全球風力發電資產所有權狀況 (2023年)

全球風力發電資產所有權狀況 (2023年)

Global Wind Power Asset Ownership 2023

出版日期: | 出版商: Wood Mackenzie - Power & Renewables | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內



本報告詳區隔析了全球風力發電資產的所有權狀況(截至2022年底)。它還包括超過 75 家擁有風能資產的主要公司的摘要。分析範圍包括全球前 25 名風電資產所有者、全球前 25 名離岸風電資產所有者以及前 15 名區域風電資產所有者。此外,我們分析了產業最新的資產擁有趨勢和需求方趨勢,並考慮其對全球風電市場的影響。數據包括公司、成立國家、地區、投資組合重點、累積風電資產(2013-2022)、每年新增產能、風電資產足跡、母公司及子公司資訊。

Product Code: 150161359

Report Summary:

Our ‘Global wind power asset ownership 2023’ report provides in-depth global analysis of wind power asset ownership to end of 2022. It includes a global overview of more than 75 key companies that own wind power assets. It covers the top 25 global overall wind asset owners, the top 25 global offshore wind asset owners, and the top 15 wind asset owners in each region. We analyze the industry's latest asset ownership and demand-side trends and provide insight into the implications for the global wind power market. Data includes company, country of origin, region, portfolio focus, cumulative wind power assets in 2013-2022, annual capacity additions in each year, and footprints of wind power assets, as well as parent and subsidiary information.