgical and medical applications that require a higher level of expertise and infrastructure. Energy-based surgeries, such as those used in oncology or ophthalmology, often take place in hospital settings due to the need for specialized equipment and the involvement of surgical teams.

Breakup by Region:

North America


Asia Pacific

Middle East and Africa

Latin America

North America leads the market, accounting for the largest energy-based therapeutics market share

The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. According to the report, North America accounted for the largest market share.

North America stands as the largest segment in the market, primarily driven by the United States and Canada. The region boasts a well-established healthcare infrastructure, high healthcare expenditure, and a strong focus on technological advancements. These factors contribute to the widespread adoption of energy-based therapies in various clinical applications, including aesthetics, surgery, and ophthalmology. Additionally, a growing demand for non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures, coupled with a high awareness of cosmetic and medical treatments, propels the market's growth in North America.

Furthermore, the Asia Pacific region is a dynamic and rapidly growing segment in the energy-based therapeutics market. Countries, including China, Japan, South Korea, and India are witnessing substantial market expansion. The region's large population, increasing disposable income, and a burgeoning middle-class population with a strong interest in aesthetics contribute to the growing adoption of energy-based therapies.

Additionally, Europe represents another significant segment in the global market. Countries within the European Union, such as Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, are key contributors to the region's market share. Europe benefits from a well-regulated healthcare system and a mature aesthetic and medical services industry. The demand for energy-based treatments in aesthetic clinics and hospitals, along with the aging population seeking non-invasive procedures, sustains market expansion in this region.

On the contrary, Latin America is an emerging segment in the market, characterized by a growing awareness of cosmetic and medical treatments. Countries, such as Brazil and Mexico are prominent players in the region's market. The rising middle-class population and increasing healthcare investments are augmenting the adoption of energy-based therapies in this region, particularly in aesthetic applications.

Moreover, the Middle East and Africa form a developing segment within the market. Countries, such as the United Arab Emirates and South Africa are at the forefront of market growth in the region. The demand for aesthetic treatments and advanced medical procedures in these areas, driven by tourism, healthcare investments, and a desire for improved aesthetics, contributes to the expansion of the market in the Middle East and Africa.

Leading Key Players in the Energy-Based Therapeutics Industry:

Key players in the market are actively engaged in various strategic initiatives to maintain their competitive edge. These initiatives typically include research and development efforts to innovate and launch advanced energy-based devices with improved efficiency and safety profiles. They also focus on expanding their market presence through partnerships, collaborations, and acquisitions, allowing them to tap into new geographical markets and broaden their product portfolios. Additionally, key players prioritize regulatory compliance and work closely with regulatory agencies to gain approvals for their devices. Furthermore, they invest in marketing and educational campaigns to raise awareness about the benefits of energy-based therapies among healthcare professionals and patients, driving market adoption.

The market research report has provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the key players in the market include:

Johnson & Johnson


Syneron Medical

Abbott Medical Optics


Alna Medical System




(Please note that this is only a partial list of the key players, and the complete list is provided in the report.)

Latest News:

08 January 2024: BIOLASE enhances education offerings in 2024 due to increasing demand of dental laser courses throughout 2023.

15 August 2023: AngioDynamics Receives FDA Breakthrough Device Designation for the AngioVac System for the Non-Surgical Removal of Right Heart Vegetation. The FDA Breakthrough Device designation aims to expedite access to medical devices for patients facing life-threatening or debilitating diseases with no approved alternatives.

12 November 2021: Johnson & Johnson Announces Plans to Accelerate Innovation, Serve Patients and Consumers, and Unlock Value through Intent to Separate Consumer Health Business.

Key Questions Answered in This Report

  • 1. What was the size of the global energy-based therapeutics market in 2023?
  • 2. What is the expected growth rate of the global energy-based therapeutics market during 2024-2032?
  • 3. What are the key factors driving the global energy-based therapeutics market?
  • 4. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the global energy-based therapeutics market?
  • 5. What is the breakup of the global energy-based therapeutics market based on the technology type?
  • 6. What is the breakup of the global energy-based therapeutics market based on the clinical application?
  • 7. What is the breakup of the global energy-based therapeutics market based on the end-user?
  • 8. What are the key regions in the global energy-based therapeutics market?
  • 9. Who are the key players/companies in the global energy-based therapeutics market?

Table of Contents

1 Preface

2 Scope and Methodology

  • 2.1 Objectives of the Study
  • 2.2 Stakeholders
  • 2.3 Data Sources
    • 2.3.1 Primary Sources
    • 2.3.2 Secondary Sources
  • 2.4 Market Estimation
    • 2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach
    • 2.4.2 Top-Down Approach
  • 2.5 Forecasting Methodology

3 Executive Summary

4 Introduction

  • 4.1 Overview
  • 4.2 Key Industry Trends

5 Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Market

  • 5.1 Market Overview
  • 5.2 Market Performance
  • 5.3 Impact of COVID-19
  • 5.4 Market Breakup by Technology Type
  • 5.5 Market Breakup by Clinical Application
  • 5.6 Market Breakup by End-User
  • 5.7 Market Breakup by Region
  • 5.8 Market Forecast

6 Market Breakup by Technology Type

  • 6.1 Laser Based
    • 6.1.1 Market Trends
    • 6.1.2 Market Forecast
  • 6.2 Light Based
    • 6.2.1 Market Trends
    • 6.2.2 Market Forecast
  • 6.3 Radiofrequency Based
    • 6.3.1 Market Trends
    • 6.3.2 Market Forecast
  • 6.4 Ultrasound Based
    • 6.4.1 Market Trends
    • 6.4.2 Market Forecast
  • 6.5 Thermal
    • 6.5.1 Market Trends
    • 6.5.2 Market Forecast
  • 6.6 Others
    • 6.6.1 Market Trends
    • 6.6.2 Market Forecast

7 Market Breakup by Clinical Application

  • 7.1 Aesthetic
    • 7.1.1 Market Trends
    • 7.1.2 Market Forecast
  • 7.2 Surgical
    • 7.2.1 Market Trends
    • 7.2.2 Market Forecast
  • 7.3 Ophthalmic
    • 7.3.1 Market Trends
    • 7.3.2 Market Forecast

8 Market Breakup by End-User

  • 8.1 Hospital
    • 8.1.1 Market Trends
    • 8.1.2 Market Forecast
  • 8.2 Clinics
    • 8.2.1 Market Trends
    • 8.2.2 Market Forecast
  • 8.3 Others
    • 8.3.1 Market Trends
    • 8.3.2 Market Forecast

9 Market Breakup by Region

  • 9.1 North America
    • 9.1.1 Market Trends
    • 9.1.2 Market Forecast
  • 9.2 Europe
    • 9.2.1 Market Trends
    • 9.2.2 Market Forecast
  • 9.3 Asia Pacific
    • 9.3.1 Market Trends
    • 9.3.2 Market Forecast
  • 9.4 Middle East and Africa
    • 9.4.1 Market Trends
    • 9.4.2 Market Forecast
  • 9.5 Latin America
    • 9.5.1 Market Trends
    • 9.5.2 Market Forecast

10 Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Industry: SWOT Analysis

  • 10.1 Overview
  • 10.2 Strengths
  • 10.3 Weaknesses
  • 10.4 Opportunities
  • 10.5 Threats

11 Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Industry: Value Chain Analysis

12 Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Industry: Porters Five Forces Analysis

  • 12.1 Overview
  • 12.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
  • 12.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
  • 12.4 Degree of Competition
  • 12.5 Threat of New Entrants
  • 12.6 Threat of Substitutes

13 Global Energy-Based Therapeutics Industry: Price Analysis

14 Competitive Landscape

  • 14.1 Market Structure
  • 14.2 Key Players
  • 14.3 Profiles of Key Players
    • 14.3.1 Johnson & Johnson
    • 14.3.2 Lumenis
    • 14.3.3 Syneron Medical
    • 14.3.4 Abbott Medical Optics
    • 14.3.5 Alcon
    • 14.3.6 Alna Medical System
    • 14.3.7 Angiodynamics
    • 14.3.8 Atricure
    • 14.3.9 Biolase

List of Figures

  • Figure 1: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market: Major Drivers and Challenges
  • Figure 2: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market: Sales Value (in Billion US$), 2018-2023
  • Figure 3: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market: Breakup by Technology Type (in %), 2023
  • Figure 4: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market: Breakup by Clinical Application (in %), 2023
  • Figure 5: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market: Breakup by End-User (in %), 2023
  • Figure 6: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2023
  • Figure 7: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Billion US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 8: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Industry: SWOT Analysis
  • Figure 9: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Industry: Value Chain Analysis
  • Figure 10: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Industry: Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • Figure 11: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Laser Based) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 12: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Laser Based) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 13: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Light Based) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 14: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Light Based) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 15: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Radiofrequency Based) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 16: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Radiofrequency Based) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 17: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Ultrasound Based) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 18: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Ultrasound Based) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 19: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Thermal) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 20: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Thermal) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 21: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Others) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 22: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Others) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 23: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Aesthetic) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 24: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Aesthetic) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 25: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Surgical) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 26: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Surgical) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 27: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Ophthalmic) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 28: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Ophthalmic) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 29: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Hospital) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 30: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Hospital) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 31: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Clinics) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 32: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Clinics) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 33: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Others) Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 34: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics (Others) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 35: North America: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market: Sales Value (In Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 36: North America: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 37: Europe: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 38: Europe: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 39: Asia Pacific: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 40: Asia Pacific: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 41: Middle East and Africa: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 42: Middle East and Africa: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Figure 43: Latin America: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2018 & 2023
  • Figure 44: Latin America: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million US$), 2024-2032

List of Tables

  • Table 1: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2023 and 2032
  • Table 2: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Forecast: Breakup by Technology Type (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Table 3: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Forecast: Breakup by Clinical Application (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Table 4: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Forecast: Breakup by End-User (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Table 5: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Forecast: Breakup by Region (in Million US$), 2024-2032
  • Table 6: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market Structure
  • Table 7: Global: Energy-Based Therapeutics Market: Key Players