C&I PPA的歐洲形勢:2022年

C&I PPA的歐洲形勢:2022年

Europe C&I PPA Landscape 2022

出版日期: | 出版商: Wood Mackenzie - Power & Renewables | 英文 | 商品交期: 最快1-2個工作天內


本報告提供歐洲的與陸上風力發電太陽能光伏發電技術中C&I PPA趨勢分析。由於電力價格的上升與ESG必要條件,許多商業、工業企業,為了對沖近期的波動並使其運營脫碳化,簽訂了跟開發業者的PPA契約。實際上,與2020年的7.4GW相比,2021年總共簽署了10.6GW的C&I PPA。金屬、礦業企業佔容量可觀的比例,而西班牙由於其成熟度而仍然是PPA採購最活躍的地區無補貼的市場和有利的資源。在開發業者方面,批發價格和LCOE的上升也導致PPA價格的上升。


Report Summary:

This report analyses C&I PPA trends across onshore wind and solar technologies in Europe. Rising power prices and ESG requirements are pushing many commercial and industrial players to sign PPA deals with developers, as they look to hedge against recent volatility and decarbonise their operations. Indeed, a total of 10.6 GW of C&I PPAs were signed in 2021, compared to 7.4 GW in 2020. Metals and mining companies have accounted for a significant share of recent capacity, while Spain remains the most active region for PPA procurement due to its mature subsidy-free market and favourable resources. On the developer side, the rise in wholesale rates and LCOEs is also leading to increases in PPA pricing.